10 research outputs found

    Malaysian medicinal plant leaf shape identification and classification

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    Malaysian medicinal plants may be abundant natural resources but there has not been much research done on preserving the knowledge of these medicinal plants which enables general public to know the leaf using computing capability.This study proposes a framework to identify and classify tropical medicinal plants in Malaysia based the extracted patterns from the leaf.The extracted patterns from medicinal plant leaf are obtained based on several angle features.Five classifiers, obtained from WEKA and an ensemble classifier, called Direct Ensemble Classifier for Imbalanced Multiclass Learning (DECIML), are used to compare their performance accuracies over this data.In this experiment, five species of Malaysian medicinal plants are identified and classified in which each species will be represented by using 65 images.This study is important in order to assist local community to utilize the knowledge discovery and application of Malaysian medicinal plants for future generation

    Feature selection for Malaysian medicinal plant leaf shape identification and classification

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    Malaysian medicinal plants may be abundant natural resources but there has not been much research done on preserving the knowledge of these medicinal plants which enables general public to know the leaf using computing capability.Therefore, in this preliminary study, a novel framework in order to identify and classify tropical medicinal plants in Malaysia based on the extracted patterns from the leaf is presented.The extracted patterns from medicinal plant leaf are obtained based on several angle features.However, the extracted features create quite large number of attributes (features), thus degrade the performance most of the classifiers.Thus, a feature selection is applied to leaf data and to investigate whether the performance of a classifier can be improved.Wrapper based genetic algorithm (GA) feature selection is used to select the features and the ensemble classifier called Direct Ensemble Classifier for Imbalanced Multiclass Learning (DECIML) is used as a classifier.The performance of the feature selection is compared with two feature selections from Weka.In the experiment, five species of Malaysian medicinal plants are identified and classified in which will be represented by using 65 images.This study is important in order to assist local community to utilize the knowledge and application of Malaysian medicinal plants for future generation

    Comparing Local Descriptors and Bags of Visual Words to Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Recognition

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    The use of machine learning and computer vision methods for recognizing different plants from images has attracted lots of attention from the community. This paper aims at comparing local feature descriptors and bags of visual words with different classifiers to deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on three plant datasets; AgrilPlant, LeafSnap, and Folio. To achieve this, we study the use of both scratch and fine-tuned versions of the GoogleNet and the AlexNet architectures and compare them to a local feature descriptor with k-nearest neighbors and the bag of visual words with the histogram of oriented gradients combined with either support vector machines and multi-layer perceptrons. The results shows that the deep CNN methods outperform the hand-crafted features. The CNN techniques can also learn well on a relatively small dataset, Folio

    Plant recognition, detection, and counting with deep learning

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    In agricultural and farm management, plant recognition, plant detection, and plant counting systems are crucial. We can apply these tasks to several applications, for example, plant disease detection, weed detection, fruit harvest system, and plant species identification. Plants can be identified by looking at their most discriminating parts, such as a leaf, fruit, flower, bark, and the overall plant, by considering attributes as shape, size, or color. However, the identification of plant species from field observation can be complicated, time-consuming, and requires specialized expertise. Computer vision and machine-learning techniques have become ubiquitous and are invaluable to overcome problems with plant recognition in research. Although these techniques have been of great help, image-based plant recognition is still a challenge. There are several obstacles, such as considerable species diversity, intra-class dissimilarity, inter-class similarity, and blurred resource images. Recently, the emerging of deep learning has brought substantial advances in image classification. Deep learning architectures can learn from images and notably increase their predictive accuracy. This thesis provides various techniques, including data augmentation and classification schemes, to improve plant recognition, plant detection, and plant counting system

    Leaf recognition for accurate plant classification.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2017.Plants are the most important living organisms on our planet because they are sources of energy and protect our planet against global warming. Botanists were the first scientist to design techniques for plant species recognition using leaves. Although many techniques for plant recognition using leaf images have been proposed in the literature, the precision and the quality of feature descriptors for shape, texture, and color remain the major challenges. This thesis investigates the precision of geometric shape features extraction and improved the determination of the Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR). The comparison of the proposed improved MBR determination method to Chaudhuri's method is performed using Mean Absolute Error (MAE) generated by each method on each edge point of the MBR. On the top left point of the determined MBR, Chaudhuri's method has the MAE value of 26.37 and the proposed method has the MAE value of 8.14. This thesis also investigates the use of the Convexity Measure of Polygons for the characterization of the degree of convexity of a given leaf shape. Promising results are obtained when using the Convexity Measure of Polygons combined with other geometric features to characterize leave images, and a classification rate of 92% was obtained with a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network classifier. After observing the limitations of the Convexity Measure of Polygons, a new shape feature called Convexity Moments of Polygons is presented in this thesis. This new feature has the invariant properties of the Convexity Measure of Polygons, but is more precise because it uses more than one value to characterize the degree of convexity of a given shape. Promising results are obtained when using the Convexity Moments of Polygons combined with other geometric features to characterize the leaf images and a classification rate of 95% was obtained with the Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network classifier. Leaf boundaries carry valuable information that can be used to distinguish between plant species. In this thesis, a new boundary-based shape characterization method called Sinuosity Coefficients is proposed. This method has been used in many fields of science like Geography to describe rivers meandering. The Sinuosity Coefficients is scale and translation invariant. Promising results are obtained when using Sinuosity Coefficients combined with other geometric features to characterize the leaf images, a classification rate of 80% was obtained with the Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network classifier. Finally, this thesis implements a model for plant classification using leaf images, where an input leaf image is described using the Convexity Moments, the Sinuosity Coefficients and the geometric features to generate a feature vector for the recognition of plant species using a Radial Basis Neural Network. With the model designed and implemented the overall classification rate of 97% was obtained

    Technology in conservation: towards a system for in-field drone detection of invasive vegetation

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    Remote sensing can assist in monitoring the spread of invasive vegetation. The adoption of camera-carrying unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly referred to as drones, as remote sensing tools has yielded images of higher spatial resolution than traditional techniques. Drones also have the potential to interact with the environment through the delivery of bio-control or herbicide, as seen with their adoption in precision agriculture. Unlike in agricultural applications, however, invasive plants do not have a predictable position relative to each other within the environment. To facilitate the adoption of drones as an environmental monitoring and management tool, drones need to be able to intelligently distinguish between invasive and non-invasive vegetation on the fly. In this thesis, we present the augmentation of a commercially available drone with a deep machine learning model to investigate the viability of differentiating between an invasive shrub and other vegetation. As a case study, this was applied to the shrub genus Hakea, originating in Australia and invasive in several countries including South Africa. However, for this research, the methodology is important, rather than the chosen target plant. A dataset was collected using the available drone and manually annotated to facilitate the supervised training of the model. Two approaches were explored, namely, classification and semantic segmentation. For each of these, several models were trained and evaluated to find the optimal one. The chosen model was then interfaced with the drone via an Android application on a mobile device and its performance was preliminarily evaluated in the field. Based on these findings, refinements were made and thereafter a thorough field evaluation was performed to determine the best conditions for model operation. Results from the classification task show that deep learning models are capable of distinguishing between target and other shrubs in ideal candidate windows. However, classification in this manner is restricted by the proposal of such candidate windows. End-to-end image segmentation using deep learning overcomes this problem, classifying the image in a pixel-wise manner. Furthermore, the use of appropriate loss functions was found to improve model performance. Field tests show that illumination and shadow pose challenges to the model, but that good recall can be achieved when the conditions are ideal. False positive detection remains an issue that could be improved. This approach shows the potential for drones as an environmental monitoring and management tool when coupled with deep machine learning techniques and outlines potential problems that may be encountered

    Technology in conservation: towards a system for in-field drone detection of invasive vegetation

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    Remote sensing can assist in monitoring the spread of invasive vegetation. The adoption of camera-carrying unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly referred to as drones, as remote sensing tools has yielded images of higher spatial resolution than traditional techniques. Drones also have the potential to interact with the environment through the delivery of bio-control or herbicide, as seen with their adoption in precision agriculture. Unlike in agricultural applications, however, invasive plants do not have a predictable position relative to each other within the environment. To facilitate the adoption of drones as an environmental monitoring and management tool, drones need to be able to intelligently distinguish between invasive and non-invasive vegetation on the fly. In this thesis, we present the augmentation of a commercially available drone with a deep machine learning model to investigate the viability of differentiating between an invasive shrub and other vegetation. As a case study, this was applied to the shrub genus Hakea, originating in Australia and invasive in several countries including South Africa. However, for this research, the methodology is important, rather than the chosen target plant. A dataset was collected using the available drone and manually annotated to facilitate the supervised training of the model. Two approaches were explored, namely, classification and semantic segmentation. For each of these, several models were trained and evaluated to find the optimal one. The chosen model was then interfaced with the drone via an Android application on a mobile device and its performance was preliminarily evaluated in the field. Based on these findings, refinements were made and thereafter a thorough field evaluation was performed to determine the best conditions for model operation. Results from the classification task show that deep learning models are capable of distinguishing between target and other shrubs in ideal candidate windows. However, classification in this manner is restricted by the proposal of such candidate windows. End-to-end image segmentation using deep learning overcomes this problem, classifying the image in a pixel-wise manner. Furthermore, the use of appropriate loss functions was found to improve model performance. Field tests show that illumination and shadow pose challenges to the model, but that good recall can be achieved when the conditions are ideal. False positive detection remains an issue that could be improved. This approach shows the potential for drones as an environmental monitoring and management tool when coupled with deep machine learning techniques and outlines potential problems that may be encountered