820 research outputs found

    Miracle metal

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    While reading for my comprehensive exams, I found several works that would inform both the content and the style of my work for this thesis. The most important one is C.S. Lewis’ Out of the Silent Planet. The story of a human being dropped into an alien world and left to survive without a translator, an advanced version of the fish-out-of-water story, intrigued me enough to want to include a similar situation for one of my main characters, Aldous Fairley. The other main inspiration for this work is David J. Peterson’s The Art of Language Invention, which is a step-by-step walk through of how he created his languages for Game of Thrones, among other properties. I will be creating a language for the races native to Fisia-Hu’Tu, with dialectal differences that would come from the races’ histories. In that process, I plan to follow Peterson’s example, starting with phonetics, combining the phonemes into syllables, and moving from phonology to morphology and syntax. I wanted to distinguish the speech of my human characters from that of the Fisian and Hu'Tu characters. It also made little sense to have the Hu'Tu, who have limited contact with humans outside of the prisoners they work alongside, speak fluent English as if it was their first language. That is why I created the language and let its rules govern how the Hu'Tu characters would speak English when it was absolutely necessary. The language, as well as the representation and control thereof, contributes to moments in the narrative that lead up to the climactic revolt. This thesis will contain a prologue and the novel’s first two chapters. Chapter one will follow Aldous Fairley, a middle school robotics club teacher from Scotland. The British government, which is cooperating with Fisia-Hu’Tu’s other native race, the Fisians, sent him off-planet so that he can study the machine. Chapter two will introduce Xi’Adthe, a Hu’Tu worker trying to defend a robot she created that has gained sentience. Once Aldous arrives, the parameters of his mission change, and he is asked to potentially destroy the machine. From there, only the characters know what will come, but I cannot wait to see the revolution unfold


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    Mookkoori is a 20-minute narrative film written and directed by Myungsuk Kim. The film was completed and shown in May 2014 at the RIT School of Film and Animation\u27s Spring Screenings. The film\u27s main character is Bora, who is the teenage daughter of a shaman in Korea. She is betrayed by Sunhee, her only friend in high school and she is being bullied and threatened by a gang. Bora\u27s mother, who reveals herself to be quack shaman, blames Bora for getting involved in fighting. Fearing for her future, Bora reads her fortune at a shrine and sees three different ways to react to the bullies, each path has a different conclusion. All of the paths lead to someone dying. Mookkoori reveals how Bora deals with the betrayal of her only friend, and how she reacts to a gang of bullies. In the film Bora discovers she has a gift of seeing the future and she decides to take control of her destiny. This paper discusses the intention and original concept of the film, as well as the processes for producing the film from pre-production to post production

    The method in Beckett\u27s madness : a critical study of Samuel Beckett\u27s drama

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    This paper presents an argument for a better under­ standing of Samuel Beckett\u27s drama, a type of drama which is typical of our modern world, a drama of experimenta tion, of revolt, and of paradoxes. This is the Theater of the Absurd

    Life beckoning. A thematic analysis of change in a deprived boy in long-term foster care, during intensive psychoanalytic psychotherapy

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    This research is based on a single case study of psychoanalytic therapy with a young adolescent boy in care. It is part of a growing movement to identify research methods for exploring the place of unconscious expectations, emotion and affect, in relationships. It experiments with methods for testing out psychoanalytic theory and contributing findings to evidence, modify or expand theory in new directions. The patient Simon, had a history of deprivation and showed many features of ADHD and oppositional conduct disorder. The research locates him in a “family” of children who share histories of early traumas and serious behavioural difficulties. Therefore findings, while grounded in clinical material from a single case, and restricted in scope, are of relevance to work with a very needy and challenging population of children, who are often a major cause of concern to their carers, teachers, social workers and to mentalhealth professionals. The research examines clinical material through the framework of Bion’s theoretical claim that identifies thinking as at bottom an emotional process, and relates symbolic capacity to early emotional experiences of communication and containment. The framework was selected because of its relevance to the particular features of the patient, which emerged through the detailed study of session records. The analysis of patient therapist interaction follows Bion in looking at thinking and learning, side by side with the sort of internal objects active in the therapeutic relationship, and the emotions connected to them. Through a detailed focus on these aspects of clinical material, the author assesses some current ideas about what interferes with a deprived child’s capacity to think and learn from experience; and what are the factors in a therapeutic relationship that can help a child’s capacity in these areas to grow

    Painting perceptions

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    The computer is a multidisciplinary tool engaging all the senses. Creating with color, light, and motion is a rich visual experience enhanced by the vibrations of sound. These vibrations, both light and sound, are absorbed by the viewer and influence his experience. This makes the computer a profoundly different medium than the static arts. Artist have powerful tools with which to create experiences - paint perceptions. As a painter, creating rich visual relationships has been a focus for many years. Exploring the computer as an image making tool is different than using it for graphic design. It has taken years to get time and access to equipment to pursue my thesis: image creation and processing, exploring painting and still video photography in an electronic format

    Chicken Nuggets

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    The principle objective of this thesis is to expand the term “technological sublime” to include technologies of artificial intelligence. In defining new realms of the technological sublime, we must not only consider the ecological integration of technology within natural surroundings, but also appreciate modern technological objects that instigate sublime experiences. This work examines science fictional portrayals of interactions with sentient artificial intelligence in I, Robot, 2001: A Space Odyssey and other major works of science fiction. In each of these works, characters who encounter technologies possessing artificial intelligence share sublime experiences. This thesis considers various levels of embodiment associated with the objects of artificial intelligence and discusses the sublime qualities of both cybernetic and android beings. Finally, this work examines how our perceptions of environment are altered by the introduction of virtual reality and virtual landscapes, which consequently affects our mindscapes and contribute to the technological sublime

    The day of the Lord.

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    This sci-fi screenplay confronts issues razed by the Transhumanism movement, a growing speculative science that deals with the merger of humans with technology. The Day of the Lord portrays a world where this merger could threaten the very soul of humanity. We follow Nathan, the protagonist, as he witnesses the political, and technological transformation of South Africa. This story envisions a futuristic Pretoria with towering skyscrapers, walkways, and hovering shuttles filling the sky. The advantage of obtaining robotic enhancements is presented through the struggle between lower class humans, like Nathan, and upperclass post-humans. Nathan’s classroom friend and love interest, Sarah, is brutally maimed in a vehicular accident. Sarah’s parents are left with no choice but to give up custody of their daughter to a religious order that donates the enhancements to save Sarah’s life. Eventually a catastrophic event threatens to knock out the country’s power, sending Nathan’s world into turmoil. All posthumans are evacuated to an unknown location, leaving the remaining humans in a futuristic ghost town to fend for themselves. Nathan is compelled to make a journey North to find where the post-humans were taken and whether or not Sarah is alive
