7 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modelling of Translation and Rotation Movement in Quad Tiltrotor

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    Quadrotor as one type of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is an underactuated mechanical system. It means that the system has some control inputs is lower than its DOF (Degrees of Freedom). This condition causes quadrotor to have limited mobility because of its inherent under actuation, namely, the availability of four independent control signals (four-speed rotating propellers) versus 6 degrees of freedom parameterizing quadrotor position or orientation in space. If a quadrotor is made to have 6 DOF, a full motion control system to optimize the flight will be different from before. So it becomes necessary to develop over actuated quad tiltrotor. Quad tiltrotor has control signals more than its DOF. Therefore, we can refer it to the overactuated system. We need a good control system to fly the quad tiltrotor. Good control systems can be designed using the model of the quad tiltrotor system. We can create quad tiltrotor model using its dynamics based on Newton-Euler approach. After we have a set of model, we can simulate the control system using some control method. There are several control methods that we can use in the quad tiltrotor flight system. However, we can improve the control by implementing a modern control system that uses the concept of state space. The simulations show that the quad tiltrotor has done successful translational motion without significant interference. Also, undesirable rotation movement in the quad tiltrotor flight when performing the translational motions resulting from the transition process associated with the tilt rotor change was successfully reduced below 1 degree

    Design, Modeling, and Geometric Control on SE(3) of a Fully-Actuated Hexarotor for Aerial Interaction

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    In this work we present the optimization-based design and control of a fully-actuated omnidirectional hexarotor. The tilt angles of the propellers are designed by maximizing the control wrench applied by the propellers. This maximizes (a) the agility of the UAV, (b) the maximum payload the UAV can hover with at any orientation, and (c) the interaction wrench that the UAV can apply to the environment in physical contact. It is shown that only axial tilting of the propellers with respect to the UAV's body yields optimal results. Unlike the conventional hexarotor, the proposed hexarotor can generate at least 1.9 times the maximum thrust of one rotor in any direction, in addition to the higher control torque around the vehicle's upward axis. A geometric controller on SE(3) is proposed for the trajectory tracking problem for the class of fully actuated UAVs. The proposed controller avoids singularities and complexities that arise when using local parametrizations, in addition to being invariant to a change of inertial coordinate frame. The performance of the controller is validated in simulation.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, ICRA201

    Modelado y control de un hexarotor de hélices no coplanarias

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo fin de grado es el estudio de la configuración de rotores inclinados en un hexarotor, así como su comparación con la configuración convencional de rotores coplanarios. Para llevar a cabo este estudio, se comienza con la obtención del modelo del sistema, el cual es necesario para realizar simulaciones. En este punto se comienza a observar las primeras diferencias con la configuración de rotores coplanarios. Obtenido el modelo del sistema, se llevan a cabo diferentes simulaciones, en las que se prueban diferentes controladores y se comparan entre sí las respuestas obtenidas. Así mismo, se compara la respuesta del hexarotor con rotores coplanarios. A continuación, se realiza un breve estudio del efecto suelo, así como los diferentes modelos que se puede usar para tenerlo en cuenta. Elegido un modelo del efecto suelo, se realizan simulaciones teniendo en cuenta el efecto suelo. En la última parte del proyecto, se lleva a cabo el diseño y montaje del hexarotor de hélices coplanarias. Para ello, se eligen los componentes y se lleva a cabo el diseño de las piezas necesarias para rotar los rotores.The main objective of this End-of-Degree Project is the study of a hexarotor UAV with tilted propellers, as well as its comparison with its standard configuration. To carry out the study, we start obtaining the system model, which is necessary to simulate the system. At this point, we can observe the first differences with the standard configuration. Oncewe have obtained themodel of the system, we performdifferent simulations, in which different controllers are tested and the obtained responses are compared. Moreover, we compare the response of the standard configuration with the tilted propellers configuration. Then, we carry out a brief study of ground effect and the different models we can use to consider it. Once we have chosen a ground effect model, we perform simulations where we consider the ground effect. Finally,we design and assemble the hexarotorUAVwith tilted propellers. To do this,we choose the components and we design the necessary piece for tilting the rotors.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriale

    Six-Motor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design Performance

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    The topic of this thesis is on the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Due to the growth of interests in this kind of equipment in different fields, the various features are under investigation. The specific type of UAV considered in this study is the multi-rotor drone. Basically, the kinematics and dynamics of the system are both reviewed in details within the fundamental concepts of this vehicle. The main focus of the thesis is enhancing the performance of the quadrotor, mainly the forward speed. This vehicle is able to hover at any step of the flight and fast flight in forwarding direction. The Newton-Euler equations are used to model the quadrotor. Different strategies for adding rotor in the x-direction are studied to make changes in the quadrotor to be able to fly fast in forwarding direction. The six-motor design is considered to cover all the requirements. This design is mathematically studied by using the Newton-Euler formulations. The dynamic model of six-motor design is developed based on existent models for UAVs. Also, wind tunnel tests were carried out with the objective of extracting the aerodynamic forces. The quadrotor and one motor with its propeller are examined at different angles of installation. The results from the wind tunnel experiments are used in the simulation models. The quadrotor and the six-motor UAV are both modeled and solved with MATLAB-Simulink. PID control is used for modeling the vehicles. The results of the simulations are compared. The performance of the quadrotor and six-motor UAV design is similar to the four-rotor drone under the hovering conditions

    飛行ロボットにおける人間・ロボットインタラクションの実現に向けて : ユーザー同伴モデルとセンシングインターフェース

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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学准教授 矢入 健久, 東京大学教授 堀 浩一, 東京大学教授 岩崎 晃, 東京大学教授 土屋 武司, 東京理科大学教授 溝口 博University of Tokyo(東京大学