6 research outputs found

    Writer Identification Based on Arabic Handwriting Recognition by using Speed Up Robust Feature and K- Nearest Neighbor Classification

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    In a writer recognition system, the system performs a “one-to-many” search in a large database with handwriting samples of known authors and returns a possible candidate list. This paper proposes method for writer identification handwritten Arabic word without segmentation to sub letters based on feature extraction speed up robust feature transform (SURF) and K nearest neighbor classification (KNN) to enhance the writer's  identification accuracy. After feature extraction, it can be cluster by K-means algorithm to standardize the number of features. The feature extraction and feature clustering called to gather Bag of Word (BOW); it converts arbitrary number of image feature to uniform length feature vector. The proposed method experimented using (IFN/ENIT) database. The recognition rate of experiment result is (96.666)

    Desain Sistem Pendeteksi untuk Citra Base Sub-assembly dengan Algoritma Backpropagation

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    Object identification technique using machine vision has been implemented in industrial of electronic manufacturers for years. This technique is commonly used for reject detection (for disqualified product based on existing standard) or defect detection. This research aims to build a reject detector of sub-assembly condition which is differed by two conditions that are missing screw and wrong position screw using neural network backpropagation. The image taken using camera will be converted into grayscale before it is processed in backpropagation methods to generate a weight value. The experiment result shows that the network architecture with two layers has the most excellent accuracy level. Using learning rate of 0.5, target error 0.015%, and the number of node 1 of 100 and node 2 of 50, the successive rate for sub-assembly detection in right condition reached 99.02% while no error occurs in detecting the wrong condition of Sub-assembly (missing screw and wrong position screw)

    Desain Sistem Pendeteksi untuk Citra Base Sub-assembly dengan Algoritma Backpropagation

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    ABSTRACT Authentication is the act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a datum or entity. This might involve confirming the identity of a person, tracing the origins of an artefact, ensuring that a product is what it's packaging and labelling claims to be, or assuring that a computer program is a trusted one. The authentication of information can pose special problems (especially man-in-the-middle attacks), and is often wrapped up with authenticating identity. Literary can involve imitating the style of a famous author. If an original manuscript, typewritten text, or recording is available, then the medium itself (or its packaging -anything from a box to e-mail headers) can help prove or disprove the authenticity of the document. The use of digital images of handwritten historical documents has become more popular in recent years. Volunteers around the world now read thousands of these images as part of their indexing process. Handwritten text images of old documents are sometimes difficult to read or noisy due to the preservation of the document and quality of the image [1]. Handwritten text offers challenges that are rarely encountered in machine-printed text. In addition, most problems faced in reading machine are more severe, in handwritten text. In this paper we Here in this paper we proposed a method for authenticating hand written text images using back propagation algorithm.

    Handwritten Text Image Authentication Using Back Propagation

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