799 research outputs found

    HMM sampling and applications to gene finding and alternative splicing

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    The standard method of applying hidden Markov models to biological problems is to find a Viterbi (maximal weight) path through the HMM graph. The Viterbi algorithm reduces the problem of finding the most likely hidden state sequence that explains given observations, to a dynamic programming problem for corresponding directed acyclic graphs. For example, in the gene finding application, the HMM is used to find the most likely underlying gene structure given a DNA sequence. In this note we discuss the applications of sampling methods for HMMs. The standard sampling algorithm for HMMs is a variant of the common forward-backward and backtrack algorithms, and has already been applied in the context of Gibbs sampling methods. Nevetheless, the practice of sampling state paths from HMMs does not seem to have been widely adopted, and important applications have been overlooked. We show how sampling can be used for finding alternative splicings for genes, including alternative splicings that are conserved between genes from related organisms. We also show how sampling from the posterior distribution is a natural way to compute probabilities for predicted exons and gene structures being correct under the assumed model. Finally, we describe a new memory efficient sampling algorithm for certain classes of HMMs which provides a practical sampling alternative to the Hirschberg algorithm for optimal alignment. The ideas presented have applications not only to gene finding and HMMs but more generally to stochastic context free grammars and RNA structure prediction

    AUGUSTUS: ab initio prediction of alternative transcripts

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    AUGUSTUS is a software tool for gene prediction in eukaryotes based on a Generalized Hidden Markov Model, a probabilistic model of a sequence and its gene structure. Like most existing gene finders, the first version of AUGUSTUS returned one transcript per predicted gene and ignored the phenomenon of alternative splicing. Herein, we present a WWW server for an extended version of AUGUSTUS that is able to predict multiple splice variants. To our knowledge, this is the first ab initio gene finder that can predict multiple transcripts. In addition, we offer a motif searching facility, where user-defined regular expressions can be searched against putative proteins encoded by the predicted genes. The AUGUSTUS web interface and the downloadable open-source stand-alone program are freely available from

    Leveraging EST Evidence to Automatically Predict Alternatively Spliced Genes, Master\u27s Thesis, December 2006

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    Current methods for high-throughput automatic annotation of newly sequenced genomes are largely limited to tools which predict only one transcript per gene locus. Evidence suggests that 20-50% of genes in higher eukariotic organisms are alternatively spliced. This leaves the remainder of the transcripts to be annotated by hand, an expensive time-consuming process. Genomes are being sequenced at a much higher rate than they can be annotated. We present three methods for using the alignments of inexpensive Expressed Sequence Tags in combination with HMM-based gene prediction with N-SCAN EST to recreate the vast majority of hand annotations in the D.melanogaster genome. In our first method, we “piece together” N-SCAN EST predictions with clustered EST alignments to increase the number of transcripts per locus predicted. This is shown to be a sensitve and accurate method, predicting the vast majority of known transcripts in the D.melanogaster genome. We present an approach of using these clusters of EST alignments to construct a Multi-Pass gene prediction phase, again, piecing it together with clusters of EST alignments. While time consuming, Multi-Pass gene prediction is very accurate and more sensitive than single-pass. Finally, we present a new Hidden Markov Model instance, which augments the current N-SCAN EST HMM, that predicts multiple splice forms in a single pass of prediction. This method is less time consuming, and performs nearly as well as the multi-pass approach

    Integrating alternative splicing detection into gene prediction

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    Spliced alignment and its application in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    This thesis describes the development and biological applications of GeneSeqer, which is a homology-based gene prediction program by means of spliced alignment. Additionally, a program named MyGV was written in JAVA as a browser to visualize the output of GeneSeqer. In order to test and demonstrate the performance, GeneSeqer was utilized to map 176,915 Arabidopsis EST sequences on the whole genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, which consists of five chromosomes, with about 117 million base pairs in total. All results were parsed and imported into a MySQL database. Information that was inferred from the Arabidopsis spliced alignment results may serve as valuable resource for a number of projects of special scientific interest, such as alternative splicing, non-canonical splice sites, mini-exons, etc. We also built AtGDB (Arabidopsis thaliana Genome DataBase, http://www.plantgdb.org/AtGDB/) to interactively browse EST spliced alignments and GenBank annotations for the Arabidopsis genome. Moreover, as one application of the Arabidopsis EST mapping data, U12-type introns were identified from the transcript-confirmed introns in the Arabidopsis genome, and the characteristics of these minor class introns were further explored

    Unsupervised and semi-supervised training methods for eukaryotic gene prediction

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    This thesis describes new gene finding methods for eukaryotic gene prediction. The current methods for deriving model parameters for gene prediction algorithms are based on curated or experimentally validated set of genes or gene elements. These training sets often require time and additional expert efforts especially for the species that are in the initial stages of genome sequencing. Unsupervised training allows determination of model parameters from anonymous genomic sequence with. The importance and the practical applicability of the unsupervised training is critical for ever growing rate of eukaryotic genome sequencing. Three distinct training procedures are developed for diverse group of eukaryotic species. GeneMark-ES is developed for species with strong donor and acceptor site signals such as Arabidopsis thaliana, Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. The second version of the algorithm, GeneMark-ES-2, introduces enhanced intron model to better describe the gene structure of fungal species with posses with relatively weak donor and acceptor splice sites and well conserved branch point signal. GeneMark-LE, semi-supervised training approach is designed for eukaryotic species with small number of introns. The results indicate that the developed unsupervised training methods perform well as compared to other training methods and as estimated from the set of genes supported by EST-to-genome alignments. Analysis of novel genomes reveals interesting biological findings and show that several candidates of under-annotated and over-annotated fungal species are present in the current set of annotated of fungal genomes.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Mark Borodovky; Committee Member: Jung H. Choi; Committee Member: King Jordan; Committee Member: Leonid Bunimovich; Committee Member: Yury Chernof

    Hidden Markov Model Variants and their Application

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    Markov statistical methods may make it possible to develop an unsupervised learning process that can automatically identify genomic structure in prokaryotes in a comprehensive way. This approach is based on mutual information, probabilistic measures, hidden Markov models, and other purely statistical inputs. This approach also provides a uniquely common ground for comparative prokaryotic genomics. The approach is an on-going effort by its nature, as a multi-pass learning process, where each round is more informed than the last, and thereby allows a shift to the more powerful methods available for supervised learning at each iteration. It is envisaged that this "bootstrap" learning process will also be useful as a knowledge discovery tool. For such an ab initio prokaryotic gene-finder to work, however, it needs a mechanism to identify critical motif structure, such as those around the start of coding or start of transcription (and then, hopefully more). For eukaryotes, even with better start-of-coding identification, parsing of eukaryotic coding regions by the HMM is still limited by the HMM's single gene assumption, as evidenced by the poor performance in alternatively spliced regions. To address these complications an approach is described to expand the states in a eukaryotic gene-predictor HMM, to operate with two layers of DNA parsing. This extension from the single layer gene prediction parse is indicated after preliminary analysis of the C. elegans alt-splice statistics. State profiles have made use of a novel hash-interpolating MM (hIMM) method. A new implementation for an HMM-with-Duration is also described, with far-reaching application to gene-structure identification and analysis of channel current blockade data

    Method of predicting Splice Sites based on signal interactions

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    BACKGROUND: Predicting and proper ranking of canonical splice sites (SSs) is a challenging problem in bioinformatics and machine learning communities. Any progress in SSs recognition will lead to better understanding of splicing mechanism. We introduce several new approaches of combining a priori knowledge for improved SS detection. First, we design our new Bayesian SS sensor based on oligonucleotide counting. To further enhance prediction quality, we applied our new de novo motif detection tool MHMMotif to intronic ends and exons. We combine elements found with sensor information using Naive Bayesian Network, as implemented in our new tool SpliceScan. RESULTS: According to our tests, the Bayesian sensor outperforms the contemporary Maximum Entropy sensor for 5' SS detection. We report a number of putative Exonic (ESE) and Intronic (ISE) Splicing Enhancers found by MHMMotif tool. T-test statistics on mouse/rat intronic alignments indicates, that detected elements are on average more conserved as compared to other oligos, which supports our assumption of their functional importance. The tool has been shown to outperform the SpliceView, GeneSplicer, NNSplice, Genio and NetUTR tools for the test set of human genes. SpliceScan outperforms all contemporary ab initio gene structural prediction tools on the set of 5' UTR gene fragments. CONCLUSION: Designed methods have many attractive properties, compared to existing approaches. Bayesian sensor, MHMMotif program and SpliceScan tools are freely available on our web site. REVIEWERS: This article was reviewed by Manyuan Long, Arcady Mushegian and Mikhail Gelfand