8 research outputs found

    A VHDL Model for Implementation of MD5 Hash Algorithm

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    With the increase of the amount of data and users in the information systems, the requirement of data integrity is needed to be improved as well, so the work has become necessary independently. One important element in the information system is a key of authentication schemes, which is used as a message authentication code (MAC). One technique to produce a MAC is based on using a hash function and is referred to as a HMAC.MD5 represents one efficient algorithms for hashing the data, then, the purpose of implementation and used this algorithm is to give them some privacy in the application. Where they become independent work accessories as much as possible, but what is necessary, such as RAM and the pulse generator. Therefore, we focus on the application of VHDL for implement and computing to MD5 for data integrity checking method and to ensure that the data of an information system is in a correct state. The implementation of MD5 algorithm by using Xilinx-spartan-3A XCS1400AFPGA, with 50 MHz internal clock is helping for satisfies the above requirements

    Cybersecurity Methods for Grid-Connected Power Electronics

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    The present work shows a secure-by-design process, defense-in-depth method, and security techniques for a secure distributed energy resource. The distributed energy resource is a cybersecure, solar inverter and battery energy storage system prototype, collectively called the Cybersecure Power Router. Consideration is given to the use of the Smart Green Power Node for a foundation of the present work. Metrics for controller security are investigated to evaluate firmware security techniques. The prototype\u27s ability to mitigate, respond to, and recover from firmware integrity degradation is examined. The prototype shows many working security techniques within the context of a grid-connected, distributed energy resource. Further work is expected in the Cybersecure Power Router project. Consideration is also provided for the migration of the present research and the Smart Green Power Node to realize a pre-production prototype

    Proposta de implementação dos algoritmos de hash MD5 e SHA-1 em hardware reconfigurável

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    This work proposes two Application Specific System Processor (ASSP), one to the MD5 algorithm and other to the SHA-1 algorithm implemented on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Xilinx Virtex 6 xc6vlx240t-1ff1156. The throughput and the occupied area were analyzed for several implementations on parallel instances of those algorithms. The results showed that the hardware proposed for MD5 achieved a better throughput than those found in published articles and it was possible to implement 320 instances of the algorithm in a single FPGA. For the SHA-1 algorithm the throughput and the area occupied by the internal circuits on the chip were also surprising when compared with other papers. Several applications such as password recovery, password validation, and high volume data integrity checking can be performed efficiently and quickly with an ASSP for MD5 and SHA-1. This work also presents a comparative analysis of the energy consumption associated with execution of the MD5 and SHA-1 algorithms for three different hardware platforms, a microprocessor (µP) of 8 bits and 32 bits and the specific application hardware designed for each algorithm. Results of consumption estimation from the processing time (measured in the laboratory) show that the use of dedicated hardware presents significant gains in energy savings.Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor dois hardwares de aplicação específica (Application Specific System Processor, ASSP), sendo um para o algoritmo MD5 e o outro para o algoritmo SHA-1, ambos implementados em um Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Xilinx Virtex 6 xc6vlx240t-1ff1156. As métricas utilizadas para verificar a eficácia das implementações foram a vazão dos dados (throughput), a área de circuito ocupada, e o consumo de energia. Na qual cada uma foi analisada para várias implementações em instâncias paralelas dos algoritmos. Os resultados mostraram que o hardware proposto para o MD5 alcançou um throughput bem superior aos encontrados em artigos publicados e foi possível implementar 320 instâncias do algoritmo em um único FPGA. Para o algoritmo SHA-1 o throughput e a área ocupada pelos circuitos internos no chip também foram surpreendentes. Várias aplicações como, recuperação de senha (por meio do ataque de força bruta), validação de senha e verificação de integridade de grande volume de dados podem ser executadas de forma eficiente e rápida com um ASSP para o MD5 e para o SHA-1. A métrica do consumo de energia foi avaliada por meio de uma análise comparativa com outras três plataformas de hardware distintas, sendo um micro-processador (µP) de 8 bits, um µP de 32 bits e os hardwares de aplicação específica projetados para cada algoritmo. Os resultados de estimativa de consumo a partir do tempo de processamento (medidos em laboratório) mostram que a utilização dos hardwares dedicados apresentam ganhos significativos de economia de energia

    Plataforma web de informação automobilística

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    Esta dissertação enquadra-se no âmbito dos Sistemas de Informação, em concreto, no desenvolvimento de aplicações Web, como é o caso de um website. Com a utilização em larga escala dos meios tecnológicos tem-se verificado um crescimento exponencial dos mesmos, o que se traduz na facilidade com que podem ser encontradas na Internet diversos tipos de plataformas informáticas. Além disso, hoje em dia, uma grande parte das organizações possui o seu próprio sítio na Internet, onde procede à divulgação dos seus serviços e/ou produtos. Pretende-se com esta dissertação explorar estas novas tecnologias, nomeadamente, os diagramas UML - Unified Modeling Language e a concepção de bases de dados, e posteriormente desenvolver um website. Com o desenvolvimento deste website não se propõe a criação de uma nova tecnologia, mas o uso de diversas tecnologias em conjunto com recurso às ferramentas UML. Este encontra-se organizado em três fases principais: análise de requisitos, implementação e desenho das interfaces. Na análise de requisitos efectuou-se o levantamento dos objectivos propostos para o sistema e das necessidades/requisitos necessários à sua implementação, auxiliado essencialmente pelo Diagrama de Use Cases do sistema. Na fase de implementação foram elaborados os arquivos e directórios que formam a arquitectura lógica de acordo com os modelos descritos no Diagrama de Classes e no Diagrama de Entidade-Relação. Os requisitos identificados foram analisados e usados na composição das interfaces e sistema de navegação. Por fim, na fase de desenho das interfaces foram aperfeiçoadas as interfaces desenvolvidas, com base no conceito artístico e criativo do autor. Este aperfeiçoamento vai de encontro ao gosto pessoal e tem como objectivo elaborar uma interface que possa também agradar ao maior número possível de utilizadores. Este pode ser observado na maneira como se encontram distribuídas as ligações (links) entre páginas, nos títulos, nos cabeçalhos, nas cores e animações e no seu design em geral. Para o desenvolvimento do website foram utilizadas diferentes linguagens de programação, nomeadamente a HyperText Markup Language (HTML), a Page Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) e Javascript. A HTML foi utilizada para a disposição de todo o conteúdo visível das páginas e para definição do layout das mesmas e a PHP para executar pequenos scripts que permitem interagir com as diferentes funcionalidades do site. A linguagem Javascript foi usada para definir o design das páginas e incluir alguns efeitos visuais nas mesmas. Para a construção das páginas que compõem o website foi utilizado o software Macromedia Dreamweaver, o que simplificou a sua implementação pela facilidade com que estas podem ser construídas. Para interacção com o sistema de gestão da base de dados, o MySQL, foi utilizada a aplicação phpMyAdmin, que simplifica o acesso à base de dados, permitindo definir, manipular e consultar os seus dados.This dissertation fits within the scope of Information Systems, namely, in the development of Web applications, such as the case of a website. With the wide use of technological means it has been verified its exponential growth, which is reflected in the easiness in which they can be found on the Internet in every type of computer platforms. Moreover, nowadays, a large part of the organizations has its own website, to disclose your services and/or products. The aim of this dissertation is to explore these new technologies, including Unified Modeling Language diagrams (UML) and design of databases, and then develop a website. The development of this website do not propose the creation of a new technology, but the use of different technologies together, using the UML tools. This process is organized in three main phases: requirements analysis, implementation and interface design. In the requirements analysis was carried out the lifting of the proposed objectives for the system and the needs/requirements for its implementation, assisted essentially by the Use Case Diagram of the system. In the implementation phase were prepared the archives and directories that make up the logical architecture according to the models described in the Class Diagram and Entity-Relationship Diagram. The requirements identified were analysed and used in the interfaces composition and navigation system. Finally, in the interface design phase it were enhanced the interfaces developed, based on the artistic and creative concept. This enhancement fits the personal taste of its creator that aims to develop an interface which also appeals to as many users as possible. This can be seen in the way how are links distributed between pages, titles, headings, colors and animations and its overall design. For the development of the website were used different programming languages, including HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Page Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and JavaScript. HTML was used for the disposal of all visible content of the pages and to define its layout and PHP was used to run small scripts that allow to interact with the different functions of the site. The JavaScript language was used to define the pages design and add some visual.For the website pages construction was used the Macromedia Dreamweaver software, which simplified the implementation due to the facility in which can be constructed. For the interaction with the management system database (MySQL) it was utilized the phpMyAdmin application, which simplifies access to the database, allowing to define, manipulate and query their data

    Energy-efficient and cost-effective reliability design in memory systems

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    Reliability of memory systems is increasingly a concern as memory density increases, the cell dimension shrinks and new memory technologies move close to commercial use. Meanwhile, memory power efficiency has become another first-order consideration in memory system design. Conventional reliability scheme uses ECC (Error Correcting Code) and EDC (Error Detecting Code) to support error correction and detection in memory systems, putting a rigid constraint on memory organizations and incurring a significant overhead regarding the power efficiency and area cost. This dissertation studies energy-efficient and cost-effective reliability design on both cache and main memory systems. It first explores the generic approach called embedded ECC in main memory systems to provide a low-cost and efficient reliability design. A scheme called E3CC (Enhanced Embedded ECC) is proposed for sub-ranked low-power memories to alleviate the concern on reliability. In the design, it proposes a novel BCRM (Biased Chinese Remainder Mapping) to resolve the address mapping issue in page-interleaving scheme. The proposed BCRM scheme provides an opportunity for building flexible reliability system, which favors the consumer-level computers to save power consumption. Within the proposed E3CC scheme, we further explore address mapping schemes at DRAM device level to provide SEP (Selective Error Protection). We explore a group of address mapping schemes at DRAM device level to map memory requests to their designated regions. All the proposed address mapping schemes are based on modulo operation. They will be proven, in this thesis, to be efficient, flexible and promising to various scenarios to favor system requirements. Additionally, we propose Free ECC reliability design for compressed cache schemes. It utilizes the unused fragments in compressed cache to store ECC. Such a design not only reduces the chip overhead but also improves cache utilization and power efficiency. In the design, we propose an efficient convergent cache allocation scheme to organize the compressed data blocks more effectively than existing schemes. This new design makes compressed cache an increasingly viable choice for processors with requirements of high reliability. Furthermore, we propose a novel, system-level scheme of memory error detection based on memory integrity check, called MemGuard, to detect memory errors. It uses memory log hashes to ensure, by strong probability, that memory read log and write log match with each other. It is much stronger than conventional protection in error detection and incurs little hardware cost, no storage overhead and little power overhead. It puts no constraints on memory organization and no major complication to processor design and operating system design. In the thesis, we prove that the MemGuard reliability design is simple, robust and efficient

    Studies on high-speed hardware implementation of cryptographic algorithms

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    Cryptographic algorithms are ubiquitous in modern communication systems where they have a central role in ensuring information security. This thesis studies efficient implementation of certain widely-used cryptographic algorithms. Cryptographic algorithms are computationally demanding and software-based implementations are often too slow or power consuming which yields a need for hardware implementation. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are programmable logic devices which have proven to be highly feasible implementation platforms for cryptographic algorithms because they provide both speed and programmability. Hence, the use of FPGAs for cryptography has been intensively studied in the research community and FPGAs are also the primary implementation platforms in this thesis. This thesis presents techniques allowing faster implementations than existing ones. Such techniques are necessary in order to use high-security cryptographic algorithms in applications requiring high data rates, for example, in heavily loaded network servers. The focus is on Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), the most commonly used secret-key cryptographic algorithm, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), public-key cryptographic algorithms which have gained popularity in the recent years and are replacing traditional public-key cryptosystems, such as RSA. Because these algorithms are well-defined and widely-used, the results of this thesis can be directly applied in practice. The contributions of this thesis include improvements to both algorithms and techniques for implementing them. Algorithms are modified in order to make them more suitable for hardware implementation, especially, focusing on increasing parallelism. Several FPGA implementations exploiting these modifications are presented in the thesis including some of the fastest implementations available in the literature. The most important contributions of this thesis relate to ECC and, specifically, to a family of elliptic curves providing faster computations called Koblitz curves. The results of this thesis can, in their part, enable increasing use of cryptographic algorithms in various practical applications where high computation speed is an issue

    Compilation efficace pour FPGA reconfigurable dynamiquement

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    Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal