1,874 research outputs found

    A critical policy analysis of Texas’ Closing the Gaps 2015

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    This critical policy analysis uses critical race theory to provide a counter narrative to the P-16 initiative in Texas known as Closing the Gaps 2015. Findings indicate that while these reforms aim to increase educational access and achievement for people of color, they fall short of addressing systemic inequities such as enduring segregation and unconstitutional school finance policy. Using Texas as a case study illumines the ways the growing number of P-16 councils throughout the US might adapt and improve policy development and implementation to more adequately address educational inequities across racial, ethnic, and linguistic groups. The article closes with recommendations for Texas’ reiteration of Closing the Gaps 2015, titled 60x30TX, currently in revision to guide state education goals in 2016-2030

    HRM Strategies in Structurally Depressed Industries: The Japanese Approach

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    Several adverse macro-economic trends beginning in the early 1970’s drastically reduced the relative competitiveness of various sectors of the Japanese economy. Firms in Western (industrialized) countries that were faced with a similar loss of comparative advantage dealt with the problem by undertaking strategies of restructuring--primarily, retrenchment and downsizing strategies. However, in sharp contrast to the Western approach, the Japanese response to industrial decline, from a HRM standpoint, was a product of the political, cultural, and social institutions/values of that society. The Japanese government, business sector and the labor unions worked together to ‘maintain’ employment levels (albeit, mainly that of permanent employees) in order to minimize the costs of adjustment for the key stakeholder groups in particular, and for the Japanese society as a whole, in general

    A Retinoid X Receptor Agonist Directed to the Large Intestine Ameliorates T-Cell-Mediated Colitis in Mice

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    Retinoid X receptor (RXR) is a nuclear receptor that heterodimerizes with several nuclear receptors, integrating ligand-mediated signals across the heterodimers. Synthetic RXR agonists have been developed to cure certain inflammatory diseases, including inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). However, pre-existing RXR agonists, which are lipophilic and readily absorbed in the upper intestine, cause considerable adverse effects such as hepatomegaly, hyperlipidemia, and hypothyroidism. To minimize these adverse effects, we have developed an RXR agonist, NEt-3IB, which has lipophilic and thus poorly absorptive properties. In this study, we evaluated the effects of NEt-3IB in an experimental murine colitis model induced through the adoptive transfer of CD45RB(high)CD4(+) T cells. Pharmacokinetic studies demonstrated that the major portion of NEt-3IB was successfully delivered to the large intestine after oral administration. Notably, NEt-3IB treatment suppressed the development of T cell-mediated chronic colitis, as indicated by improvement of wasting symptoms, inflammatory infiltration, and mucosal hyperplasia. The protective effect of NEt-3IB was mediated by the suppression of IFN-gamma-producing Th1 cell expansion in the colon. In conclusion, NEt-3IB, a large intestine-directed RXR agonist, is a promising drug candidate for IBDs

    Adverse events associated with home use of mouthrinses: a systematic review

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    Background: Poor oral hygiene is strongly associated with oral and systemic diseases. Alongside mechanical tooth cleaning, the adjunctive use of mouthrinses has been widely advocated. Although research on the efficacy of various mouthrinse formulations is very active, there are a lack of conclusive data regarding their adverse effects. Methods: We undertook a systematic review in accordance wih PRISMA guidelines of electronic databases of clinical trials of any duration with daily home use of mouthwashes, presenting clinical and subjective side effects (PROSPERO registration: CRD42016054037). Results: After evaluating 614 titles and abstracts, 154 studies were selected for full-text analysis; 85 final papers were included. Based on the active ingredient in the test product, nine categories were created: cetyl pyridinium chloride, essential oils, chlorhexidine, triclosan, natural products, diclofenac, fluorides, delmopinol, and miscellaneous active substances. Most of the studies were of short duration (less than 6 months) with a defective 'methods' description; the reporting of adverse events often being overlooked. Both local morphological (oral mucosa and dental-crown staining, mucosal lesions) and functional (taste modifications, abnormal oral sensation) alterations were reported. Tooth staining was the most commonly listed adverse event, but it was quantitatively assessed only in a very small number of papers; most studies relied on patient reports. Staining was time associated; the longer the study, the higher its reported incidence and severity. Conclusions: The reduced report of side effects may partly be due to a lack of an objective measure and lack of general guidelines that demand studies report their adverse events. The most frequently reported adverse effect was teeth staining. As in most studies, the effect was associated with trial duration; clinical trials should be of sufficient duration. New investigations meeting the suggested criteria of a minimal duration of 6 months should be planned

    Compact Field Programmable Gate Array Based Physical Unclonable Functions Circuits

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    The Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) is a candidate to provide a secure solid root source for identification and authentication applications. It is precious for FPGA-based systems, as FPGA designs are vulnerable to IP thefts and cloning. Ideally, the PUFs should have strong random variations from one chip to another, and thus each PUF is unique and hard to replicate. Also, the PUFs should be stable over time so that the same challenge bits always yield the same result. Correspondingly, one of the major challenges for FPGA-based PUFs is the difficulty of avoiding systematic bias in the integrated circuits but also pulling out consistent characteristics as the PUF at the same time. This thesis discusses several compact PUF structures relying on programmable delay lines (PDLs) and our novel intertwined programmable delays (IPD). We explore the strategy to extract the genuinely random PUF from these structures by minimizing the systematic biases. Yet, our methods still maintain very high reliability. Furthermore, our proposed designs, especially the TERO-based PUFs, show promising resilience to machine learning (ML) attacks. We also suggest the bit-bias metric to estimate PUF’s complexity quickly

    Xylo-oligosaccharides and inulin affect genotoxicity and bacterial populations differently in a human colonic simulator challenged with soy protein.

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    High dietary intakes of some protein sources, including soy protein, can increase colonic DNA damage in animals, whereas some carbohydrates attenuate this. We investigated whether inulin and xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) could be protective against DNA strand breaks by adding them to a human colonic simulator consisting of a proximal vessel (PV) (pH 5.5) and a distal vessel (DV) (pH 6.8) inoculated with human faeces and media containing soy protein. Genotoxicity of the liquid phase and microbial population changes in the vessels were measured. Soy protein (3%) was fermented with 1% low amylose cornstarch for 10 day followed by soy protein with 1% XOS or 1% inulin for 10 day. Inulin did not alter genotoxicity but XOS significantly reduced PV genotoxicity and increased DV genotoxicity. Inulin and XOS significantly increased butyrate concentration in the DV but not PV. Numbers of the key butyrate-producing bacterium Faecalibacterium prausnitzii were significantly increased in the PV and DV by inulin but significantly decreased by XOS in both vessels. Other bacteria examined were also significantly impacted by the carbohydrate treatments or by the vessel (i.e., pH). There was a significant overall inverse correlation between levels of damage induced by the ferments and levels of sulphate-reducing bacteria, Bacteroides fragilis, and acetate. In conclusion, dietary XOS can potentially modulate the genotoxicity of the colonic environment and specific bacterial groups and short chain fatty acids may mediate this

    A Poglut1 mutation causes a muscular dystrophy with reduced Notch signaling and satellite cell loss

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    Skeletal muscle regeneration by muscle satellite cells is a physiological mechanism activated upon muscle damage and regulated by Notch signaling. In a family with autosomal recessive limbgirdle muscular dystrophy, we identified a missense mutation in POGLUT1 (protein O-glucosyltransferase 1), an enzyme involved in Notch posttranslational modification and function. In vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated that the mutation reduces Oglucosyltransferase activity on Notch and impairs muscle development. Muscles from patients revealed decreased Notch signaling, dramatic reduction in satellite cell pool and a muscle-specific adystroglycan hypoglycosylation not present in patients’ fibroblasts. Primary myoblasts from patients showed slow proliferation, facilitated differentiation, and a decreased pool of quiescent PAX7+ cells. A robust rescue of the myogenesis was demonstrated by increasing Notch signaling. None of these alterations were found in muscles from secondary dystroglycanopathy patients. These data suggest that a key pathomechanism for this novel form of muscular dystrophy is Notch-dependent loss of satellite cells.Junta de Andalucía PI-0017-201
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