55 research outputs found

    High dynamic range video compression exploiting luminance masking

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    Encoding high dynamic range and wide color gamut imagery

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    In dieser Dissertation wird ein szenischer Bewegtbilddatensatz mit erweitertem Dynamikumfang (High Dynamic Range, HDR) und großem Farbumfang (Wide Color Gamut, WCG) eingefĂŒhrt und es werden Modelle zur Kodierung von HDR und WCG Bildern vorgestellt. Die objektive und visuelle Evaluation neuer HDR und WCG Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen, Kompressionsverfahren und BildwiedergabegerĂ€te erfordert einen Referenzdatensatz hoher QualitĂ€t. Daher wird ein neuer HDR- und WCG-Video-Datensatz mit einem Dynamikumfang von bis zu 18 fotografischen Blenden eingefĂŒhrt. Er enthĂ€lt inszenierte und dokumentarische Szenen. Die einzelnen Szenen sind konzipiert um eine Herausforderung fĂŒr Tone Mapping Operatoren, Gamut Mapping Algorithmen, Kompressionscodecs und HDR und WCG BildanzeigegerĂ€te darzustellen. Die Szenen sind mit professionellem Licht, Maske und Filmausstattung aufgenommen. Um einen cinematischen Bildeindruck zu erhalten, werden digitale Filmkameras mit ‘Super-35 mm’ SensorgrĂ¶ĂŸe verwendet. Der zusĂ€tzliche Informationsgehalt von HDR- und WCG-Videosignalen erfordert im Vergleich zu Signalen mit herkömmlichem Dynamikumfang eine neue und effizientere Signalkodierung. Ein Farbraum fĂŒr HDR und WCG Video sollte nicht nur effizient quantisieren, sondern wegen der unterschiedlichen Monitoreigenschaften auf der EmpfĂ€ngerseite auch fĂŒr die Dynamik- und Farbumfangsanpassung geeignet sein. Bisher wurden Methoden fĂŒr die Quantisierung von HDR Luminanzsignalen vorgeschlagen. Es fehlt jedoch noch ein entsprechendes Modell fĂŒr Farbdifferenzsignale. Es werden daher zwei neue FarbrĂ€ume eingefĂŒhrt, die sich sowohl fĂŒr die effiziente Kodierung von HDR und WCG Signalen als auch fĂŒr die Dynamik- und Farbumfangsanpassung eignen. Diese FarbrĂ€ume werden mit existierenden HDR und WCG Farbsignalkodierungen des aktuellen Stands der Technik verglichen. Die vorgestellten Kodierungsschemata erlauben es, HDR- und WCG-Video mittels drei FarbkanĂ€len mit 12 Bits tonaler Auflösung zu quantisieren, ohne dass Quantisierungsartefakte sichtbar werden. WĂ€hrend die Speicherung und Übertragung von HDR und WCG Video mit 12-Bit Farbtiefe pro Kanal angestrebt wird, unterstĂŒtzen aktuell verbreitete Dateiformate, Videoschnittstellen und Kompressionscodecs oft nur niedrigere Bittiefen. Um diese existierende Infrastruktur fĂŒr die HDR VideoĂŒbertragung und -speicherung nutzen zu können, wird ein neues bildinhaltsabhĂ€ngiges Quantisierungsschema eingefĂŒhrt. Diese Quantisierungsmethode nutzt Bildeigenschaften wie Rauschen und Textur um die benötigte tonale Auflösung fĂŒr die visuell verlustlose Quantisierung zu schĂ€tzen. Die vorgestellte Methode erlaubt es HDR Video mit einer Bittiefe von 10 Bits ohne sichtbare Unterschiede zum Original zu quantisieren und kommt mit weniger Rechenkraft im Vergleich zu aktuellen HDR Bilddifferenzmetriken aus

    Modeling Perceptual Trade-offs for Designing HDR Displays

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    Display technology has evolved in pursuit of perceptual pleasure by providing realism and visual impact. The endeavor of the evolution has brought HDR displays to the market. HDR displays, which have become the mainstream display technology recently, are considered not only the present but also the future of displays because of their daunting technical goals: A peak luminance of 10,000 cd/m^2 and near-monochromatic primaries. However, both positive and negative prospects in terms of perceptual aspects for future HDR displays coexist. On the positive side, it is expected that HDR displays will provide better image quality and more vivid color. On the negative side, apart from technical barriers such as production cost and power consumption, HDR displays will induce side effects, for example, observer metamerism, which refers to the phenomenon that color matches for one observer result in color mismatches for other observers. This particular side effect could be a severe issue in HDR displays as their narrow-band primaries likely worsen the color mismatches. Hence, critical to the success of future HDR displays is dealing properly with the perceptual trade-offs. In other words, future HDR display designers need to select physical specifications that maximize perceptual benefits while minimizing adverse effects. This dissertation aims at exploring both potentially positive and negative aspects of future HDR displays, using various perceptual assessments. In particular, the dissertation focuses on two physical factors of a display device: peak luminance and chromaticity color gamut, and the effects of the two factors on related human perception: image quality, observer metamerism, and colorfulness. The ultimate goal of this dissertation is to address the related human perception aroused by the physical factors and propose models to help design future HDR displays. In order to achieve the goal, the dissertation first addresses the image quality trade-off relationship between peak luminance and chromaticity color gamut. A psychophysical experiment was used to develop models to predict equivalent image quality under the trade-off between peak luminance and chromaticity gamut as a function of the perceptual attributes lightness and chroma. Second, a novel approach based on a computational evaluation to investigate potential observer metamerism in HDR displays was explored. This research shows how observer metamerism in HDR displays varies with varying peak luminance and chromaticity color gamut. This research aims at developing a straightforward model to predict observer metamerism in HDR displays based on the computational evaluation. Third, a psychophysical experiment to derive a colorfulness scale for very saturated colors is carried out. This experiment focuses on understanding how the sensitivity of the human visual system responds to highly-saturated colors that extend beyond the stimuli studied in previous research. The colorfulness scale would help both advanced lighting system and display system designers. Fourth, the dissertation suggests an evaluation tool devised based on the observer metamerism and colorfulness scale works that can be utilized to determine the physical specification of HDR displays, maximizing perceptually positive effects while minimizing perceptually negative effects at the same time

    High-dynamic-range displays : contributions to signal processing and backlight control

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    The Influence of media displays and image quality attributes for HDR image reproductions

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    High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography has been in existence at least since the time of Ansel Adams, with his experiments using analog film and darkroom techniques for the production of black and white prints in the 1940\u27s (Ashbrook, 2010). This photographic method has the ability to provide a more accurate representation of a scene through a greater range of the light and dark areas captured in an image. In the mid-20th century HDR Photography it has continued to grow in popularity among those interested in photography wishing to optimize their resulting image beyond a more commonly used technique. Presently, the limitations of commonly available reproduction technologies can lead to unpredictable output results through media such as monitor displays and inkjet prints. The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of quality attributes and image content on the preference of display media for HDR image reproductions. To achieve this purpose, a psychophysical experiment was conducted of 38 observers with previous imaging related exposure. This part of the study consisted of HDR comparisons across both a monitor display device and inkjet prints. Through qualitative and quantitative methods, common trends were identified among observer responses. The results show that for inkjet prints are the most preferred for the output of HDR images, specifically when printed on a metallic substrate. Additionally, the content of displayed images can directly impact display preference depending on the viewer\u27s perception and relationship formed with the photographic image. When evaluating HDR images across two media platforms, quality attributes comprising of a strong influence towards preference are sharpness, naturalness, contrast and highlights while artifacts, physical qualities and shadows were found to have barely any influence. Within the attributes related to HDR, relationships between attributes are found to be significant regarding image evaluation, leading to areas of further research

    Human-centered display design : balancing technology & perception

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    Review of Fluorescence Guided Surgery Visualization and Overlay Techniques

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    In fluorescence guided surgery, data visualization represents a critical step between signal capture and display needed for clinical decisions informed by that signal. The diversity of methods for displaying surgical images are reviewed, and a particular focus is placed on electronically detected and visualized signals, as required for near-infrared or low concentration tracers. Factors driving the choices such as human perception, the need for rapid decision making in a surgical environment, and biases induced by display choices are outlined. Five practical suggestions are outlined for optimal display orientation, color map, transparency/alpha function, dynamic range compression, and color perception check

    Benchmarking of objective quality metrics for HDR image quality assessment

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    Recent advances in high dynamic range (HDR) capture and display technologies have attracted a lot of interest from scientific, professional, and artistic communities. As any technology, the evaluation of HDR systems in terms of quality of experience is essential. Subjective evaluations are time consuming and expensive, and thus objective quality assessment tools are needed as well. In this paper, we report and analyze the results of an extensive benchmarking of objective quality metrics for HDR image quality assessment. In total, 35 objective metrics were benchmarked on a database of 20 HDR contents encoded with 3 compression algorithms at 4 bit rates, leading to a total of 240 compressed HDR images, using subjective quality scores as ground truth. Performance indexes were computed to assess the accuracy, monotonicity, and consistency of the metrics estimation of subjective scores. Statistical analysis was performed on the performance indexes to discriminate small differences between two metrics. Results demonstrated that HDR-VDP-2 is the most reliable predictor of perceived quality. Finally, our findings suggested that the performance of most full-reference metrics can be improved by considering non-linearities of the human visual system, while further efforts are necessary to improve performance of no-reference quality metrics for HDR content

    Neural Radiance Fields: Past, Present, and Future

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    The various aspects like modeling and interpreting 3D environments and surroundings have enticed humans to progress their research in 3D Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning. An attempt made by Mildenhall et al in their paper about NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields) led to a boom in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Vision, and the possible scope of High-Resolution Low Storage Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality-based 3D models have gained traction from res with more than 1000 preprints related to NeRFs published. This paper serves as a bridge for people starting to study these fields by building on the basics of Mathematics, Geometry, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics to the difficulties encountered in Implicit Representations at the intersection of all these disciplines. This survey provides the history of rendering, Implicit Learning, and NeRFs, the progression of research on NeRFs, and the potential applications and implications of NeRFs in today's world. In doing so, this survey categorizes all the NeRF-related research in terms of the datasets used, objective functions, applications solved, and evaluation criteria for these applications.Comment: 413 pages, 9 figures, 277 citation

    High quality texture synthesis

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    Texture synthesis is a core process in Computer Graphics and design. It is used extensively in a wide range of applications, including computer games, virtual environments, manufacturing, and rendering. This thesis investigates a novel approach to texture synthesis in order to significantly improve speed, memory requirements, and quality. An analysis of texture properties is created, to enable the gathering a representative dataset, and a qualitative evaluation of texture synthesis algorithms. A new algorithm to make non-repeating texture synthesis on-the-fly possible is developed, tested, and evaluated. This parallel patch-based method allows repeatable sampling without cache, without creating visually noticeable repetitions, as confirmed by a perceptive objective study on quality. In order to quantify the quality of existing algorithms and to facilitate further development in the field, desired texture properties are classified and analysed, and a minimal set of textures is created according to these properties to allow subjective evaluation of texture synthesis algorithms. This dataset is then used in a user study which evaluates the quality of texture synthesis algorithms. For the first time in the field of texture synthesis, statistically significant findings quantify the quality of selected repeatable algorithms, and make it possible to evaluate new improved methods. Finally, in an effort to make these findings applicable in the British tile manufacturing industry, the developed texture synthesis technology is made available to Johnson Tiles
