7 research outputs found

    Hard Properties with (Very) Short PCPPs and Their Applications

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    We show that there exist properties that are maximally hard for testing, while still admitting PCPPs with a proof size very close to linear. Specifically, for every fixed ?, we construct a property P^(?)? {0,1}^n satisfying the following: Any testing algorithm for P^(?) requires ?(n) many queries, and yet P^(?) has a constant query PCPP whose proof size is O(n?log^(?)n), where log^(?) denotes the ? times iterated log function (e.g., log^(2)n = log log n). The best previously known upper bound on the PCPP proof size for a maximally hard to test property was O(n?polylog(n)). As an immediate application, we obtain stronger separations between the standard testing model and both the tolerant testing model and the erasure-resilient testing model: for every fixed ?, we construct a property that has a constant-query tester, but requires ?(n/log^(?)(n)) queries for every tolerant or erasure-resilient tester

    Sample-Based Distance-Approximation for Subsequence-Freeness

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    Erasure-Resilient Sublinear-Time Graph Algorithms

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    We investigate sublinear-time algorithms that take partially erased graphs represented by adjacency lists as input. Our algorithms make degree and neighbor queries to the input graph and work with a specified fraction of adversarial erasures in adjacency entries. We focus on two computational tasks: testing if a graph is connected or ?-far from connected and estimating the average degree. For testing connectedness, we discover a threshold phenomenon: when the fraction of erasures is less than ?, this property can be tested efficiently (in time independent of the size of the graph); when the fraction of erasures is at least ?, then a number of queries linear in the size of the graph representation is required. Our erasure-resilient algorithm (for the special case with no erasures) is an improvement over the previously known algorithm for connectedness in the standard property testing model and has optimal dependence on the proximity parameter ?. For estimating the average degree, our results provide an "interpolation" between the query complexity for this computational task in the model with no erasures in two different settings: with only degree queries, investigated by Feige (SIAM J. Comput. `06), and with degree queries and neighbor queries, investigated by Goldreich and Ron (Random Struct. Algorithms `08) and Eden et al. (ICALP `17). We conclude with a discussion of our model and open questions raised by our work

    Sublinear-Time Computation in the Presence of Online Erasures

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    We initiate the study of sublinear-time algorithms that access their input via an online adversarial erasure oracle. After answering each query to the input object, such an oracle can erase tt input values. Our goal is to understand the complexity of basic computational tasks in extremely adversarial situations, where the algorithm's access to data is blocked during the execution of the algorithm in response to its actions. Specifically, we focus on property testing in the model with online erasures. We show that two fundamental properties of functions, linearity and quadraticity, can be tested for constant tt with asymptotically the same complexity as in the standard property testing model. For linearity testing, we prove tight bounds in terms of tt, showing that the query complexity is Θ(logt)\Theta(\log t). In contrast to linearity and quadraticity, some other properties, including sortedness and the Lipschitz property of sequences, cannot be tested at all, even for t=1t=1. Our investigation leads to a deeper understanding of the structure of violations of linearity and other widely studied properties. We also consider implications of our results for algorithms that are resilient to online adversarial corruptions instead of erasures

    Sample-based distance-approximation for subsequence-freeness

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    In this work, we study the problem of approximating the distance to subsequence-freeness in the sample-based distribution-free model. For a given subsequence (word) w=w1wkw = w_1 \dots w_k, a sequence (text) T=t1tnT = t_1 \dots t_n is said to contain ww if there exist indices 1i1<<ikn1 \leq i_1 < \dots < i_k \leq n such that tij=wjt_{i_{j}} = w_j for every 1jk1 \leq j \leq k. Otherwise, TT is ww-free. Ron and Rosin (ACM TOCT 2022) showed that the number of samples both necessary and sufficient for one-sided error testing of subsequence-freeness in the sample-based distribution-free model is Θ(k/ϵ)\Theta(k/\epsilon). Denoting by Δ(T,w,p)\Delta(T,w,p) the distance of TT to ww-freeness under a distribution p:[n][0,1]p :[n]\to [0,1], we are interested in obtaining an estimate Δ^\widehat{\Delta}, such that Δ^Δ(T,w,p)δ|\widehat{\Delta} - \Delta(T,w,p)| \leq \delta with probability at least 2/32/3, for a given distance parameter δ\delta. Our main result is an algorithm whose sample complexity is O~(k2/δ2)\tilde{O}(k^2/\delta^2). We first present an algorithm that works when the underlying distribution pp is uniform, and then show how it can be modified to work for any (unknown) distribution pp. We also show that a quadratic dependence on 1/δ1/\delta is necessary

    On Tolerant Testing and Tolerant Junta Testing

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    Over the past few decades property testing has became an active field of study in theoretical computer science. The algorithmic task is to determine, given access to an unknown large object (e.g., function, graph, probability distribution), whether it has some fixed property, or it is far from any object having the property. The approximate nature of these algorithms allows in many cases to achieve a significant saving in running time, and obtain \emph{sublinear} running time. Nevertheless, in various settings and applications, accepting only inputs that exactly have a certain property is too restrictive, and it is more beneficial to distinguish between inputs that are close to having the property, and those that are far from it. The framework of \emph{tolerant} testing tackles this exact problem. In this thesis, we will focus on one of the most fundamental properties of Boolean functions: the property of being a \emph{kk-junta} (i.e., being dependent on at most kk variables). The first chapter focuses on algorithms for tolerant junta testing. In particular, we show that there exists a \poly(k) query algorithm distinguishing functions close to kk-juntas and functions that are far from 2k2k-juntas. We also show how to obtain a trade-off between the ``tolerance" of the algorithm and its query complexity. The second chapter focuses on establishing a query lower bound for tolerant junta testing. In particular, we show that any non-adaptive tolerant junta tester, is required to make at least \Omega(k^2/\polylog k) queries. The third chapter considers tolerant testing in a more general context, and asks whether tolerant testing is strictly harder than standard testing. In particular, we show that for any constant N\ell\in \N, there exists a property \calP_\ell such that \calP_\ell can be tested in O(1)O(1) queries, but any tolerant tester for \calP_\ell is required to make at least Ω(n/log()n)\Omega(n/\log^{(\ell)}n) queries (where log()\log^{(\ell)} denote the \ell times iterated log function). The final chapter focuses on applications. We show how to leverage the techniques developed in previous chapters to obtain results on tolerant isomorphism testing, unateness testing, and erasure resilient testing

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum