26,554 research outputs found

    Sign language recognition with transformer networks

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    Sign languages are complex languages. Research into them is ongoing, supported by large video corpora of which only small parts are annotated. Sign language recognition can be used to speed up the annotation process of these corpora, in order to aid research into sign languages and sign language recognition. Previous research has approached sign language recognition in various ways, using feature extraction techniques or end-to-end deep learning. In this work, we apply a combination of feature extraction using OpenPose for human keypoint estimation and end-to-end feature learning with Convolutional Neural Networks. The proven multi-head attention mechanism used in transformers is applied to recognize isolated signs in the Flemish Sign Language corpus. Our proposed method significantly outperforms the previous state of the art of sign language recognition on the Flemish Sign Language corpus: we obtain an accuracy of 74.7% on a vocabulary of 100 classes. Our results will be implemented as a suggestion system for sign language corpus annotation

    Linguistically-driven framework for computationally efficient and scalable sign recognition

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    We introduce a new general framework for sign recognition from monocular video using limited quantities of annotated data. The novelty of the hybrid framework we describe here is that we exploit state-of-the art learning methods while also incorporating features based on what we know about the linguistic composition of lexical signs. In particular, we analyze hand shape, orientation, location, and motion trajectories, and then use CRFs to combine this linguistically significant information for purposes of sign recognition. Our robust modeling and recognition of these sub-components of sign production allow an efficient parameterization of the sign recognition problem as compared with purely data-driven methods. This parameterization enables a scalable and extendable time-series learning approach that advances the state of the art in sign recognition, as shown by the results reported here for recognition of isolated, citation-form, lexical signs from American Sign Language (ASL)

    Evaluation of Deep Learning based Pose Estimation for Sign Language Recognition

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    Human body pose estimation and hand detection are two important tasks for systems that perform computer vision-based sign language recognition(SLR). However, both tasks are challenging, especially when the input is color videos, with no depth information. Many algorithms have been proposed in the literature for these tasks, and some of the most successful recent algorithms are based on deep learning. In this paper, we introduce a dataset for human pose estimation for SLR domain. We evaluate the performance of two deep learning based pose estimation methods, by performing user-independent experiments on our dataset. We also perform transfer learning, and we obtain results that demonstrate that transfer learning can improve pose estimation accuracy. The dataset and results from these methods can create a useful baseline for future works

    Computer-based tracking, analysis, and visualization of linguistically significant nonmanual events in American Sign Language (ASL)

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    Our linguistically annotated American Sign Language (ASL) corpora have formed a basis for research to automate detection by computer of essential linguistic information conveyed through facial expressions and head movements. We have tracked head position and facial deformations, and used computational learning to discern specific grammatical markings. Our ability to detect, identify, and temporally localize the occurrence of such markings in ASL videos has recently been improved by incorporation of (1) new techniques for deformable model-based 3D tracking of head position and facial expressions, which provide significantly better tracking accuracy and recover quickly from temporary loss of track due to occlusion; and (2) a computational learning approach incorporating 2-level Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), suited to the multi-scale spatio-temporal characteristics of the data, which analyses not only low-level appearance characteristics, but also the patterns that enable identification of significant gestural components, such as periodic head movements and raised or lowered eyebrows. Here we summarize our linguistically motivated computational approach and the results for detection and recognition of nonmanual grammatical markings; demonstrate our data visualizations, and discuss the relevance for linguistic research; and describe work underway to enable such visualizations to be produced over large corpora and shared publicly on the Web

    Recognition of nonmanual markers in American Sign Language (ASL) using non-parametric adaptive 2D-3D face tracking

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    This paper addresses the problem of automatically recognizing linguistically significant nonmanual expressions in American Sign Language from video. We develop a fully automatic system that is able to track facial expressions and head movements, and detect and recognize facial events continuously from video. The main contributions of the proposed framework are the following: (1) We have built a stochastic and adaptive ensemble of face trackers to address factors resulting in lost face track; (2) We combine 2D and 3D deformable face models to warp input frames, thus correcting for any variation in facial appearance resulting from changes in 3D head pose; (3) We use a combination of geometric features and texture features extracted from a canonical frontal representation. The proposed new framework makes it possible to detect grammatically significant nonmanual expressions from continuous signing and to differentiate successfully among linguistically significant expressions that involve subtle differences in appearance. We present results that are based on the use of a dataset containing 330 sentences from videos that were collected and linguistically annotated at Boston University

    3D face tracking and multi-scale, spatio-temporal analysis of linguistically significant facial expressions and head positions in ASL

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    Essential grammatical information is conveyed in signed languages by clusters of events involving facial expressions and movements of the head and upper body. This poses a significant challenge for computer-based sign language recognition. Here, we present new methods for the recognition of nonmanual grammatical markers in American Sign Language (ASL) based on: (1) new 3D tracking methods for the estimation of 3D head pose and facial expressions to determine the relevant low-level features; (2) methods for higher-level analysis of component events (raised/lowered eyebrows, periodic head nods and head shakes) used in grammatical markings—with differentiation of temporal phases (onset, core, offset, where appropriate), analysis of their characteristic properties, and extraction of corresponding features; (3) a 2-level learning framework to combine lowand high-level features of differing spatio-temporal scales. This new approach achieves significantly better tracking and recognition results than our previous methods

    Scalable ASL sign recognition using model-based machine learning and linguistically annotated corpora

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    We report on the high success rates of our new, scalable, computational approach for sign recognition from monocular video, exploiting linguistically annotated ASL datasets with multiple signers. We recognize signs using a hybrid framework combining state-of-the-art learning methods with features based on what is known about the linguistic composition of lexical signs. We model and recognize the sub-components of sign production, with attention to hand shape, orientation, location, motion trajectories, plus non-manual features, and we combine these within a CRF framework. The effect is to make the sign recognition problem robust, scalable, and feasible with relatively smaller datasets than are required for purely data-driven methods. From a 350-sign vocabulary of isolated, citation-form lexical signs from the American Sign Language Lexicon Video Dataset (ASLLVD), including both 1- and 2-handed signs, we achieve a top-1 accuracy of 93.3% and a top-5 accuracy of 97.9%. The high probability with which we can produce 5 sign candidates that contain the correct result opens the door to potential applications, as it is reasonable to provide a sign lookup functionality that offers the user 5 possible signs, in decreasing order of likelihood, with the user then asked to select the desired sign

    Towards automatic sign language corpus annotation using deep learning

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    Sign classification in sign language corpora is a challenging problem that requires large datasets. Unfortunately, only a small portion of those corpora is labeled. To expedite the annotation process, we propose a gloss suggestion system based on deep learning. We improve upon previous research in three ways. Firstly, we use a proven feature extraction method called OpenPose, rather than learning end-to-end. Secondly, we propose a more suitable and powerful network architecture, based on GRU layers. Finally, we exploit domain and task knowledge to further increase the accuracy. We show that we greatly outperform the previous state of the art on the used dataset. Our method can be used for suggesting a top 5 of annotations given a video fragment that is selected by the corpus annotator. We expect that it will expedite the annotation process to the benefit of sign language translation research
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