113 research outputs found

    Stable habitual domains: Existence and implications

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    AbstractConditions for the number of elements in habitual domains and for the activation propensity of each element in the habitual domains to become stabilized are described. The formation of stable states implies enduring personality and attitudes and conditioned or programmed behavior. Some important implications for decision analysis, high-stake decision problems, optimality, gaming and conflict resolution, and career management are also discussed

    Intelligent Knowledge Beyond Data Mining: Influences of Habitual Domains

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    Data mining is a useful analytic method and has been increasingly used by organizations to gain insights from large-scale data. Prior studies of data mining have focused on developing automatic data mining models that belong to first-order data mining. Recently, researchers have called for more study of the second-order data mining process. Second-order data mining process is an important step to convert data mining results into intelligent knowledge, i.e., actionable knowledge. Specifically, second-order data mining refers to the post-stage of data mining projects in which humans collectively make judgments on data mining models’ performance. Understanding the second-order data mining process is valuable in addressing how data mining can be used best by organizations in order to achieve competitive advantages. Drawing on the theory of habitual domains, this study developed a conceptual model for understanding the impact of human cognition characteristics on second-order data mining. Results from a field survey study showed significant correlations between habitual domain characteristics, such as educational level and prior experience with data mining, and human judgments on classifiers’ performance

    Impact of technology habitual domain on ambidextrous innovation:Case study of a Chinese high-tech enterprise

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    To obtain a sustainable competitive advantage in the dynamic environment, it is necessary for Chinese high-tech enterprises to focus on their technology habitual domains in formulating ambidextrous innovation strategy. This study integrates technology habitual domain, exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation within a framework and explores the influence mechanism among them. Based on an in-depth case study on KTE, representing a high-tech enterprise in China, we have several findings. Firstly, we depict the evolution mechanism of technology habitual domain; secondly, we find that the high-tech enterprise’s technology habitual domain will cultivate and develop the firms’ dynamic capabilities; and thirdly, the expansion of technology habitual domain will promote exploitative innovation, while the transformation of technology habitual domain will promote exploratory innovation. These findings can be useful guidance for high-tech enterprises in China who are aiming to achieve ambidextrous innovation to better adapt to the turbulent environment, and thus achieving sustainability

    Competence System Management

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    Competence Set Analysis is a managerial decision analysis theory proposed and studied in 1980’s by the distinguished Professor Po-Lung Yu of Management Science, USA. In this paper, the recent research results in this field and its applications are reviewed, including behavior and decision mechanism, behavior hypotheses, common behavior tendencies, habitual domains analysis, competence set analysis, competence system management, etc.. Finally, further possible extensions and research problems are discussed.Key words: Decision analysis; Competence set analysis; Habitual domain; Behavior pattern; Competence system managemen

    A Revised Optimal Spanning Table Method for Expanding Competence Sets

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    The optimal expansion problem of competence sets can be solves by either mathematical programming method or table based method developed by Feng (2001). Compared to the mathematical programming method, table based method for competence set expansion is a more efficient algorithm in using relevant tableaus to solve the optimal expansion problems. This paper proposes a revised table based method to facilitate developing a computer code. A computer program, called TBM, based on the revised algorithm, was developed to solve the large scale problems of expanding competence sets. A numerical example is given, and some possible future research topics on the related theme are discussed. Keywords: competence set expansion; habitual domains; spanning table methodRésumé: Le problème de l'expansion optimale des ensembles de compétence peut être résolu soit par la méthode de programmation mathématique, soit par une méthode basée sur les tableaux développée par Feng (2001). Comparée à la méthode de programmation mathématique, la méthode basée sur les tableaux pour l'expansion des ensembles de compétence est un algorithme plus efficace dans l'utilisation des tableaux appropriés pour résoudre les problèmes d'expansion optimale. Cet article propose une méthode basée sur les tableaux révisé pour faciliter l'élaboration d'un code informatique. Un programme d'ordinateur, appelé TBM, basé sur l'algorithme révisé, a été développé pour résoudre les problèmes de l'expansion des ensembles de compétences à grande échelle. Un exemple numérique est donné, et quelques sujets possibles de futures recherches sur le thème sont débattues.Mots-clés: expansion des ensembles de competences; domaines habituels; méthode de tableau construi

    Multicriteria Decision Making Problems Using Variable Weights of Criteria Based on Alternative Preferences

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    In this study, we consider multicriteria decision making problems with respect to variable domination structures. These structures are considered in relation to variable weights of criteria based on alternatives preferences. Such problems have many applications in logistics, strategic management, economics, and many decision making processes. For solving such problems, we define a technique based on simple additive weighting, technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution, and preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation (PROMETHEE) methods. Then, we utilize the PROMETHEE method for facility location selection

    Multiple Criteria Games Theory and Applications

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    After a review of basic concepts in multiple criteria optimization, the paper presents a characterization of noncooperative equilibria in multiple criteria games in normal form either by weighted sums or by order-consistent achievement scalarizing functions, for convex and nonconvex cases. Possible applications of multiple criteria games and such characterizations of their equilibria are indicated. The analysis of multiple criteria games night be especially useful when studying reasons of possible conflict escalation processes and ways of preventing them
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