56 research outputs found

    Software Design with the Rapid Prototyping Approach

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    Supporting ergonomics in concept design

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    Supporting ergonomics in concept desig

    Trends and tasks in control rooms

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    Designing maps to support native title negotiation and arbitration in Australia

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    An understanding of the space around us (spatiality) is fundamental to our consciousness and in the explanation of heritage• the idea that a map represents both the world we live in and our experiences of it For example, the visual language of Aboriginal maps represents a synergistic amalgam of the metaphorical, metaphysical and material worlds. Thus maps can be said \0 be representations that facilitate an understanding of things, concepts, conditions, processes or events in the human world and provide a way of ordering our knowledge of our environment Our research is concerned with the exploration of these concepts in the context of the design of maps arid other graphics to support negotiations and legal proceedings regarding native title land tenure claims in Australia. This paper reports progress on the muHidisciplinary research project at Murdoch University, involving the principal disciplines of information systems, cartography and law. The research project is examining how information systems may be best utilised to support the variety of (often competing) interests of the various parties involved in native title claims. It also addresses important methodological issues relating to the analysis, design and evaluation of information systems which accommodate users w~h different cultural backgrounds. Spatial representations of various kinds (including maps) can help bridge the .cultural gap and support the empathetic process so critical to successful negotiation and arbitration. The design of appropriate maps and other graphics to support negotiation and arbitration procedures reiated to native @e claims needs to be considered within the context of the information systems in which they are used. In turn, the design of the information systems must be based on an understanding Of the decision making environment within which they are Situated and the characteristics of system users. This requires the detailed analysis of the procedures used and the roles of the various people involved. This process enables a clear understanding of the purpose of each graphic (or graphic sequence) to be developed and hence its deSign in the most cogent and effective manner. The paper reports on research findings regarding the use of trad~ional and innovative procedures for the design of information systems; and maps and other graphic products. The relationship of these procedures to Aboriginal concepts of place and representational style is also explored

    Review of Industry 4.0 in the Light of Sociotechnical System Theory and Competence-Based View : A Future Research Agenda for the Evolute Approach

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    This paper reviews the concept of Industry 4.0 related challenges and basic requirements for successful implementation of it. It proposed that sociotechnical system theory (STS) and competence-based view (CBV) are best approaches towards implementation of industry 4.0 in the organizations. STS theory leads to such systems, which are more acceptable to end users and deliver better value. While competence-based view prepares those users to interact efficiently with new systems. To support competence-based view for industry 4.0 we argue that competence models of the Evolute approach need to be revised and updated, as well as, there is need for new competence models for emerging new job profiles. The combination of these three approaches will result into successful implementation of new industry 4.0 systems in the organizations.© 2019 Springer. This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Society. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94709-9_12fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The Effect of Motives on Enterprise Social Network Usage

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    Enterprise Social Networks (ESNs) have brought revolutionary changes to business organizations as they offer enormous potential to enhance collaboration, interaction, innovation, and efficiency. However, despite these benefits, many organizations have failed to encourage their employees to actively engage with ESNs, making their investment decisions questionable. Therefore, this study focused on examining the motivations to use ESNs. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify the gratifications motivating the employees to use ESNs. Accordingly, information sharing, self-documentation, entertainment, and social interaction were identified as the gratifications driving the employees to use ESNs at work. Data were collected from 146 employees in the software industry who use ESNs at work through an online survey-based structured questionnaire, and data analysis was performed using partial least square based structural equation modeling using SmartPLS. The results revealed that amongst the four gratifications examined in this study, information sharing, self-documentation, and social interaction have positive and significant effects on ESN use. The findings of the study have both theoretical and practical implications. Because the studies examining the gratifications driving ESN use are scarce, the present study helps to fill the existing knowledge gap in this context. This is especially significant in the Sri Lankan context

    iesnews; Esprit Information Exchange System Issue No. 21 April 1989

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