51 research outputs found

    Off-line Thai handwriting recognition in legal amount

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    Thai handwriting in legal amounts is a challenging problem and a new field in the area of handwriting recognition research. The focus of this thesis is to implement Thai handwriting recognition system. A preliminary data set of Thai handwriting in legal amounts is designed. The samples in the data set are characters and words of the Thai legal amounts and a set of legal amounts phrases collected from a number of native Thai volunteers. At the preprocessing and recognition process, techniques are introduced to improve the characters recognition rates. The characters are divided into two smaller subgroups by their writing levels named body and high groups. The recognition rates of both groups are increased based on their distinguished features. The writing level separation algorithms are implemented using the size and position of characters. Empirical experiments are set to test the best combination of the feature to increase the recognition rates. Traditional recognition systems are modified to give the accumulative top-3 ranked answers to cover the possible character classes. At the postprocessing process level, the lexicon matching algorithms are implemented to match the ranked characters with the legal amount words. These matched words are joined together to form possible choices of amounts. These amounts will have their syntax checked in the last stage. Several syntax violations are caused by consequence faulty character segmentation and recognition resulting from connecting or broken characters. The anomaly in handwriting caused by these characters are mainly detected by their size and shape. During the recovery process, the possible word boundary patterns can be pre-defined and used to segment the hypothesis words. These words are identified by the word recognition and the results are joined with previously matched words to form the full amounts and checked by the syntax rules again. From 154 amounts written by 10 writers, the rejection rate is 14.9 percent with the recovery processes. The recognition rate for the accepted amount is 100 percent

    Hidden Markov Models in Dynamic System Modelling and Diagnosis

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    Reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite en-ligne par approche combinant systèmes à vastes marges et modèles de Markov cachés

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    Handwriting recognition is one of the leading applications of pattern recognition and machine learning. Despite having some limitations, handwriting recognition systems have been used as an input method of many electronic devices and helps in the automation of many manual tasks requiring processing of handwriting images. In general, a handwriting recognition system comprises three functional components; preprocessing, recognition and post-processing. There have been improvements made within each component in the system. However, to further open the avenues of expanding its applications, specific improvements need to be made in the recognition capability of the system. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) has been the dominant methods of recognition in handwriting recognition in offline and online systems. However, the use of Gaussian observation densities in HMM and representational model for word modeling often does not lead to good classification. Hybrid of Neural Network (NN) and HMM later improves word recognition by taking advantage of NN discriminative property and HMM representational capability. However, the use of NN does not optimize recognition capability as the use of Empirical Risk minimization (ERM) principle in its training leads to poor generalization. In this thesis, we focus on improving the recognition capability of a cursive online handwritten word recognition system by using an emerging method in machine learning, the support vector machine (SVM). We first evaluated SVM in isolated character recognition environment using IRONOFF and UNIPEN character databases. SVM, by its use of principle of structural risk minimization (SRM) have allowed simultaneous optimization of representational and discriminative capability of the character recognizer. We finally demonstrate the various practical issues in using SVM within a hybrid setting with HMM. In addition, we tested the hybrid system on the IRONOFF word database and obtained favourable results.Nos travaux concernent la reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite qui est l'un des domaines de prédilection pour la reconnaissance des formes et les algorithmes d'apprentissage. Dans le domaine de l'écriture en-ligne, les applications concernent tous les dispositifs de saisie permettant à un usager de communiquer de façon transparente avec les systèmes d'information. Dans ce cadre, nos travaux apportent une contribution pour proposer une nouvelle architecture de reconnaissance de mots manuscrits sans contrainte de style. Celle-ci se situe dans la famille des approches hybrides locale/globale où le paradigme de la segmentation/reconnaissance va se trouver résolu par la complémentarité d'un système de reconnaissance de type discriminant agissant au niveau caractère et d'un système par approche modèle pour superviser le niveau global. Nos choix se sont portés sur des Séparateurs à Vastes Marges (SVM) pour le classifieur de caractères et sur des algorithmes de programmation dynamique, issus d'une modélisation par Modèles de Markov Cachés (HMM). Cette combinaison SVM/HMM est unique dans le domaine de la reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite. Des expérimentations ont été menées, d'abord dans un cadre de reconnaissance de caractères isolés puis sur la base IRONOFF de mots cursifs. Elles ont montré la supériorité des approches SVM par rapport aux solutions à bases de réseaux de neurones à convolutions (Time Delay Neural Network) que nous avions développées précédemment, et leur bon comportement en situation de reconnaissance de mots

    Feature Extraction Methods for Character Recognition

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    Hidden Markov Models

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    Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), although known for decades, have made a big career nowadays and are still in state of development. This book presents theoretical issues and a variety of HMMs applications in speech recognition and synthesis, medicine, neurosciences, computational biology, bioinformatics, seismology, environment protection and engineering. I hope that the reader will find this book useful and helpful for their own research

    3D Image Processing, Analysis, and Software Development of Khmer Inscriptions

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    Khmer inscriptions are primary sources of information on the history of Cambodia. Weathering,pollution, intentional damage or destruction and the acts of war have caused the inscriptions in a bad condition. Historians and Linguists have already intensively used the Khmer inscriptions to gain a better understanding of the ancient Khmer civilization. Still, there has so far not been any research project using modern methods of scientific computing in order to - appropriately capture Khmer inscriptions digitally, - enhance these data using image processing techniques and transform them into 2D representations, - optimally repair or if possible supplement damaged or incomplete script, - provide tools for digital image processing and analysis of texts in ancient Khmer inscriptions, - and thereby contribute to the reconstruction, readability and preservation of these valuable historic documents. In doing so, challenges arise that can only be addressed by the use of new concepts and methods. This is caused by the following facts: - The inscriptions usually exist as 3D data. - Their size or condition is sometimes problematic. - The number as well as the complexity of the characters is large. In regard to the possible combinations of consonants, sub-consonants and dependent vowels, they are comparatively huge. The aim of this research project is to overcome these challenges and to contribute to the filling the above mentioned gaps. For this purpose, the original data of the inscriptions was acquired by a 3D scanning, then processed with image processing methods and transformed into a 2D representation, which could then be further analyzed. Single characters were isolated, and methods for their identification were developed. To identify the characters, their topological and geometrical structures were used. The features of the characters were captured by indices that are easy to compute. The identification of a given character was done by repeated filtering. The methods were developed by the example of the Khmer script of pre-Angkorian period but it can be extended to be used on Khmer scripts of other periods. As it does not exist Unicode for pre-Angkorian period script, a digital code was developed. Based on the designed mathematical methods and algorithms, a software tool was developed with which ancient Khmer characters and inscriptions can be processed and analyzed. This software tool is a first experimental version, which will be expanded in a further project for general use

    RFID Technology in Intelligent Tracking Systems in Construction Waste Logistics Using Optimisation Techniques

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    Construction waste disposal is an urgent issue for protecting our environment. This paper proposes a waste management system and illustrates the work process using plasterboard waste as an example, which creates a hazardous gas when land filled with household waste, and for which the recycling rate is less than 10% in the UK. The proposed system integrates RFID technology, Rule-Based Reasoning, Ant Colony optimization and knowledge technology for auditing and tracking plasterboard waste, guiding the operation staff, arranging vehicles, schedule planning, and also provides evidence to verify its disposal. It h relies on RFID equipment for collecting logistical data and uses digital imaging equipment to give further evidence; the reasoning core in the third layer is responsible for generating schedules and route plans and guidance, and the last layer delivers the result to inform users. The paper firstly introduces the current plasterboard disposal situation and addresses the logistical problem that is now the main barrier to a higher recycling rate, followed by discussion of the proposed system in terms of both system level structure and process structure. And finally, an example scenario will be given to illustrate the system’s utilization
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