217 research outputs found

    GREEK-BERT: The Greeks visiting Sesame Street

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    Transformer-based language models, such as BERT and its variants, have achieved state-of-the-art performance in several downstream natural language processing (NLP) tasks on generic benchmark datasets (e.g., GLUE, SQUAD, RACE). However, these models have mostly been applied to the resource-rich English language. In this paper, we present GREEK-BERT, a monolingual BERT-based language model for modern Greek. We evaluate its performance in three NLP tasks, i.e., part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, and natural language inference, obtaining state-of-the-art performance. Interestingly, in two of the benchmarks GREEK-BERT outperforms two multilingual Transformer-based models (M-BERT, XLM-R), as well as shallower neural baselines operating on pre-trained word embeddings, by a large margin (5%-10%). Most importantly, we make both GREEK-BERT and our training code publicly available, along with code illustrating how GREEK-BERT can be fine-tuned for downstream NLP tasks. We expect these resources to boost NLP research and applications for modern Greek.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 11th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2020

    Preliminary notions of arguments from commonsense knowledge

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    The field of Computational Argumentation is well-tailored to approach commonsense reasoning, due to its ability to model contradictory information. In this paper, we present preliminary work on how an argumentation framework can explicitly model commonsense knowledge, both at a logically structured and at an abstract level. We discuss the correlation with current research and present interesting future directions

    Emergent Story Generation: Lessons from Improvisational Theater

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    An emergent approach to story generation by computer is characterized by a lack of predetermined plot and a focus on character interaction forming the material for stories. A potential problem is that no interesting story emerges. However, improvisational theater shows that – at least for human actors – a predetermined plot is not necessary for creating a compelling story. There are some principles that make a successful piece of improvisational theater more than a random interaction, and these principles may inform the type of computational processes that an emergent narrative architecture draws from. We therefore discuss some of these principles, and show how these are explicitly or implicitly used in story generation and interactive storytelling research. Finally we draw lessons from these principles and ask attention for two techniques that have been little investigated: believably incorporating directives, and late commitment

    Characterization of whole-body muscle activity during reaching movements using space-by-time modularity and functional similarity analysis

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    Voluntary movement is hypothesized to rely on a few low-dimensional structures, termed muscle synergies, whose recruitment translates task goals into effective muscle activity. However, the relationship of the synergies with the characteristics of the performed movements remains largely unexplored. To address this question, we recorded a comprehensive dataset of muscle activity during a variety of whole-body pointing movements. We decomposed the electromyographic (EMG) signals using a space-by-time modularity model which encompasses the main types of synergies. We then used a task decoding and information theoretic analysis to probe the role of each synergy by mapping it to specific task parameters. We found that the temporal and spatial aspects of the movements were encoded by different temporal and spatial muscle synergies, respectively, indicating that the identified synergies are tailored with complementary roles to account for the major movement attributes. This approach led to the development of a novel computational framework for comparing muscle synergies from different datasets according to their functional role. This functional similarity analysis yielded a small set of temporal and spatial synergies that describes the main features of whole-body reaching

    Modeling and augmenting game entertainment through challenge and curiosity

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    This paper presents quantitative measurements/metrics of qualitative entertainment features within computer game environments and proposes artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for optimizing entertainment in such interactive systems. A human-verified metric of interest (i.e. player entertainment in real-time) for predator/prey games and a neuro-evolution on-line learning (i.e. during play) approach have already been reported in the literature to serve this purpose. In this paper, an alternative quantitative approach to entertainment modeling based on psychological studies in the field of computer games is introduced and a comparative study of the two approaches is presented. Feedforward neural networks (NNs) and fuzzy-NNs are used to model player satisfaction (interest) in real-time and investigate quantitatively how the qualitative factors of challenge and curiosity contribute to human entertainment. We demonstrate that appropriate non-extreme levels of challenge and curiosity generate high values of entertainment and we project the extensibility of the approach to other genres of digital entertainment (e.g. mixed-reality interactive playgrounds).peer-reviewe

    Dual-random ensemble method for multi-label classification of biological data

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    This paper presents a dual-random ensemble multi-label classification method for classification of multi-label data. The method is formed by integrating and extending the concepts of feature subspace method and random k-label set ensemble multi-label classification method. Experiemental results show that the developed method outperforms the exisiting multi-lable classification methods on three different multi-lable datasets including the biological yeast and genbase datasets.<br /

    KFHE-HOMER: A multi-label ensemble classification algorithm exploiting sensor fusion properties of the Kalman filter

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    Multi-label classification allows a datapoint to be labelled with more than one class at the same time. In spite of their success in multi-class classification problems, ensemble methods based on approaches other than bagging have not been widely explored for multi-label classification problems. The Kalman Filter-based Heuristic Ensemble (KFHE) is a recent ensemble method that exploits the sensor fusion properties of the Kalman filter to combine several classifier models, and that has been shown to be very effective. This article proposes KFHE-HOMER, an extension of the KFHE ensemble approach to the multi-label domain. KFHE-HOMER sequentially trains multiple HOMER multi-label classifiers and aggregates their outputs using the sensor fusion properties of the Kalman filter. Experiments described in this article show that KFHE-HOMER performs consistently better than existing multi-label methods including existing approaches based on ensembles.Comment: The paper is under consideration at Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevie