352 research outputs found

    Dissipative Transport: Thermal Contacts and Tunnelling Junctions

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    The general theory of simple transport processes between quantum mechanical reservoirs is reviewed and extended. We focus on thermoelectric phenomena, involving exchange of energy and particles. Entropy production and Onsager relations are relevant thermodynamic notions which are shown to emerge from the microscopic description. The theory is illustrated on the example of two reservoirs of free fermions coupled through a local interaction. We construct a stationary state and determine energy- and particle currents with the help of a convergent perturbation series. We explicitly calculate several interesting quantities to lowest order, such as the entropy production, the resistance, and the heat conductivity. Convergence of the perturbation series allows us to prove that they are strictly positive under suitable assumptions on the interaction between the reservoirs.Comment: 55 pages; 2 figure

    Analysis of enhanced diffusion in Taylor dispersion via a model problem

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    We consider a simple model of the evolution of the concentration of a tracer, subject to a background shear flow by a fluid with viscosity ν≪1\nu \ll 1 in an infinite channel. Taylor observed in the 1950's that, in such a setting, the tracer diffuses at a rate proportional to 1/ν1/\nu, rather than the expected rate proportional to ν\nu. We provide a mathematical explanation for this enhanced diffusion using a combination of Fourier analysis and center manifold theory. More precisely, we show that, while the high modes of the concentration decay exponentially, the low modes decay algebraically, but at an enhanced rate. Moreover, the behavior of the low modes is governed by finite-dimensional dynamics on an appropriate center manifold, which corresponds exactly to diffusion by a fluid with viscosity proportional to 1/ν1/\nu

    Skew-orthogonal polynomials in the complex plane and their Bergman-like kernels

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    Non-Hermitian random matrices with symplectic symmetry provide examples for Pfaffian point processes in the complex plane. These point processes are characterised by a matrix valued kernel of skew-orthogonal polynomials. We develop their theory in providing an explicit construction of skew-orthogonal polynomials in terms of orthogonal polynomials that satisfy a three-term recurrence relation, for general weight functions in the complex plane. New examples for symplectic ensembles are provided, based on recent developments in orthogonal polynomials on planar domains or curves in the complex plane. Furthermore, Bergman-like kernels of skew-orthogonal Hermite and Laguerre polynomials are derived, from which the conjectured universality of the elliptic symplectic Ginibre ensemble and its chiral partner follow in the limit of strong non-Hermiticity at the origin. A Christoffel perturbation of skew-orthogonal polynomials as it appears in applications to quantum field theory is provided.Comment: 33 pages; v2: uniqueness of odd polynomials clarified, minor correction

    On the convergence of multi-level Hermite-Padé approximants for a class of meromorphic functions

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    The present paper deals with the convergence properties of multi-level Hermite-Padé approximants for a class of meromorphic functions given by rational perturbations with real coefficients of a Nikishin system of functions, and study the zero location of the corresponding multiple orthogonal polynomials
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