8 research outputs found

    How interaction methods affect image segmentation: User experience in the task

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    Interactive image segmentation is extensively used in photo editing when the aim is to separate a foreground object from its background so that it is available for various applications. The goal of the interaction is to get an accurate segmentation of the object with the minimal amount of human effort. To improve the usability and user experience using interactive image segmentation we present three interaction methods and study the effect of each using both objective and subjective metrics, such as, accuracy, amount of effort needed, cognitive load and preference of interaction method as voted by users. The novelty of this paper is twofold. First , the evaluation of interaction methods is carried out with objective metrics such as object and boundary accuracies in tandem with subjective metrics to cross check if they support each other. Second, we analyze Electroencephalography (EEG) data obtained from subjects perform- ing the segmentation as an indicator of brain activity. The experimental results potentially give valuable cues for the development of easy-to-use yet efficient interaction methods for image segmentation

    User Interaction in Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Organs at Risk: a Case Study in Radiotherapy

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    Accurate segmentation of organs at risk is an important step in radiotherapy planning. Manual segmentation being a tedious procedure and prone to inter- and intra-observer variability, there is a growing interest in automated segmentation methods. However, automatic methods frequently fail to provide satisfactory result, and post-processing corrections are often needed. Semi-automatic segmentation methods are designed to overcome these problems by combining physicians’ expertise and computers’ potential. This study evaluates two semi-automatic segmentation methods with different types of user interactions, named the “strokes” and the “contour”, to provide insights into the role and impact of human-computer interaction. Two physicians participated in the experiment. In total, 42 case studies were carried out on five different types of organs at risk. For each case study, both the human-computer interaction process and quality of the segmentation results were measured subjectively and objectively. Furthermore, different measures of the process and the results were correlated. A total of 36 quantifiable and ten non-quantifiable correlations were identified for each type of interaction. Among those pairs of measures, 20 of the contour method and 22 of the strokes method were strongly or moderately correlated, either directly or inversely. Based on those correlated measures, it is concluded that: (1) in the design of semi-automatic segmentation methods, user interactions need to be less cognitively challenging; (2) based on the observed workflows and preferences of physicians, there is a need for flexibility in the interface design; (3) the correlated measures provide insights that can be used in improving user interaction design

    Iterative multi-path tracking for video and volume segmentation with sparse point supervision

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    Recent machine learning strategies for segmentation tasks have shown great ability when trained on large pixel-wise annotated image datasets. It remains a major challenge however to aggregate such datasets, as the time and monetary cost associated with collecting extensive annotations is extremely high. This is particularly the case for generating precise pixel-wise annotations in video and volumetric image data. To this end, this work presents a novel framework to produce pixel-wise segmentations using minimal supervision. Our method relies on 2D point supervision, whereby a single 2D location within an object of interest is provided on each image of the data. Our method then estimates the object appearance in a semi-supervised fashion by learning object-image-specific features and by using these in a semi-supervised learning framework. Our object model is then used in a graph-based optimization problem that takes into account all provided locations and the image data in order to infer the complete pixel-wise segmentation. In practice, we solve this optimally as a tracking problem using a K-shortest path approach. Both the object model and segmentation are then refined iteratively to further improve the final segmentation. We show that by collecting 2D locations using a gaze tracker, our approach can provide state-of-the-art segmentations on a range of objects and image modalities (video and 3D volumes), and that these can then be used to train supervised machine learning classifiers

    Methodology for extensive evaluation of semiautomatic and interactive segmentation algorithms using simulated Interaction models

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    Performance of semiautomatic and interactive segmentation(SIS) algorithms are usually evaluated by employing a small number of human operators to segment the images. The human operators typically provide the approximate location of objects of interest and their boundaries in an interactive phase, which is followed by an automatic phase where the segmentation is performed under the constraints of the operator-provided guidance. The segmentation results produced from this small set of interactions do not represent the true capability and potential of the algorithm being evaluated. For example, due to inter-operator variability, human operators may make choices that may provide either overestimated or underestimated results. As well, their choices may not be realistic when compared to how the algorithm is used in the field, since interaction may be influenced by operator fatigue and lapses in judgement. Other drawbacks to using human operators to assess SIS algorithms, include: human error, the lack of available expert users, and the expense. A methodology for evaluating segmentation performance is proposed here which uses simulated Interaction models to programmatically generate large numbers of interactions to ensure the presence of interactions throughout the object region. These interactions are used to segment the objects of interest and the resulting segmentations are then analysed using statistical methods. The large number of interactions generated by simulated interaction models capture the variabilities existing in the set of user interactions by considering each and every pixel inside the entire region of the object as a potential location for an interaction to be placed with equal probability. Due to the practical limitation imposed by the enormous amount of computation for the enormous number of possible interactions, uniform sampling of interactions at regular intervals is used to generate the subset of all possible interactions which still can represent the diverse pattern of the entire set of interactions. Categorization of interactions into different groups, based on the position of the interaction inside the object region and texture properties of the image region where the interaction is located, provides the opportunity for fine-grained algorithm performance analysis based on these two criteria. Application of statistical hypothesis testing make the analysis more accurate, scientific and reliable in comparison to conventional evaluation of semiautomatic segmentation algorithms. The proposed methodology has been demonstrated by two case studies through implementation of seven different algorithms using three different types of interaction modes making a total of nine segmentation applications to assess the efficacy of the methodology. Application of this methodology has revealed in-depth, fine details about the performance of the segmentation algorithms which currently existing methods could not achieve due to the absence of a large, unbiased set of interactions. Practical application of the methodology for a number of algorithms and diverse interaction modes have shown its feasibility and generality for it to be established as an appropriate methodology. Development of this methodology to be used as a potential application for automatic evaluation of the performance of SIS algorithms looks very promising for users of image segmentation

    User-centered design and evaluation of interactive segmentation methods for medical images

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    Segmentation of medical images is a challenging task that aims to identify a particular structure present on the image. Among the existing methods involving the user at different levels, from a fully-manual to a fully-automated task, interactive segmentation methods provide assistance to the user during the task to reduce the variability in the results and allow occasional corrections of segmentation failures. Therefore, they offer a compromise between the segmentation efficiency and the accuracy of the results. It is the user who judges whether the results are satisfactory and how to correct them during the segmentation, making the process subject to human factors. Despite the strong influence of the user on the outcomes of a segmentation task, the impact of such factors has received little attention, with the literature focusing the assessment of segmentation processes on computational performance. Yet, involving the user performance in the analysis is more representative of a realistic scenario. Our goal is to explore the user behaviour in order to improve the efficiency of interactive image segmentation processes. This is achieved through three contributions. First, we developed a method which is based on a new user interaction mechanism to provide hints as to where to concentrate the computations. This significantly improves the computation efficiency without sacrificing the quality of the segmentation. The benefits of using such hints are twofold: (i) because our contribution is based on user interaction, it generalizes to a wide range of segmentation methods, and (ii) it gives comprehensive indications about where to focus the segmentation search. The latter advantage is used to achieve the second contribution. We developed an automated method based on a multi-scale strategy to: (i) reduce the user’s workload and, (ii) improve the computational time up to tenfold, allowing real-time segmentation feedback. Third, we have investigated the effects of such improvements in computations on the user’s performance. We report an experiment that manipulates the delay induced by the computation time while performing an interactive segmentation task. Results reveal that the influence of this delay can be significantly reduced with an appropriate interaction mechanism design. In conclusion, this project provides an effective image segmentation solution that has been developed in compliance with user performance requirements. We validated our approach through multiple user studies that provided a step forward into understanding the user behaviour during interactive image segmentation

    Segmentación de imágenes basada en color y textura

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    En esta tesis se presenta un método para la segmentación de imágenes naturales basado en la técnica de crecimiento de regiones, que toma en consideración la información de color y textura adaptándose a la percepción humana. Para ello reinterpreta el tradicional algoritmo de crecimiento de regiones de forma que la condición de pertenencia y de parada estén determinadas por la distancia perceptiva entre colores, siendo ambas adaptativas y automáticamente ajustadas. De ahí surge la idea de crecimiento de regiones multipaso con condición de pertenencia controlada por textura, extendido a K dimensiones, siendo K el número de colores de referencia encontrados en la zona deseada, como se explicará posteriormente a lo largo de la tesis. Las novedades aportadas en el marco de la segmentación de imágenes en color son: Nuevo algoritmo K-means adaptado a la percepción humana. Nuevo algoritmo de segmentación de imágenes en color mediante crecimiento de regiones adaptado a la percepción humana. Inclusión de información de textura en el método de segmentación. Así mismo, el algoritmo ha sido integrado en una interfaz gráfica amigable para facilitar su uso a personas ajenas al mundo del tratamiento de imágenes