2 research outputs found

    HelpMe!: a Serious Game for Rehabilitation of Children affected by CVI

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    CVI (Cerebral Visual Impairment) is the leading cause of visual impairment in the United States and the Western Europe. Due to the high number of different inabilities that children could have when affected by CVI, it is crucial for the rehabilitation process to start from a good assessment, especially at early ages. In this paper we present HelpMe!, a serious game to improve the rehabilitation process for these children with a system able to adapt the exercises to each particular child and to his/her improvements. The system integrates an eye tracker system to correctly measure the performances of the child and his/her capability to watch and touch a moving object at the same time

    Avaliação experimental de sistemas de rastreamento ocular do ponto de vista de ações de apontamento e seleção: um estudo de caso.

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    O objetivo geral desta dissertação é comparar a usabilidade de dois rastreadores oculares de domínio público (os quais utilizam apenas a imagem capturada por uma webcam convencional) e um rastreador comercial de baixo custo, o Tobii EyeX Controller, dotado de múltiplas câmeras dedicadas, durante a realização de tarefas de apontamento e seleção em um computador desktop. Esta pesquisa tem os seguintes objetivos específicos: (1) adaptar parcialmente a abordagem de avaliação proposta por Queiroz (2001) ao contexto de tarefas de apontamento e seleção via rastreamento ocular; (2) confrontar a natureza das falhas identificadas a partir de indicadores da usabilidade de rastreadores oculares; e (3) verificar quais dos identificadores de desempenho dos rastreadores oculares confrontados influenciam positivamente a satisfação subjetiva do usuário. Concluiu-se que os indicadores de eficiência apresentaram resultados satisfatórios para os rastreadores de domínio público. Concluiu-se também que o indicador da satisfação subjetiva do usuário exibiu os melhores escores para os rastreadores de domínio público.The main objective of this dissertation is to compare the usability of two eyetrackers of the public domain (which use only the image captured by a conventional webcam), and a low-cost commercial eye tracker, the Tobii EyeX Controller, equipped with multiple dedicated cameras, during pick-and-click tasks on a desktop computer. This research has the following specific objectives: (1) to adjust partially the evaluation approach proposed by Queiroz (2001) to the context of pointing and selection tasks via eye-tracking; (2) to compare the nature of the problems identified from usability indicators of eye trackers; and (3) to determine which performance indicators of the confronted eye trackers positively impact on the subjective user satisfaction. It was concluded that the chosen efficiency indicators have shown satisfactory results for public domain eye tracker solutions. It was also concluded that the subjective user satisfaction indicator has shown best scores for public domain eye tracker solutions