67 research outputs found

    Definable henselian valuations

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    In this note we investigate the question whether a henselian valued field carries a non-trivial 0-definable henselian valuation (in the language of rings). It follows from the work of Prestel and Ziegler that there are henselian valued fields which do not admit a 0-definable non-trivial henselian valuation. We give conditions on the residue field which ensure the existence of a parameter-free definiton. In particular, we show that a henselian valued field admits a non-trivial 0-definable valuation when the residue field is separably closed or sufficiently non-henselian, or when the absolute Galois group of the (residue) field is non-universal.Comment: 14 pages, revised versio

    Model theory of finite-by-Presburger Abelian groups and finite extensions of pp-adic fields

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    We define a class of pre-ordered abelian groups that we call finite-by-Presburger groups, and prove that their theory is model-complete. We show that certain quotients of the multiplicative group of a local field of characteristic zero are finite-by-Presburger and interpret the higher residue rings of the local field. We apply these results to give a new proof of the model completeness in the ring language of a local field of characteristic zero (a result that follows also from work of Prestel-Roquette)

    Henselianity in the language of rings

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    We consider four properties of a field K related to the existence of (de-finable) henselian valuations on K and on elementarily equivalent fields and study the implications between them. Surprisingly, the full pictures look very different in equichar- acteristic and mixed characteristic

    Monotone TT-convex TT-differential fields

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    Let TT be a complete, model complete o-minimal theory extending the theory of real closed ordered fields and assume that TT is power bounded. Let KK be a model of TT equipped with a TT-convex valuation ring O\mathcal{O} and a TT-derivation ∂\partial such that ∂\partial is monotone, i.e., weakly contractive with respect to the valuation induced by O\mathcal{O}. We show that the theory of monotone TT-convex TT-differential fields, i.e., the common theory of such KK, has a model completion, which is complete and distal. Among the axioms of this model completion, we isolate an analogue of henselianity that we call T∂T^{\partial}-henselianity. We establish an Ax--Kochen/Ershov theorem and further results for monotone TT-convex TT-differential fields that are T∂T^{\partial}-henselian.Comment: 26 page
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