11 research outputs found

    Improved error bounds for inner products in floating-point arithmetic

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    International audienceGiven two floating-point vectors x,yx,y of dimension nn and assuming rounding to nearest, we show that if no underflow or overflow occurs, any evaluation order for inner product returns a floating-point number r^\hat r such that r^xTynuxTy|{\hat r}-x^Ty| \le nu|x|^T|y| with uu the unit roundoff. This result, which holds for any radix and with no restriction on nn, can be seen as a generalization of a similar bound given in~\cite{Rump12} for recursive summation in radix 22, namely r^xTe(n1)uxTe|{\hat r}- x^Te| \le (n-1)u|x|^Te with e=[1,1,,1]Te=[1,1,\ldots,1]^T. As a direct consequence, the error bound for the floating-point approximation C^\hat C of classical matrix multiplication with inner dimension nn simplifies to C^ABnuAB|\hat{C}-AB|\le nu|A||B|

    Exploiting structure in floating-point arithmetic

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    Invited paper - MACIS 2015 (Sixth International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences)International audienceThe analysis of algorithms in IEEE floating-point arithmetic is most often carried out via repeated applications of the so-called standard model, which bounds the relative error of each basic operation by a common epsilon depending only on the format. While this approach has been eminently useful for establishing many accuracy and stability results, it fails to capture most of the low-level features that make floating-point arithmetic so highly structured. In this paper, we survey some of those properties and how to exploit them in rounding error analysis. In particular, we review some recent improvements of several classical, Wilkinson-style error bounds from linear algebra and complex arithmetic that all rely on such structure properties

    Hamiltonian mechanics on discrete manifolds

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    The mathematical/geometric structure of discrete models of systems, whether these models are obtained after discretization of a smooth system or as a direct result of modeling at the discrete level, have not been studied much. Mostly one is concerned regarding the nature of the solutions, but not much has been done regarding the structure of these discrete models. In this paper we provide a framework for the study of discrete models, speci?cally we present a Hamiltonian point of view. To this end we introduce the concept of a discrete calculus

    Emulating round-to-nearest-ties-to-zero "augmented" floating-point operations using round-to-nearest-ties-to-even arithmetic

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    The 2019 version of the IEEE 754 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic recommends that new “augmented” operations should be provided for the binary formats. These operations use a new “rounding direction”: round to nearest ties-to-zero. We show how they can be implemented using the currently available operations, using round-to-nearest ties-to-even with a partial formal proof of correctness

    A gentle introduction to formal verification of computer systems by abstract interpretation

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    International audienceWe introduce and illustrate basic notions of abstract interpretation theory and its applications by relying on the readers general scientific culture and basic knowledge of computer programming

    Proposed Consistent Exception Handling for the BLAS and LAPACK

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    Numerical exceptions, which may be caused by overflow, operations like division by 0 or sqrt(-1), or convergence failures, are unavoidable in many cases, in particular when software is used on unforeseen and difficult inputs. As more aspects of society become automated, e.g., self-driving cars, health monitors, and cyber-physical systems more generally, it is becoming increasingly important to design software that is resilient to exceptions, and that responds to them in a consistent way. Consistency is needed to allow users to build higher-level software that is also resilient and consistent (and so on recursively). In this paper we explore the design space of consistent exception handling for the widely used BLAS and LAPACK linear algebra libraries, pointing out a variety of instances of inconsistent exception handling in the current versions, and propose a new design that balances consistency, complexity, ease of use, and performance. Some compromises are needed, because there are preexisting inconsistencies that are outside our control, including in or between existing vendor BLAS implementations, different programming languages, and even compilers for the same programming language. And user requests from our surveys are quite diverse. We also propose our design as a possible model for other numerical software, and welcome comments on our design choices

    Handling Floating-Point Exceptions in Numeric Programs

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    Language Constructs Termination exception mechanisms like in Ada and C++ are supposed to terminate an unsuccessful computation as soon as possible after an exception occurs. However, none of the examples of numeric exception handling presented earlier depends ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. 18, No. 2, March 1996. Handling Floating-Point Exceptions 167 on the immediate termination of a calculation signaling an exception. The IEEE exception flags scheme actually takes advantage of the fact that an immediate jump is not necessary; by raising a flag, making a substitution, and continuing, the IEEE Standard supports both an attempted/alternate form and a default substitution with a single, simple reponse to exceptions. A detraction of the IEEE flag solution, though, is its obvious lack of structure. Instead of being forced to set and reset flags, one would ideally have available a language construct that more directly reflected the attempted/alternate algorit..

    Low-overhead Online Code Transformations.

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    The ability to perform online code transformations - to dynamically change the implementation of running native programs - has been shown to be useful in domains as diverse as optimization, security, debugging, resilience and portability. However, conventional techniques for performing online code transformations carry significant runtime overhead, limiting their applicability for performance-sensitive applications. This dissertation proposes and investigates a novel low-overhead online code transformation technique that works by running the dynamic compiler asynchronously and in parallel to the running program. As a consequence, this technique allows programs to execute with the online code transformation capability at near-native speed, unlocking a host of additional opportunities that can take advantage of the ability to re-visit compilation choices as the program runs. This dissertation builds on the low-overhead online code transformation mechanism, describing three novel runtime systems that represent in best-in-class solutions to three challenging problems facing modern computer scientists. First, I leverage online code transformations to significantly increase the utilization of multicore datacenter servers by dynamically managing program cache contention. Compared to state-of-the-art prior work that mitigate contention by throttling application execution, the proposed technique achieves a 1.3-1.5x improvement in application performance. Second, I build a technique to automatically configure and parameterize approximate computing techniques for each program input. This technique results in the ability to configure approximate computing to achieve an average performance improvement of 10.2x while maintaining 90% result accuracy, which significantly improves over oracle versions of prior techniques. Third, I build an operating system designed to secure running applications from dynamic return oriented programming attacks by efficiently, transparently and continuously re-randomizing the code of running programs. The technique is able to re-randomize program code at a frequency of 300ms with an average overhead of 9%, a frequency fast enough to resist state-of-the-art return oriented programming attacks based on memory disclosures and side channels.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120775/1/mlaurenz_1.pd

    Study and development of innovative strategies for energy-efficient cross-layer design of digital VLSI systems based on Approximate Computing

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    The increasing demand on requirements for high performance and energy efficiency in modern digital systems has led to the research of new design approaches that are able to go beyond the established energy-performance tradeoff. Looking at scientific literature, the Approximate Computing paradigm has been particularly prolific. Many applications in the domain of signal processing, multimedia, computer vision, machine learning are known to be particularly resilient to errors occurring on their input data and during computation, producing outputs that, although degraded, are still largely acceptable from the point of view of quality. The Approximate Computing design paradigm leverages the characteristics of this group of applications to develop circuits, architectures, algorithms that, by relaxing design constraints, perform their computations in an approximate or inexact manner reducing energy consumption. This PhD research aims to explore the design of hardware/software architectures based on Approximate Computing techniques, filling the gap in literature regarding effective applicability and deriving a systematic methodology to characterize its benefits and tradeoffs. The main contributions of this work are: -the introduction of approximate memory management inside the Linux OS, allowing dynamic allocation and de-allocation of approximate memory at user level, as for normal exact memory; - the development of an emulation environment for platforms with approximate memory units, where faults are injected during the simulation based on models that reproduce the effects on memory cells of circuital and architectural techniques for approximate memories; -the implementation and analysis of the impact of approximate memory hardware on real applications: the H.264 video encoder, internally modified to allocate selected data buffers in approximate memory, and signal processing applications (digital filter) using approximate memory for input/output buffers and tap registers; -the development of a fully reconfigurable and combinatorial floating point unit, which can work with reduced precision formats