2 research outputs found

    HMM-based Text-to-Articulatory-Movement Prediction and Analysis of Critical Articulators

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    In this paper we present a method to predict the movement of a speaker’s mouth from text input using hidden Markov models (HMM). We have used a corpus of human articulatory movements, recorded by electromagnetic articulography (EMA), to train HMMs. To predict articulatory movements from text, a suitable model sequence is selected and the maximum-likelihood parameter generation (MLPG) algorithm is used to generate output articulatory trajectories. In our experiments, we find that fully context-dependent models outperform monophone and quinphone models, achieving an average root mean square (RMS) error of 1.945mm when state durations are predicted from text, and 0.872mm when natural state durations are used. Finally, we go on to analyze the prediction error for different EMA dimensions and phone types. We find a clear pattern emerges that the movements of so-called critical articulators can be predicted more accurately than the average performance

    Registration and statistical analysis of the tongue shape during speech production

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    This thesis analyzes the human tongue shape during speech production. First, a semi-supervised approach is derived for estimating the tongue shape from volumetric magnetic resonance imaging data of the human vocal tract. Results of this extraction are used to derive parametric tongue models. Next, a framework is presented for registering sparse motion capture data of the tongue by means of such a model. This method allows to generate full three-dimensional animations of the tongue. Finally, a multimodal and statistical text-to-speech system is developed that is able to synthesize audio and synchronized tongue motion from text.Diese Dissertation beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Analyse der menschlichen Zungenform wĂ€hrend der Sprachproduktion. ZunĂ€chst wird ein semi-ĂŒberwachtes Verfahren vorgestellt, mit dessen Hilfe sich Zungenformen von volumetrischen Magnetresonanztomographie- Aufnahmen des menschlichen Vokaltrakts schĂ€tzen lassen. Die Ergebnisse dieses Extraktionsverfahrens werden genutzt, um ein parametrisches Zungenmodell zu konstruieren. Danach wird eine Methode hergeleitet, die ein solches Modell nutzt, um spĂ€rliche Bewegungsaufnahmen der Zunge zu registrieren. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt es, dreidimensionale Animationen der Zunge zu erstellen. Zuletzt wird ein multimodales und statistisches Text-to-Speech-System entwickelt, das in der Lage ist, Audio und die dazu synchrone Zungenbewegung zu synthetisieren.German Research Foundatio