4 research outputs found

    Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part III: Karp-Miller Trees

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    This paper is a sequel of "Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part I: Completions" [STACS 2009, LZI Intl. Proc. in Informatics 3, 433-444] and "Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part II: Complete WSTS" [Logical Methods in Computer Science 8(3), 2012]. In these two papers, we provided a framework to conduct forward reachability analyses of WSTS, using finite representations of downward-closed sets. We further develop this framework to obtain a generic Karp-Miller algorithm for the new class of very-WSTS. This allows us to show that coverability sets of very-WSTS can be computed as their finite ideal decompositions. Under natural effectiveness assumptions, we also show that LTL model checking for very-WSTS is decidable. The termination of our procedure rests on a new notion of acceleration levels, which we study. We characterize those domains that allow for only finitely many accelerations, based on ordinal ranks

    Decidable Inductive Invariants for Verification of Cryptographic Protocols with Unbounded Sessions

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    We develop a theory of decidable inductive invariants for an infinite-state variant of the Applied ?calc, with applications to automatic verification of stateful cryptographic protocols with unbounded sessions/nonces. Since the problem is undecidable in general, we introduce depth-bounded protocols, a strict generalisation of a class from the literature, for which our decidable analysis is sound and complete. Our core contribution is a procedure to check that an invariant is inductive, which implies that every reachable configuration satisfies it. Our invariants can capture security properties like secrecy, can be inferred automatically, and represent an independently checkable certificate of correctness. We provide a prototype implementation and we report on its performance on some textbook examples

    Directed Regular and Context-Free Languages

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    We study the problem of deciding whether a given language is directed. A language LL is \emph{directed} if every pair of words in LL have a common (scattered) superword in LL. Deciding directedness is a fundamental problem in connection with ideal decompositions of downward closed sets. Another motivation is that deciding whether two \emph{directed} context-free languages have the same downward closures can be decided in polynomial time, whereas for general context-free languages, this problem is known to be coNEXP-complete. We show that the directedness problem for regular languages, given as NFAs, belongs to AC1AC^1, and thus polynomial time. Moreover, it is NL-complete for fixed alphabet sizes. Furthermore, we show that for context-free languages, the directedness problem is PSPACE-complete

    Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part III: Karp-Miller Trees

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    This paper is a sequel of "Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part I: Completions" [STACS 2009, LZI Intl. Proc. in Informatics 3, 433-444] and "Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part II: Complete WSTS" [Logical Methods in Computer Science 8(3), 2012]. In these two papers, we provided a framework to conduct forward reachability analyses of WSTS, using finite representations of downward-closed sets. We further develop this framework to obtain a generic Karp-Miller algorithm for the new class of very-WSTS. This allows us to show that coverability sets of very-WSTS can be computed as their finite ideal decompositions. Under natural effectiveness assumptions, we also show that LTL model checking for very-WSTS is decidable. The termination of our procedure rests on a new notion of acceleration levels, which we study. We characterize those domains that allow for only finitely many accelerations, based on ordinal ranks