4 research outputs found

    Architecture of Smart Grid Testing Platform and Integration of MultiPower Laboratory

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    Traditional electrical grids are shifting towards Smart Grids that could deliver electricity in sustainable, economic and secure way. Simultaneously, characteristics of electrical grids are becoming much more complex that require development of several Smart Grid functionalities. This thesis studies architecture modeling of Smart Grid Testing Platform (SGTP) and integration of MultiPower laboratory. The architecture was defined in collaboration with research project team in a project called “Integrated business platform of distributed energy resources” (HEILA). Furthermore, the main goals are to produce an architecture model, which promotes specific Smart Grid related use cases, and interconnect the MultiPower laboratory with the platform. This thesis is divided into two parts. Firstly, background, challenges with Smart Grids, the HEILA project and MultiPower laboratory are introduced. Then, Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) Framework, tools and related architecture definitions in different projects are studied. In addition, information models defined by IEC 61850 standard and Common Information Model (CIM), Smart API, HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocols are studied because of their central role in the architecture model and integration. Secondly, results are presented with descriptions of the architecture model and integration process. The architecture model presents how different actors cooperate in order to offer and use flexibility related services on distribution level. The architecture model increases level of details, adds functionalities and changes some of the protocols used when compared to the related architectures. Additionally, self-descriptive and more flexible messaging are introduced as messages contain semantic information and they are not bound to any specific format. The function positioning with two-way communications promotes decentralized data acquisition and control. Generally, that may ease market integration, privacy, autonomy and scalability issues. As a result, the architecture may promote development and utilization of different kind of flexibility related services and products. However, information objects should be added to the standard mapping on information layer of the model since it would increase level of details. The integration was successful since monitoring and controlling of the MultiPower equipment is possible with current version of the SGTP as tests demonstrate. Technical requirements in the use cases were fulfilled. In future research work in the HEILA project message encryption, validation and CIM utilization should be considered. Moreover, Energy Management System (EMS) and equipment that is more suitable for routine testing should be considered for the MultiPower

    Suurten datamäärien hallinta prosessiteollisuudessa

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    The idea of Internet of Things (IoT) is to connect all the devices into one network and to enable interoperability between them. Interoperability benefits also the process industry when the control devices and software can interoperate with management software. One part of the industrial IoT is being able to efficiently analyze the data from the field devices so that for example predictive maintenance can be achieved. Information modelling is needed to enable communication between the different software and to make analyzing data easier. This thesis examines the state of the IoT and the benefits of information modelling. The aim is to find the information modelling standard most suitable for the process industry and to figure out how standard conforming information models are created. The literature part of this thesis studies the current state and the future of IoT. The focus is especially on the possibilities it brings for the oil and gas industry. A broad collection of information modelling standards is introduced. According to the comparison made, OPC UA was selected in this work as the most suitable standard for the needs of process industry. In the experimental part the information modelling process is introduced and three OPC UA modelling tools are examined. Instructions for information modelling with OPC UA were created. An OPC UA standard conforming information model of a distillation column was created to be used to configure a soft sensor. The model was validated using expert knowledge. The model was also successfully connected to a data source that was in this case a DCS emulator.Esineiden internetin ajatuksena on kytkeä kaikki laitteet samaan verkkoon ja mahdollistaa niiden välinen yhteensopivuus. Myös prosessiteollisuudessa on hyötyä yhteensopivuudesta, kun säätölaitteet ja ohjausjärjestelmät voivat kommunikoida hallintojärjestelmien kanssa. Teollisessa esineiden internetissä kenttälaitteiden tuottamaa data pystytään analysoimaan tehokkaasti siten, että esimerkiksi ennakoiva huolto on mahdollista. Tietomalleja tarvitaan laitteiden välisen kommunikaation mahdollistamiseksi ja tiedon analysoinnin helpottamiseksi. Tämä diplomityö käsittelee esineiden internetin tilaa sekä tietomallinnuksella saavutettavia hyötyjä. Tavoitteena on löytää prosessiteollisuuteen sopivin tietomallinnusstandardi sekä selvittää, miten valitun standardin mukaisia tietomalleja laaditaan. Kirjallisuusosassa selvitellään esineiden internetin nykytila sekä tulevaisuudennäkymät. Erityisest keskitytään esineiden internetin öljy- ja kaasuteollisuudelle tuomiin mahdollisuuksiin. Työssä esitellään laaja kokoelma tietomallinnusstandardeja. Tehdyn vertailun jälkeen OPC UA valittiin tässä työssä prosessiteollisuuden käyttötarkoitukisiin sopivimmaksi standardiksi. Soveltavassa osassa esitellään tietomallinnusprosessi sekä tutustutaan kolmeen erilaiseen OPC UA tietomallinnustyökaluun. Tietomallintamisesta OPC UA -standardin avulla laadittiin ohjeet. Työssä laadittiin OPC UA:n mukainen tietomalli tislauskolonnista virtuaalisen säätimen konfigurointikäyttöön. Laaditun mallin toimivuutta arvioitiin asiantuntijoiden avulla. Malli kiinnitettiin onnistuneesti tietolähteeseen, joka tässä tapauksessa oli DCS emulaattori

    Investigation into the impact of wind power generation on demand side management (DSM) practices

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    The construction of a number of wind farms in South Africa will lay the foundation for the country to embrace the generation of greener energy into the National Grid. Despite the benefits derived from introducing wind power generation into the grid, this source encompasses adverse effects which need to be managed. These adverse effects include the intermittency and lack of predictability of wind. In power systems with a high penetration of wind energy, these effects can severely affect the power system’s security and reliability in the event of significant rapid ramp rates. Recently, many utilities around the world have been exploring the use of Demand Side Management (DSM) and Demand Response (DR) initiatives and programmes to support and manage the intermittency of wind power generation. This report outlines the programmes and benefits of DSM/DR and provides a critical analysis of the challenges facing South Africa with implementing these initiatives. Introducing these programmes necessitates the employment of a number of Smart Grid technologies including Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), next generation telecommunications technologies, smart meters, enterprise system integration and dynamic pricing. These tools and techniques are discussed and their challenges described within the context of South Africa’s current state of the power system. The current practices for DSM/DR in South Africa have been evaluated in this report. Despite, the success of many DSM/DR initiatives in the commercial, industrial and agricultural sectors, it is found that much work is still required in the residential sectors as the current DSM initiatives are not adequate for managing wind power generation. A detailed analysis and recommendations for South Africa’s DR program is then presented based on industry best practices and experiences from other utilities who are currently exploring DSM/DR in the residential sector using Smart Grid technologies

    Context-awareness and the smart grid: Requirements and challenges

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    New intelligent power grids (smart grids) will be an essential way of improving efficiency in power supply and power consumption, facilitating the use of distributed and renewable resources on the supply side and providing consumers with a range of tailored services on the consumption side. The delivery of efficiencies and advanced services in a smart grid will require both a comprehensive overlay communications network and flexible software platforms that can process data from a variety of sources, especially electronic sensor networks. Parallel developments in autonomic systems, pervasive computing and context-awareness (relating in particular to data fusion, context modelling, and semantic data) could provide key elements in the development of scalable smart grid data management systems and applications that utilise a multi-technology communications network. This paper describes: (1) the communications and data management requirements of the emerging smart grid, (2) state-of-the-art techniques and systems for context-awareness and (3) a future direction towards devising a context-aware middleware platform for the smart grid, as well as associated requirements and challenges