14 research outputs found

    Open Set Chinese Character Recognition using Multi-typed Attributes

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    Recognition of Off-line Chinese characters is still a challenging problem, especially in historical documents, not only in the number of classes extremely large in comparison to contemporary image retrieval methods, but also new unseen classes can be expected under open learning conditions (even for CNN). Chinese character recognition with zero or a few training samples is a difficult problem and has not been studied yet. In this paper, we propose a new Chinese character recognition method by multi-type attributes, which are based on pronunciation, structure and radicals of Chinese characters, applied to character recognition in historical books. This intermediate attribute code has a strong advantage over the common `one-hot' class representation because it allows for understanding complex and unseen patterns symbolically using attributes. First, each character is represented by four groups of attribute types to cover a wide range of character possibilities: Pinyin label, layout structure, number of strokes, three different input methods such as Cangjie, Zhengma and Wubi, as well as a four-corner encoding method. A convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained to learn these attributes. Subsequently, characters can be easily recognized by these attributes using a distance metric and a complete lexicon that is encoded in attribute space. We evaluate the proposed method on two open data sets: printed Chinese character recognition for zero-shot learning, historical characters for few-shot learning and a closed set: handwritten Chinese characters. Experimental results show a good general classification of seen classes but also a very promising generalization ability to unseen characters.Comment: 29 pages, submitted to Pattern Recognitio

    Word Searching in Scene Image and Video Frame in Multi-Script Scenario using Dynamic Shape Coding

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    Retrieval of text information from natural scene images and video frames is a challenging task due to its inherent problems like complex character shapes, low resolution, background noise, etc. Available OCR systems often fail to retrieve such information in scene/video frames. Keyword spotting, an alternative way to retrieve information, performs efficient text searching in such scenarios. However, current word spotting techniques in scene/video images are script-specific and they are mainly developed for Latin script. This paper presents a novel word spotting framework using dynamic shape coding for text retrieval in natural scene image and video frames. The framework is designed to search query keyword from multiple scripts with the help of on-the-fly script-wise keyword generation for the corresponding script. We have used a two-stage word spotting approach using Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to detect the translated keyword in a given text line by identifying the script of the line. A novel unsupervised dynamic shape coding based scheme has been used to group similar shape characters to avoid confusion and to improve text alignment. Next, the hypotheses locations are verified to improve retrieval performance. To evaluate the proposed system for searching keyword from natural scene image and video frames, we have considered two popular Indic scripts such as Bangla (Bengali) and Devanagari along with English. Inspired by the zone-wise recognition approach in Indic scripts[1], zone-wise text information has been used to improve the traditional word spotting performance in Indic scripts. For our experiment, a dataset consisting of images of different scenes and video frames of English, Bangla and Devanagari scripts were considered. The results obtained showed the effectiveness of our proposed word spotting approach.Comment: Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springe

    Learning-Based Arabic Word Spotting Using a Hierarchical Classifier

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    The effective retrieval of information from scanned and written documents is becoming essential with the increasing amounts of digitized documents, and therefore developing efficient means of analyzing and recognizing these documents is of significant interest. Among these methods is word spotting, which has recently become an active research area. Such systems have been implemented for Latin-based and Chinese languages, while few of them have been implemented for Arabic handwriting. The fact that Arabic writing is cursive by nature and unconstrained, with no clear white space between words, makes the processing of Arabic handwritten documents a more challenging problem. In this thesis, the design and implementation of a learning-based Arabic handwritten word spotting system is presented. This incorporates the aspects of text line extraction, handwritten word recognition, partial segmentation of words, word spotting and finally validation of the spotted words. The Arabic text line is more unconstrained than that of other scripts, essentially since it also includes small connected components such as dots and diacritics that are usually located between lines. Thus, a robust method to extract text lines that takes into consideration the challenges in the Arabic handwriting is proposed. The method is evaluated on two Arabic handwritten documents databases, and the results are compared with those of two other methods for text line extraction. The results show that the proposed method is effective, and compares favorably with the other methods. Word spotting is an automatic process to search for words within a document. Applying this process to handwritten Arabic documents is challenging due to the absence of a clear space between handwritten words. To address this problem, an effective learning-based method for Arabic handwritten word spotting is proposed and presented in this thesis. For this process, sub-words or pieces of Arabic words form the basic components of the search process, and a hierarchical classifier is implemented to integrate statistical language models with the segmentation of an Arabic text line into sub-words. The holistic and analytical paradigms (for word recognition and spotting) are studied, and verification models based on combining these two paradigms have been proposed and implemented to refine the outcomes of the analytical classifier that spots words. Finally, a series of evaluation and testing experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed systems, and these show that promising results have been obtained

    Querying out-of-vocabulary words in lexicon-based keyword spotting

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00521-016-2197-8[EN] Lexicon-based handwritten text keyword spotting (KWS) has proven to be a faster and more accurate alternative to lexicon-free methods. Nevertheless, since lexicon-based KWS relies on a predefined vocabulary, fixed in the training phase, it does not support queries involving out-of-vocabulary (OOV) keywords. In this paper, we outline previous work aimed at solving this problem and present a new approach based on smoothing the (null) scores of OOV keywords by means of the information provided by ``similar'' in-vocabulary words. Good results achieved using this approach are compared with previously published alternatives on different data sets.This work was partially supported by the Spanish MEC under FPU Grant FPU13/06281, by the Generalitat Valenciana under the Prometeo/2009/014 Project Grant ALMA-MATER, and through the EU Projects: HIMANIS (JPICH programme, Spanish grant Ref. PCIN-2015-068) and READ (Horizon-2020 programme, grant Ref. 674943).Puigcerver, J.; Toselli, AH.; Vidal, E. (2016). Querying out-of-vocabulary words in lexicon-based keyword spotting. Neural Computing and Applications. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-016-2197-8S110Almazan J, Gordo A, Fornes A, Valveny E (2013) Handwritten word spotting with corrected attributes. In: 2013 IEEE international conference on computer vision (ICCV), pp 1017–1024. doi: 10.1109/ICCV.2013.130Amengual JC, Vidal E (2000) On the estimation of error-correcting parameters. In: Proceedings 15th international conference on pattern recognition, 2000, vol 2, pp 883–886Fernández D, Lladós J, Fornés A (2011) Handwritten word spotting in old manuscript images using a pseudo-structural descriptor organized in a hash structure. In: Vitri'a J, Sanches JM, Hern'andez M (eds) Pattern recognition and image analysis: Proceedings of 5th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2011, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, June 8–10. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 628–635. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-21257-4_78Fischer A, Keller A, Frinken V, Bunke H (2012) Lexicon-free handwritten word spotting using character HMMs. Pattern Recognit Lett 33(7):934–942. doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2011.09.009 Special Issue on Awards from ICPR 2010Fornés A, Frinken V, Fischer A, Almazán J, Jackson G, Bunke H (2011) A keyword spotting approach using blurred shape model-based descriptors. In: Proceedings of the 2011 workshop on historical document imaging and processing, pp 83–90. ACMFrinken V, Fischer A, Manmatha R, Bunke H (2012) A novel word spotting method based on recurrent neural networks. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 34(2):211–224. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2011.113Gatos B, Pratikakis I (2009) Segmentation-free word spotting in historical printed documents. In: 10th International conference on document analysis and recognition, 2009. ICDAR’09, pp 271–275. IEEEJelinek F (1998) Statistical methods for speech recognition. MIT Press, CambridgeKneser R, Ney H (1995) Improved backing-off for N-gram language modeling. In: International conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP ’95), vol 1, pp 181–184. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA. doi: http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICASSP.1995.479394Kolcz A, Alspector J, Augusteijn M, Carlson R, Popescu GV (2000) A line-oriented approach to word spotting in handwritten documents. Pattern Anal Appl 3:153–168. doi: 10.1007/s100440070020Konidaris T, Gatos B, Ntzios K, Pratikakis I, Theodoridis S, Perantonis SJ (2007) Keyword-guided word spotting in historical printed documents using synthetic data and user feedback. Int J Doc Anal Recognit 9(2–4):167–177Kumar G, Govindaraju V (2014) Bayesian active learning for keyword spotting in handwritten documents. In: 2014 22nd International conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), pp 2041–2046. IEEELevenshtein VI (1966) Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions and reversals. Sov Phys Dokl 10(8):707–710Manning CD, Raghavan P, Schtze H (2008) Introduction to information retrieval. Cambridge University Press, New YorkMarti UV, Bunke H (2002) The IAM-database: an English sentence database for offline handwriting recognition. Int J Doc Anal Recognit 5(1):39–46. doi: 10.1007/s100320200071Puigcerver J, Toselli AH, Vidal E (2014) Word-graph and character-lattice combination for KWS in handwritten documents. In: 14th International conference on frontiers in handwriting recognition (ICFHR), pp 181–186Puigcerver J, Toselli AH, Vidal E (2014) Word-graph-based handwriting keyword spotting of out-of-vocabulary queries. In: 22nd International conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), pp 2035–2040Puigcerver J, Toselli AH, Vidal E (2015) A new smoothing method for lexicon-based handwritten text keyword spotting. In: 7th Iberian conference on pattern recognition and image analysis. SpringerRath T, Manmatha R (2007) Word spotting for historical documents. Int J Doc Anal Recognit 9:139–152Robertson S. (2008) A new interpretation of average precision. In: Proceedings of the international. ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR ’08), pp 689–690. ACM, New York, NY, USA. doi: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1390334.1390453Rodriguez-Serrano JA, Perronnin F (2009) Handwritten word-spotting using hidden markov models and universal vocabularies. Pattern Recognit 42(9):2106–2116. doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2009.02.005 . http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031320309000673Rusinol M, Aldavert D, Toledo R, Llados J (2011) Browsing heterogeneous document collections by a segmentation-free word spotting method. 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In: 2015 13th International conference on document analysis and recognition (ICDAR), pp 741–745. IEEEWoodland P, Leggetter C, Odell J, Valtchev V, Young S (1995) The 1994 HTK large vocabulary speech recognition system. In: International conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing (ICASSP ’95), vol 1, pp 73 –76. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.1995.479276Wshah S, Kumar G, Govindaraju V (2012) Script independent word spotting in offline handwritten documents based on hidden markov models. In: 2012 International conference on frontiers in handwriting recognition (ICFHR), pp 14–19. doi: 10.1109/ICFHR.2012.26

    Novel word recognition and word spotting systems for offline Urdu handwriting

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    Word recognition for offline Arabic, Farsi and Urdu handwriting is a subject which has attained much attention in the OCR field. This thesis presents the implementations of offline Urdu Handwritten Word Recognition (HWR) and an Urdu word spotting technique. This thesis first introduces the creation of several offline CENPARMI Urdu databases. These databases were necessary for offline Urdu HWR experiments. The holistic-based recognition approach was followed for the Urdu HWR system. In this system, the basic pre-processing of images was performed. In the feature extraction phase, the gradient and structural features were extracted from greyscale and binary word images, respectively. This recognition system extracted 592 feature sets and these features helped in improving the recognition results. The system was trained and tested on 57 words. Overall, we achieved a 97 % accuracy rate for handwritten word recognition by using the SVM classifier. Our word spotting technique used the holistic HWR system for recognition purposes. This word spotting system consisted of two processes: the segmentation of handwritten connected components and diacritics from Urdu text lines and the word spotting algorithm. A small database of handwritten text pages was created for testing the word spotting system. This database consisted of texts from ten Urdu native speakers. The rule-based segmentation system was applied for segmentation (or extracting) for handwritten Urdu subwords or connected components from text lines. We achieved a 92% correct segmentation rate for 372 text lines. In the word spotting algorithm, the candidate words were generated from the segmented connected components. These candidate words were sent to the holistic HWR system, which extracted the features and tried to recognize each image as one of the 57 words. After classification, each image was sent to the verification/rejection phase, which helped in rejecting the maximum number of unseen (raw data) images. Overall, we achieved a 50% word spotting precision at a 70% recall rat