21 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Multi-task Learning for Human Pose Estimation with Deep Convolutional Neural Network

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    We propose an heterogeneous multi-task learning framework for human pose estimation from monocular image with deep convolutional neural network. In particular, we simultaneously learn a pose-joint regressor and a sliding-window body-part detector in a deep network architecture. We show that including the body-part detection task helps to regularize the network, directing it to converge to a good solution. We report competitive and state-of-art results on several data sets. We also empirically show that the learned neurons in the middle layer of our network are tuned to localized body parts

    Deep Patient Representation of Clinical Notes via Multi-Task Learning for Mortality Prediction.

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    We propose a deep learning-based multi-task learning (MTL) architecture focusing on patient mortality predictions from clinical notes. The MTL framework enables the model to learn a patient representation that generalizes to a variety of clinical prediction tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate how MTL enables small but consistent gains on a single classification task (e.g., in-hospital mortality prediction) simply by incorporating related tasks (e.g., 30-day and 1-year mortality prediction) into the MTL framework. To accomplish this, we utilize a multi-level Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) associated with a MTL loss component. The model is evaluated with 3, 5, and 20 tasks and is consistently able to produce a higher-performing model than a single-task learning (STL) classifier. We further discuss the effect of the multi-task model on other clinical outcomes of interest, including being able to produce high-quality representations that can be utilized to great effect by simpler models. Overall, this study demonstrates the efficiency and generalizability of MTL across tasks that STL fails to leverage

    Learning Task Relatedness in Multi-Task Learning for Images in Context

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    Multimedia applications often require concurrent solutions to multiple tasks. These tasks hold clues to each-others solutions, however as these relations can be complex this remains a rarely utilized property. When task relations are explicitly defined based on domain knowledge multi-task learning (MTL) offers such concurrent solutions, while exploiting relatedness between multiple tasks performed over the same dataset. In most cases however, this relatedness is not explicitly defined and the domain expert knowledge that defines it is not available. To address this issue, we introduce Selective Sharing, a method that learns the inter-task relatedness from secondary latent features while the model trains. Using this insight, we can automatically group tasks and allow them to share knowledge in a mutually beneficial way. We support our method with experiments on 5 datasets in classification, regression, and ranking tasks and compare to strong baselines and state-of-the-art approaches showing a consistent improvement in terms of accuracy and parameter counts. In addition, we perform an activation region analysis showing how Selective Sharing affects the learned representation.Comment: To appear in ICMR 2019 (Oral + Lightning Talk + Poster

    Sparse multitask regression for identifying common mechanism of response to therapeutic targets

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    Motivation: Molecular association of phenotypic responses is an important step in hypothesis generation and for initiating design of new experiments. Current practices for associating gene expression data with multidimensional phenotypic data are typically (i) performed one-to-one, i.e. each gene is examined independently with a phenotypic index and (ii) tested with one stress condition at a time, i.e. different perturbations are analyzed separately. As a result, the complex coordination among the genes responsible for a phenotypic profile is potentially lost. More importantly, univariate analysis can potentially hide new insights into common mechanism of response

    Identifying disease sensitive and quantitative trait-relevant biomarkers from multidimensional heterogeneous imaging genetics data via sparse multimodal multitask learning

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    Motivation: Recent advances in brain imaging and high-throughput genotyping techniques enable new approaches to study the influence of genetic and anatomical variations on brain functions and disorders. Traditional association studies typically perform independent and pairwise analysis among neuroimaging measures, cognitive scores and disease status, and ignore the important underlying interacting relationships between these units