4 research outputs found

    Un environnement pour le calcul intensif pair Ă  pair

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    Le concept de pair à pair (P2P) a connu récemment de grands développements dans les domaines du partage de fichiers, du streaming vidéo et des bases de données distribuées. Le développement du concept de parallélisme dans les architectures de microprocesseurs et les avancées en matière de réseaux à haut débit permettent d'envisager de nouvelles applications telles que le calcul intensif distribué. Cependant, la mise en oeuvre de ce nouveau type d'application sur des réseaux P2P pose de nombreux défis comme l'hétérogénéité des machines, le passage à l'échelle et la robustesse. Par ailleurs, les protocoles de transport existants comme TCP et UDP ne sont pas bien adaptés à ce nouveau type d'application. Ce mémoire de thèse a pour objectif de présenter un environnement décentralisé pour la mise en oeuvre de calculs intensifs sur des réseaux pair à pair. Nous nous intéressons à des applications dans les domaines de la simulation numérique et de l'optimisation qui font appel à des modèles de type parallélisme de tâches et qui sont résolues au moyen d'algorithmes itératifs distribués or parallèles. Contrairement aux solutions existantes, notre environnement permet des communications directes et fréquentes entre les pairs. L'environnement est conçu à partir d'un protocole de communication auto-adaptatif qui peut se reconfigurer en adoptant le mode de communication le plus approprié entre les pairs en fonction de choix algorithmiques relevant de la couche application ou d'éléments de contexte comme la topologie au niveau de la couche réseau. Nous présentons et analysons des résultats expérimentaux obtenus sur diverses plateformes comme GRID'5000 et PlanetLab pour le problème de l'obstacle et des problèmes non linéaires de flots dans les réseaux. ABSTRACT : The concept of peer-to-peer (P2P) has known great developments these years in the domains of file sharing, video streaming or distributed databases. Recent advances in microprocessors architecture and networks permit one to consider new applications like distributed high performance computing. However, the implementation of this new type of application on P2P networks gives raise to numerous challenges like heterogeneity, scalability and robustness. In addition, existing transport protocols like TCP and UDP are not well suited to this new type of application. This thesis aims at designing a decentralized and robust environment for the implementation of high performance computing applications on peer-to-peer networks. We are interested in applications in the domains of numerical simulation and optimization that rely on tasks parallel models and that are solved via parallel or distributed iterative algorithms. Unlike existing solutions, our environment allows frequent direct communications between peers. The environment is based on a self adaptive communication protocol that can reconfigure itself dynamically by choosing the most appropriate communication mode between any peers according to decisions concerning algorithmic choice made at the application level or elements of context at transport level, like topology. We present and analyze computational results obtained on several testeds like GRID’5000 and PlanetLab for the obstacle problem and nonlinear network flow problems

    HPC Applications deployment on distributed heterogeneous computing platforms via OMF, OML and P2PDC

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    Abstract-A new tool and web portal are presented for deployment of High Performance Computing applications on distributed heterogeneous computing platforms. This tool relies on the decentralized environment P2PDC and the OMF and OML multithreaded control, instrumentation and measurement libraries. Deployment on PlanetLab of a numerical simulation application is studied. A first series of computational results is displayed and analyzed

    HPC Applications deployment on distributed heterogeneous computing platforms via OMF, OML and P2PDC

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    Abstract-A new tool and web portal are presented for deployment of High Performance Computing applications on distributed heterogeneous computing platforms. This tool relies on the decentralized environment P2PDC and the OMF and OML multithreaded control, instrumentation and measurement libraries. Deployment on PlanetLab of a numerical simulation application is studied. A first series of computational results is displayed and analyzed

    HPC Applications deployment on distributed heterogeneous computing platforms via OMF, OML and P2PDC

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    International audienceA new tool and web portal are presented for deployment of High Performance Computing applications on distributed heterogeneous computing platforms. This tool relies on the decentralized environment P2PDC and the OMF and OML multithreaded control, instrumentation and measurement libraries. Deployment on PlanetLab of a numerical simulation application is studied. A first series of computational results is displayed and analyzed. I. INTRODUCTION The domains of parallel and distributed computing are currently undergoing profound mutations. New concepts like peer-to-peer, global computing and cloud computing have recently emerged (see [1]). More recently, heterogeneous technologies have started to be used with success for High Performance Computing (HPC) applications as well (see [2] and [3]). In particular, the combination of distributed and heterogeneous technologies seems to be very promising for HPC applications. These technologies have led to architectures with hundred thousands or millions of cores where application deployment, heterogeneity, power consumption and fault-tolerance are key issues. In this paper, we present the principle of an original solution related to a web portal for peer-to-peer HPC application deployment. The Portal is the combination of the decentralized environment for high performance Peer-to-Peer Distributed Computing, P2PDC, (see [4] and [5]) with tools like OML, OMF and OMF Portal that facilitate the deployment, management of P2PDC applications as well as the retrieval and analysis of results [6]–[9]. We introduce also in this paper a new measurement channel for P2PDC on OML. Section II deals with related work and background material. The motivations of the study are presented in Section III. We detail measurement channel for P2PDC and task deployment in Section IV. Experiments carried out on PlanetLab are presented in Section V. Finally, conclusions and future work are presented in Section VI