8,721 research outputs found

    Control of Five Phase Doubly Fed Induction Machines for Motion and Contactless Power Transmission

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    In questa tesi si mostra come un motore a induzione di tipo doubly fed (DFIM) possa assolvere contemporaneamente le funzioni di motore e di trasmissione di potenza In particolare questa peculiarità è particolarmente utile laddove sia necessario alimentare dei dispositivi elettrici a bordo di una macchina automatica a giostra, normalmente alimentati tramite contatti striscianti: da quest’ultimi infatti spesso derivano innumerevoli problematiche di usura e sicurezza. In particolare, in questa tesi verrà trattato un azionamento pentafase: tale scelta è stata dettata dalla possibilità di disaccoppiare la trasmissione di potenza elettrica e quella meccanica. Data la particolarità di tale macchina una lunga sezione è dedicata alla sua descrizione. Si presentano tre diverse metodologie di funzionamento e controllo della macchina doubly fed: in particolare le prime due, che si avvalgono di modulazioni di coppia o di potenza, potrebbero essere implementate anche su un motore trifase qualora risultasse conveniente; al contrario l’ultimo controllo proposto, che si fonda sull’utilizzo indipendente delle frequenze di statore, è applicabile solo a un DFIM pentafase. Dai risultati ottenuti in simulazione, ma comprendenti moltissimi gradi di realismo, appare evidente come quest’ultimo dia i risultati migliori e sfrutti al meglio la macchina pentafase

    A quantum heat engine with coupled superconducting resonators

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    We propose a quantum heat engine composed of two superconducting transmission line resonators interacting with each other via an optomechanical-like coupling. One resonator is periodically excited by a thermal pump. The incoherently driven resonator induces coherent oscillations in the other one due to the coupling. A limit cycle, indicating finite power output, emerges in the thermodynamical phase space. The system implements an all-electrical analog of a photonic piston. Instead of mechanical motion, the power output is obtained as a coherent electrical charging in our case. We explore the differences between the quantum and classical descriptions of our system by solving the quantum master equation and classical Langevin equations. Specifically, we calculate the mean number of excitations, second-order coherence, as well as the entropy, temperature, power and mean energy to reveal the signatures of quantum behavior in the statistical and thermodynamic properties of the system. We find evidence of a quantum enhancement in the power output of the engine at low temperatures.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, new references adde

    Discreteness-induced resonances and AC voltage amplitudes in long one-dimensional Josephson junction arrays

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    New resonance steps are found in the experimental current-voltage characteristics of long, discrete, one-dimensional Josephson junction arrays with open boundaries and in an external magnetic field. The junctions are underdamped, connected in parallel, and DC biased. Numerical simulations based on the discrete sine-Gordon model are carried out, and show that the solutions on the steps are periodic trains of fluxons, phase-locked by a finite amplitude radiation. Power spectra of the voltages consist of a small number of harmonic peaks, which may be exploited for possible oscillator applications. The steps form a family that can be numbered by the harmonic content of the radiation, the first member corresponding to the Eck step. Discreteness of the arrays is shown to be essential for appearance of the higher order steps. We use a multi-mode extension of the harmonic balance analysis, and estimate the resonance frequencies, the AC voltage amplitudes, and the theoretical limit on the output power on the first two steps.Comment: REVTeX, 17 pages, 7 figures, psfig; to appear in J. Applied Physic

    Theoretical and experimental study of radiation pressure-induced mechanical oscillations (parametric instability) in optical microcavities

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    Radiation pressure can couple the mechanical modes of an optical cavity structure to its optical modes, leading to parametric oscillation instability. This regime is characterized by regenerative oscillation of the mechanical cavity eigenmodes. Here, we present the first observation of this effect with a detailed theoretical and experimental analysis of these oscillations in ultra-high-Q microtoroids. Embodied within a microscale, chip-based device, this mechanism can benefit both research into macroscale quantum mechanical phenomena and improve the understanding of the mechanism within the context of laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatory (LIGO). It also suggests that new technologies are possible that will leverage the phenomenon within photonics

    Coherent exciton transport in semiconductors

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    We review the topic of Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons in semiconductors, focusing on the signatures of the macroscopic order of the exciton condensate.Comment: Some references were updated with respect to the published version. appears as Chapter 19 in Novel Superfluids Volume 2, edited by K. H. Bennemann and J. B. Ketterson, International Series of Monographs on Physics no. 157, pages 423-474 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014

    Undamped nonequilibrium dynamics of a nondegenerate Bose gas in a 3D isotropic trap

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    We investigate anomalous damping of the monopole mode of a non-degenerate 3D Bose gas under isotropic harmonic confinement as recently reported by the JILA TOP trap experiment [D. S. Lob- ser, A. E. S. Barentine, E. A. Cornell, and H. J. Lewandowski (in preparation)]. Given a realistic confining potential, we develop a model for studying collective modes that includes the effects of anharmonic corrections to a harmonic potential. By studying the influence of these trap anharmonicities throughout a range of temperatures and collisional regimes, we find that the damping is caused by the joint mechanisms of dephasing and collisional relaxation. Furthermore, the model is complimented by Monte Carlo simulations which are in fair agreement with data from the JILA experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
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