6 research outputs found

    Software Analytics to Support Students in Object-Oriented Programming Tasks: An Empirical Study

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    The computing education community has shown a long-time interest in how to analyze the Object-Oriented (OO) source code developed by students to provide them with useful formative tips. Instructors need to understand the student's difficulties to provide precise feedback on most frequent mistakes and to shape, design and effectively drive the course. This paper proposes and evaluates an approach allowing to analyze student's source code and to automatically generate feedback about the more common violations of the produced code. The approach is implemented through a cloud-based tool allowing to monitor how students use language constructs based on the analysis of the most common violations of the Object-Oriented paradigm in the student source code. Moreover, the tool supports the generation of reports about student's mistakes and misconceptions that can be used to improve the students' education. The paper reports the results of a quasi-experiment performed in a class of a CS1 course to investigate the effects of the provided reports in terms of coding ability (concerning the correctness and the quality of the produced source code). Results show that after the course the treatment group obtained higher scores and produced better source code than the control group following the feedback provided by the teachers

    Explainable AI (XAI): Improving At-Risk Student Prediction with Theory-Guided Data Science, K-means Classification, and Genetic Programming

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    This research explores the use of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in Educational Data Mining (EDM) to improve the performance and explainability of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models predicting at-risk students. Explainable predictions provide students and educators with more insight into at-risk indicators and causes, which facilitates instructional intervention guidance. Historically, low student retention has been prevalent across the globe as nations have implemented a wide range of interventions (e.g., policies, funding, and academic strategies) with only minimal improvements in recent years. In the US, recent attrition rates indicate two out of five first-time freshman students will not graduate from the same four-year institution within six years. In response, emerging AI research leveraging recent advancements in Deep Learning has demonstrated high predictive accuracy for identifying at-risk students, which is useful for planning instructional interventions. However, research suggested a general trade-off between performance and explainability of predictive models. Those that outperform, such as deep neural networks (DNN), are highly complex and considered black boxes (i.e., systems that are difficult to explain, interpret, and understand). The lack of model transparency/explainability results in shallow predictions with limited feedback prohibiting useful intervention guidance. Furthermore, concerns for trust and ethical use are raised for decision-making applications that involve humans, such as health, safety, and education. To address low student retention and the lack of interpretable models, this research explored the use of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in Educational Data Mining (EDM) to improve instruction and learning. More specifically, XAI has the potential to enhance the performance and explainability of AI/ML models predicting at-risk students. The scope of this study includes a hybrid research design comprising: (1) a systematic literature review of XAI and EDM applications in education; (2) the development of a theory-guided feature selection (TGFS) conceptual learning model; and (3) an EDM study exploring the efficacy of a TGFS XAI model. The EDM study implemented K-Means Classification for explorative (unsupervised) and predictive (supervised) analysis in addition to assessing Genetic Programming (GP), a type of XAI model, predictive performance, and explainability against common AI/ML models. Online student activity and performance data were collected from a learning management system (LMS) from a four-year higher education institution. Student data was anonymized and protected to ensure data privacy and security. Data was aggregated at weekly intervals to compute and assess the predictive performance (sensitivity, recall, and f-1 score) over time. Mean differences and effect sizes are reported at the .05 significance level. Reliability and validity are improved by implementing research best practices