381 research outputs found

    Formal and Executable Specification of Random Waypoint Mobility Model Using Timed Coloured Petri Nets for WMN

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    The wireless mesh network (WMN) is an emerging and cost-effective alternative paradigm for the next generation wireless networks in many diverse applications. In the performance evaluation of routing protocol for the WMN, it is essential that it should be evaluated under realistic conditions. The usefulness of specific mobility protocol can be determined by selection of mobility model. This paper introduces a coloured Petri nets (CP-nets) based formal model for implementation, simulation, and analysis of most widely used random waypoint (RWP) mobility model for WMNs. The formal semantics of hierarchical timed CP-nets allow us to investigate the terminating behavior of the transitions using state space analysis techniques. The proposed implementation improves the RWP mobility model by removing the “border effect” and resolves the “speed decay” problem

    A novel approach to emergency management of wireless telecommunication system

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    The survivability concerns the service continuity when the components of a system are damaged. This concept is especially useful in the emergency management of the system, as often emergencies involve accidents or incident disasters which more or less damage the system. The overall objective of this thesis study is to develop a quantitative management approach to the emergency management of a wireless cellular telecommunication system in light of its service continuity in emergency situations – namely the survivability of the system. A particular wireless cellular telecommunication system, WCDMA, is taken as an example to ground this research.The thesis proposes an ontology-based paradigm for service management such that the management system contains three models: (1) the work domain model, (2) the dynamic model, and (3) the reconfiguration model. A powerful work domain modeling tool called Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) is employed for developing the work domain model of the WCDMA system. Petri-Net theory, as well as its formalization, is applied to develop the dynamic model of the WCDMA system. A concept in engineering design called the general and specific function concept is applied to develop a new approach to system reconfiguration for the high survivability of the system. These models are implemented along with a user-interface which can be used by emergency management personnel. A demonstration of the effectiveness of this study approach is included.There are a couple of contributions with this thesis study. First, the proposed approach can be added to contemporary telecommunication management systems. Second, the Petri Net model of the WCDMA system is more comprehensive than any dynamic model of the telecommunication systems in literature. Furthermore, this model can be extended to any other telecommunication system. Third, the proposed system reconfiguration approach, based on the general and specific function concept, offers a unique way for the survivability of any service provider system.In conclusion, the ontology-based paradigm for a service system management provides a total solution to service continuity as well as its emergency management. This paradigm makes the complex mathematical modeling of the system transparent to the manager or managerial personnel and provides a feasible scenario of the human-in-the-loop management

    Analysis and Design of Protocols for Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Communication in mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) without having any fixed infrastructure has drawn much attention for research. The infrastructure based cellular architecture sets up base stations to support the node mobility. Thus, mapping the concepts of base stations into MANET could meet its challenges like limited battery power, scalability, available band width etc..This leads to the design of logical clusters, where the cluster heads in every cluster play the role of base station. The cluster heads also form the virtual back bone for routing the packets in the network. In this thesis, simulation based survey has been made to study the strengths and weaknesses of existing algorithms that motivated for the design of energy efficient clustering in MANET. Neighbour Detection Protocol (NDP) has been designed to help the nodes to probe their immediate neighbours. In this protocol, every node broadcasts its own information to the network, so that it is received by a node that lies within its transmission range. The receiver senses its neighbours and updates its neighbour table from time to time. This protocol is validated through simulation by using Colour Petri Nets (CPN) prior to its implementation. Topology Adaptive Clustering Algorithm (TACA) has been proposed, that uses the node mobility and its available battery power for calculating the node weights. A node having the highest weight among its immediate neighbours declares itself as the volunteeer cluster head. As the current head consumes its battery power beyond a threshold, non-volunteer cluster heads are selected locally. The algorithm aims to utilise the battery power in a fairly distributed manner so that the total network life time is enhanced with reduced cluster maintenance overhead. During the process of clustering, some isolated heads without having any members are formed. This increases the delay in communication as the number of hops in the routing back bone is increased. A ransmissiion Range Adjustment Protocol (TRAP) has been proposed, that allows the isolated nodes to adjust their ranges to remain connected with existing cluster heads. The results show that, TRAP reduces the delay in communication by reducing the number of cluster heads in the network. Validation for the base protocol NDP and algorithm TACA are made through simulation by using the CPN tools. Each of the proposed work is evaluated separately to analyse their performances and compared with the competent results

    Modeling of AODV routing protocol using timed petri nets

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    The growth of interest and research on wireless networks is exponentially in recent years. In a Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET), wireless transmission takes place where one mobile node can send messages directly to other mobile node. One of the reactive protocol (the protocol which creates route in an on-demand basis) defined for MANETs is AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) routing protocol. The node movement in the dynamic environment causes frequent topology changes in the network. Thus it is very much necessary for every node in the network to keep track of change so that an efficient packet transmission can be done. In this thesis, the delay associated with a packet is calculated in MATLAB as well as in CPN tools and a comparison is made between them. Implementation in CPN tools requires time values to be incorporated amongst the states (i.e. places and transitions) which indicates the delay taken by a router or delay associated over a link or it may be delay due to queuing of packet. This value can be extracted for a particular route and delay value associated with it can be obtained. We have assumed that all the nodes have sufficient energy while participating in the routing process

    Quality of Service (QoS) in Healthcare Applications: Colored Petri Net Simulation for Design of Heterogeneous, Multi-Vendor, Integrated, Life-Critical Wireless (802.x) Patient Care Device Networks

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    ABSTRACT The ability to deploy wireless patient monitors using industry-standard IEEE 802.x technologies allows patient mobility and clinical flexibly. However, interconnecting multiple life-critical medical devices from multiple vendors can introduce unintended life-threatening risks unless delivery of critical patient alarms to central monitoring systems and/or clinical personnel is assured. Petri net tools allow automated testing of all possible states and transitions between devices and/or systems to detect potential failure modes in advance. Colored Petri Net (CPN) tools allow tracking and controlling each message in a network based on pre-selected criteria. This paper describes a research project using CPN to simulate and validate alarm integrity in a small multi-modality wireless patient monitoring system. Free research CPN software, CPNTool, is used to simulate two, 20-monitor wireless patient monitoring networks. One network simulated standard nonprioritized 802.x IP protocols and simulated Quality of Service (QoS) capabilities similar to 802.11e, allowing message priority management. In the standard 802.x network, dangerous heart arrhythmia and pulse oximetry alarms were missed, but QoS priority management reduced that risk significantly

    Modeling and performance analysis of AODV routing protocol using coloured petri nets

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    The growth of interest in mobile ad-hoc networks is increasing exponentially. In a Mobile Ad hoc Network(MANET), wireless transmissions can happen in such a way that mobile nodes can send messages directly to one another through wireless links. The protocols which establish their routes dynamically on demand are called reactive protocols. One of the such reactive protocols defined for MANETs is AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) routing protocol. Since the nodes are mobile in nature, the topology of the network does not remain constant, it keeps on changing frequently. Thus it is very much necessary for every node in the network to keep track of change so that an efficient packet transmission can be done. In this thesis, AODV is modeled using Coloured Petri nets, various performance measures like workload, number of packets sent and received, efficiency of the protocol are evaluated using monitors. The same routing protocol is again simulated using well known NS2 tool. The results of the modeled CPN are compared with NS2 simulator output. We have assumed that all the nodes have sufficient energy while participating in the routing process

    A Neural Radiance Field-Based Architecture for Intelligent Multilayered View Synthesis

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    A mobile ad hoc network is made up of a number of wireless portable nodes that spontaneously come together en route for establish a transitory network with no need for any central management. A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is made up of a sizable and reasonably dense community of mobile nodes that travel across any terrain and rely solely on wireless interfaces for communication, not on any well before centralized management. Furthermore, routing be supposed to offer a method for instantly delivering data across a network between any two nodes. Finding the best packet routing from across infrastructure is the major issue, though. The proposed protocol's major goal is to identify the least-expensive nominal capacity acquisition that assures the transportation of realistic transport that ensures its durability in the event of any node failure. This study suggests the Optimized Route Selection via Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA) Strategy as a way to improve on-demand source routing systems. Predicting Route Failure and energy Utilization is used to pick the path during the routing phase. Proposed work assess the results of the comparisons based on performance parameters like as energy usage, packet delivery rate (PDR), and end-to-end (E2E) delay. The outcome demonstrates that the proposed strategy is preferable and increases network lifetime while lowering node energy consumption and typical E2E delay under the majority of network performance measures and factors

    Eighth Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, Aarhus, Denmark, October 22-24, 2007

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, October 22-24, 2007. The workshop is organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The papers are also available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop0

    Code Generation from Pragmatics Annotated Coloured Petri Nets

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