5,852 research outputs found

    Processing Large Amounts of Images on Hadoop with OpenCV

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    Modern image collections cannot be processed efficiently on one computer due to large collection sizes and high computational costs of modern image processing algorithms. Hence, image processing often requires distributed computing. However, distributed computing is a complicated subject that demands deep technical knowledge and often cannot be used by researches who develop image processing algorithms. The framework is needed that allows the researches to concentrate on image processing tasks and hides from them the complicated details of distributed computing. In addition, the framework should provide the researches with the familiar image processing tools. The paper describes the extension to the MapReduce Image Processing (MIPr) framework that provides the ability to use OpenCV in Hadoop cluster for distributed image processing. The modified MIPr framework allows the development of image processing programs in Java using the OpenCV Java binding. The performance testing of created system on the cloud cluster demonstrated near-linear scalability

    Hadoop Image Processing Framework

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    With the rapid growth of social media, the number of images being uploaded to the internet is exploding. Massive quantities of images are shared through multi-platform services such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp; recent studies estimate that over 1.8 billion photos are uploaded every day. However, for the most part, applications that make use of this vast data have yet to emerge. Most current image processing applications, designed for small-scale, local computation, do not scale well to web-sized problems with their large requirements for computational resources and storage. The emergence of processing frameworks such as the Hadoop MapReduce\cite{dean2008} platform addresses the problem of providing a system for computationally intensive data processing and distributed storage. However, to learn the technical complexities of developing useful applications using Hadoop requires a large investment of time and experience on the part of the developer. As such, the pool of researchers and programmers with the varied skills to develop applications that can use large sets of images has been limited. To address this we have developed the Hadoop Image Processing Framework, which provides a Hadoop-based library to support large-scale image processing. The main aim of the framework is to allow developers of image processing applications to leverage the Hadoop MapReduce framework without having to master its technical details and introduce an additional source of complexity and error into their programs.Computer Scienc

    Astronomy in the Cloud: Using MapReduce for Image Coaddition

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    In the coming decade, astronomical surveys of the sky will generate tens of terabytes of images and detect hundreds of millions of sources every night. The study of these sources will involve computation challenges such as anomaly detection and classification, and moving object tracking. Since such studies benefit from the highest quality data, methods such as image coaddition (stacking) will be a critical preprocessing step prior to scientific investigation. With a requirement that these images be analyzed on a nightly basis to identify moving sources or transient objects, these data streams present many computational challenges. Given the quantity of data involved, the computational load of these problems can only be addressed by distributing the workload over a large number of nodes. However, the high data throughput demanded by these applications may present scalability challenges for certain storage architectures. One scalable data-processing method that has emerged in recent years is MapReduce, and in this paper we focus on its popular open-source implementation called Hadoop. In the Hadoop framework, the data is partitioned among storage attached directly to worker nodes, and the processing workload is scheduled in parallel on the nodes that contain the required input data. A further motivation for using Hadoop is that it allows us to exploit cloud computing resources, e.g., Amazon's EC2. We report on our experience implementing a scalable image-processing pipeline for the SDSS imaging database using Hadoop. This multi-terabyte imaging dataset provides a good testbed for algorithm development since its scope and structure approximate future surveys. First, we describe MapReduce and how we adapted image coaddition to the MapReduce framework. Then we describe a number of optimizations to our basic approach and report experimental results comparing their performance.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Hadoop-based File Monitoring System for Processing Image Data

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    This paper presents a file monitoring system based on the Hadoop framework, specifically designed for image data processing. The system comprises a Hadoop cluster and a client, where the Hadoop cluster includes various modules such as a name node module, a name node agent module, data node modules, a matching module, and a response algorithm module. The name node agent module acts as an intermediary between the client and the name node module, forwarding function information and acquiring configuration information. The system provides comprehensive monitoring capabilities for the distributed file system, enabling real-time handling of requests and messages

    DIFET: Distributed Feature Extraction Tool For High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images

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    In this paper, we propose distributed feature extraction tool from high spatial resolution remote sensing images. Tool is based on Apache Hadoop framework and Hadoop Image Processing Interface. Two corner detection (Harris and Shi-Tomasi) algorithms and five feature descriptors (SIFT, SURF, FAST, BRIEF, and ORB) are considered. Robustness of the tool in the task of feature extraction from LandSat-8 imageries are evaluated in terms of horizontal scalability.Comment: Presented at 4th International GeoAdvances Worksho