16 research outputs found

    Handbook of nature-inspired and innovative computing: integrating classical models with emerging technologies

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    As computing devices proliferate, demand increases for an understanding of emerging computing paradigms and models based on natural phenomena. This handbook explores the connection between nature-inspired and traditional computational paradigms. It presents computing paradigms and models based on natural phenomena

    An Approach to Better System Resource Utilization for Search Engine Clusters

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    Better system resource utilization for search engine clusters can result in significant benefits. By allocating cluster machines to the job that requires the most computational power, indexing and querying both realize performance gains. In this paper we discuss an approach to better system resource utilization which was tested by implementing it in a cluster-based search engine. We test the approach on 100 000 webpages from the uct.ac.za domain. Our results show the benefits of enhanced system resource utilization in a search engine cluster

    Dynamic Role Allocation for Small Search Engine Clusters

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    Search engines facilitate efficient discovery of information in large information environments such as the Web. As the amount of information rapidly increases, search engines require greater computational resources. Similarly, as the user base increases search engines need to handle increasing numbers of user requests. Existing solutions to these scalability problems are often designed for large computer clusters. This paper presents a flexible solution that is deployable also on small clusters. The solution is based on the allocation and dynamic re-adjustment of indexing and querying roles to cluster nodes in order to optimize cluster utilisation. By allocating cluster machines to the job that requires the most computational power, indexing and querying may both realize performance gains, while neither overwhelms the limited resources available. A prototype system was built and tested on a small cluster using a dataset of over 100 000 Web pages from the uct.ac.za domain. Initial results confirm an improved system resource utilisation, which warrants further investigatio

    Adaps – A three-phase adaptive prediction system for the run-time of jobs based on user behaviour

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    AbstractIn heterogeneous and distributed environments it is necessary to create schedules for utilising resources in an efficient way. This generation often poses a problem for a scheduler, since several aspects have to be considered. One way of supporting a scheduler is to provide accurate predictions of the run-times of the submitted jobs. A large number of current techniques offer statistical models that are deployed on previously filtered data. As users have different jobs, and because the attributes of their jobs differ, filtering data and choosing an appropriate prediction method has to cover these aspects. This article describes Adaps, a system for run-time prediction that works in three phases. Each is independently adjusting to the jobs of a user, based on historical information. This leads to a user specific clustering of data and to a flexible utilisation of different prediction techniques in order to create a user-centred prediction model

    Leo: Lagrange Elementary Optimization

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    Global optimization problems are frequently solved using the practical and efficient method of evolutionary sophistication. But as the original problem becomes more complex, so does its efficacy and expandability. Thus, the purpose of this research is to introduce the Lagrange Elementary Optimization (Leo) as an evolutionary method, which is self-adaptive inspired by the remarkable accuracy of vaccinations using the albumin quotient of human blood. They develop intelligent agents using their fitness function value after gene crossing. These genes direct the search agents during both exploration and exploitation. The main objective of the Leo algorithm is presented in this paper along with the inspiration and motivation for the concept. To demonstrate its precision, the proposed algorithm is validated against a variety of test functions, including 19 traditional benchmark functions and the CECC06 2019 test functions. The results of Leo for 19 classic benchmark test functions are evaluated against DA, PSO, and GA separately, and then two other recent algorithms such as FDO and LPB are also included in the evaluation. In addition, the Leo is tested by ten functions on CECC06 2019 with DA, WOA, SSA, FDO, LPB, and FOX algorithms distinctly. The cumulative outcomes demonstrate Leo's capacity to increase the starting population and move toward the global optimum. Different standard measurements are used to verify and prove the stability of Leo in both the exploration and exploitation phases. Moreover, Statistical analysis supports the findings results of the proposed research. Finally, novel applications in the real world are introduced to demonstrate the practicality of Leo.Comment: 28 page

    Mutable Objects, Spatial Manipulation and Performance Optimization

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    Contemporary digital design techniques are powerful, but disjoint. There are myriad emerging ways of manipulating design components, and generating both functional forms and formal functions. With the combination of selective agglomeration, sequencing, and heuristics, it is possible to use these techniques to focus on optimizing performance criteria, and selecting for defined characteristics. With these techniques, complex, performance oriented systems can emerge, with minimal input and high effectiveness and e""ciency. These processes depend on iterative loops for stability and directionality, and are the basis for optimization and refinement. They begin to approach cybernetic principles of self-organization and equilibrium. By rapidly looping this process, design ‘attractors’– shared solution components–become visible and accessible. In the past, we have been dedicated to selecting the contents of the design space. With these tools, we can now ask, what are the inputs to the design process, what is the continuum or spectrum of design inputs, and what are the selection criteria for the success of a design-aspect? These new questions allow for a greater coherence within a particular cognitive model for the designed and desired object. There are ways of using optimization criteria that enable design freedom within these boundaries, while enforcing constraints and maintaining consistency for selected processes and product aspects. The identification and codification of new rules for the process support both flexibility and the potential for cognitive restructuring of the process and sequences of design

    El mundo de las ciencias de la complejidad

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    La situación es verdaderamente apasionante. Mientras que en el mundo llamado real –y entonces se hace referencia a dominios como la política, la economía, los conflictos militares y sociales, por ejemplo–, la percepción natural –digamos: de los medios y la opinión pública– es que el país y el mundo se encuentran en condiciones difíciles; en algunos casos, dramática; y en muchas ocasiones trágica, en el campo del progreso del conocimiento asistimos a una magnífica vitalidad. Esta vitalidad se expresa en la ciencia de punta y, notablemente, en las ciencias de la complejidad. Mientras que la ciencia normal –para volver a la expresión de Kuhn– se encuentra literalmente a la defensiva en numerosos campos, temas y problemas –digamos, a la defensiva con respecto al decurso de los acontecimientos y a las dinámicas del mundo contemporáneo–, en el contexto del estudio de los sistemas complejos adaptativos asistimos a una vitalidad que es prácticamente desconocida para la corriente principal de académicos –independientemente de los niveles en los que trabajan–, de científicos, de administradores de educación y de ciencia y tecnología (por ejemplo rectores, vicerrectores, decanos, directores de departamentos, tomadores de decisión, políticos y gobernantes). La corriente principal del conocimiento (mainstream) desconoce una circunstancia, un proceso, una dinámica que sí es conocida por parte de quienes trabajan e investigan activamente en el campo de las ciencias de la complejidad