49 research outputs found

    The Configurable SAT Solver Challenge (CSSC)

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    It is well known that different solution strategies work well for different types of instances of hard combinatorial problems. As a consequence, most solvers for the propositional satisfiability problem (SAT) expose parameters that allow them to be customized to a particular family of instances. In the international SAT competition series, these parameters are ignored: solvers are run using a single default parameter setting (supplied by the authors) for all benchmark instances in a given track. While this competition format rewards solvers with robust default settings, it does not reflect the situation faced by a practitioner who only cares about performance on one particular application and can invest some time into tuning solver parameters for this application. The new Configurable SAT Solver Competition (CSSC) compares solvers in this latter setting, scoring each solver by the performance it achieved after a fully automated configuration step. This article describes the CSSC in more detail, and reports the results obtained in its two instantiations so far, CSSC 2013 and 2014

    Warmstarting of Model-based Algorithm Configuration

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    The performance of many hard combinatorial problem solvers depends strongly on their parameter settings, and since manual parameter tuning is both tedious and suboptimal the AI community has recently developed several algorithm configuration (AC) methods to automatically address this problem. While all existing AC methods start the configuration process of an algorithm A from scratch for each new type of benchmark instances, here we propose to exploit information about A's performance on previous benchmarks in order to warmstart its configuration on new types of benchmarks. We introduce two complementary ways in which we can exploit this information to warmstart AC methods based on a predictive model. Experiments for optimizing a very flexible modern SAT solver on twelve different instance sets show that our methods often yield substantial speedups over existing AC methods (up to 165-fold) and can also find substantially better configurations given the same compute budget.Comment: Preprint of AAAI'18 pape

    Optimization by Quantum Annealing: Lessons from hard 3-SAT cases

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    The Path Integral Monte Carlo simulated Quantum Annealing algorithm is applied to the optimization of a large hard instance of the Random 3-SAT Problem (N=10000). The dynamical behavior of the quantum and the classical annealing are compared, showing important qualitative differences in the way of exploring the complex energy landscape of the combinatorial optimization problem. At variance with the results obtained for the Ising spin glass and for the Traveling Salesman Problem, in the present case the linear-schedule Quantum Annealing performance is definitely worse than Classical Annealing. Nevertheless, a quantum cooling protocol based on field-cycling and able to outperform standard classical simulated annealing over short time scales is introduced.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Moments of Autocorrelation Demerit Factors of Binary Sequences

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    Sequences with low aperiodic autocorrelation are used in communications and remote sensing for synchronization and ranging. The autocorrelation demerit factor of a sequence is the sum of the squared magnitudes of its autocorrelation values at every nonzero shift when we normalize the sequence to have unit Euclidean length. The merit factor, introduced by Golay, is the reciprocal of the demerit factor. We consider the uniform probability measure on the 2ℓ2^\ell binary sequences of length ℓ\ell and investigate the distribution of the demerit factors of these sequences. Previous researchers have calculated the mean and variance of this distribution. We develop new combinatorial techniques to calculate the ppth central moment of the demerit factor for binary sequences of length ℓ\ell. These techniques prove that for p≥2p\geq 2 and ℓ≥4\ell \geq 4, all the central moments are strictly positive. For any given pp, one may use the technique to obtain an exact formula for the ppth central moment of the demerit factor as a function of the length ℓ\ell. The previously obtained formula for variance is confirmed by our technique with a short calculation, and we demonstrate that our techniques go beyond this by also deriving an exact formula for the skewness.Comment: 40 page

    Multireference Alignment using Semidefinite Programming

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    The multireference alignment problem consists of estimating a signal from multiple noisy shifted observations. Inspired by existing Unique-Games approximation algorithms, we provide a semidefinite program (SDP) based relaxation which approximates the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the multireference alignment problem. Although we show that the MLE problem is Unique-Games hard to approximate within any constant, we observe that our poly-time approximation algorithm for the MLE appears to perform quite well in typical instances, outperforming existing methods. In an attempt to explain this behavior we provide stability guarantees for our SDP under a random noise model on the observations. This case is more challenging to analyze than traditional semi-random instances of Unique-Games: the noise model is on vertices of a graph and translates into dependent noise on the edges. Interestingly, we show that if certain positivity constraints in the SDP are dropped, its solution becomes equivalent to performing phase correlation, a popular method used for pairwise alignment in imaging applications. Finally, we show how symmetry reduction techniques from matrix representation theory can simplify the analysis and computation of the SDP, greatly decreasing its computational cost