33 research outputs found

    A review on analysis and synthesis of nonlinear stochastic systems with randomly occurring incomplete information

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    Copyright q 2012 Hongli Dong et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.In the context of systems and control, incomplete information refers to a dynamical system in which knowledge about the system states is limited due to the difficulties in modeling complexity in a quantitative way. The well-known types of incomplete information include parameter uncertainties and norm-bounded nonlinearities. Recently, in response to the development of network technologies, the phenomenon of randomly occurring incomplete information has become more and more prevalent. Such a phenomenon typically appears in a networked environment. Examples include, but are not limited to, randomly occurring uncertainties, randomly occurring nonlinearities, randomly occurring saturation, randomly missing measurements and randomly occurring quantization. Randomly occurring incomplete information, if not properly handled, would seriously deteriorate the performance of a control system. In this paper, we aim to survey some recent advances on the analysis and synthesis problems for nonlinear stochastic systems with randomly occurring incomplete information. The developments of the filtering, control and fault detection problems are systematically reviewed. Latest results on analysis and synthesis of nonlinear stochastic systems are discussed in great detail. In addition, various distributed filtering technologies over sensor networks are highlighted. Finally, some concluding remarks are given and some possible future research directions are pointed out. © 2012 Hongli Dong et al.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61273156, 61134009, 61273201, 61021002, and 61004067, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the UK, the National Science Foundation of the USA under Grant No. HRD-1137732, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of German

    Non-fragile H∞ control with randomly occurring gain variations, distributed delays and channel fadings

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    This study is concerned with the non-fragile H∞ control problem for a class of discrete-time systems subject to randomly occurring gain variations (ROGVs), channel fadings and infinite-distributed delays. A new stochastic phenomenon (ROGVs), which is governed by a sequence of random variables with a certain probabilistic distribution, is put forward to better reflect the reality of the randomly occurring fluctuation of controller gains implemented in networked environments. A modified stochastic Rice fading model is then exploited to account for both channel fadings and random time-delays in a unified representation. The channel coefficients are a set of mutually independent random variables which abide by any (not necessarily Gaussian) probability density function on [0, 1]. Attention is focused on the analysis and design of a non-fragile H∞ outputfeedback controller such that the closed-loop control system is stochastically stable with a prescribed H∞ performance. Through intensive stochastic analysis, sufficient conditions are established for the desired stochastic stability and H∞ disturbance attenuation, and the addressed non-fragile control problem is then recast as a convex optimisation problem solvable via the semidefinite programme method. An example is finally provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method

    Finite-horizon reliable control with randomly occurring uncertainties and nonlinearities subject to output quantization

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    Copyright @ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This paper deals with the finite-horizon reliable H∞ output feedback control problem for a class of discrete time-varying systems with randomly occurring uncertainties (ROUs), randomly occurring nonlinearities (RONs) as well as measurement quantizations. Both the deterministic actuator failures and probabilistic sensor failures are considered in order to reflect the reality. The actuator failure is quantified by a deterministic variable varying in a given interval and the sensor failure is governed by an individual random variable taking value on [0,1]. Both the nonlinearities and the uncertainties enter into the system in random ways according to Bernoulli distributed white sequences with known conditional probabilities. The main purpose of the problem addressed is to design a time-varying output feedback controller over a given finite horizon such that, in the simultaneous presence of ROUs, RONs, actuator and sensor failures as well as measurement quantizations, the closed-loop system achieves a prescribed performance level in terms of the H∞-norm. Sufficient conditions are first established for the robust H∞ performance through intensive stochastic analysis, and then a recursive linear matrix inequality approach is employed to design the desired output feedback controller achieving the prescribed H∞ disturbance rejection level. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design scheme.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61329301, 61134009, 61273156, 61333012, 61422301 and 61374127, the Scientific and Technology Research Foundation of Heilongjiang Education Department of China under Grant 12541061, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the U.K., the Royal Society of the U.K., and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Distributed filtering of networked dynamic systems with non-gaussian noises over sensor networks: A survey

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    summary:Sensor networks are regarded as a promising technology in the field of information perception and processing owing to the ease of deployment, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, as well as reliability. The information exchange among sensors inevitably suffers from various network-induced phenomena caused by the limited resource utilization and complex application scenarios, and thus is required to be governed by suitable resource-saving communication mechanisms. It is also noteworthy that noises in system dynamics and sensor measurements are ubiquitous and in general unknown but can be bounded, rather than follow specific Gaussian distributions as assumed in Kalman-type filtering. Particular attention of this paper is paid to a survey of recent advances in distributed filtering of networked dynamic systems with non-Gaussian noises over sensor networks. First, two types of widely employed structures of distributed filters are reviewed, the corresponding analysis is systematically addressed, and some interesting results are provided. The inherent purpose of adding consensus terms into the distributed filters is profoundly disclosed. Then, some representative models characterizing various network-induced phenomena are reviewed and their corresponding analytical strategies are exhibited in detail. Furthermore, recent results on distributed filtering with non-Gaussian noises are sorted out in accordance with different network-induced phenomena and system models. Another emphasis is laid on recent developments of distributed filtering with various communication scheduling, which are summarized based on the inherent characteristics of their dynamic behavior associated with mathematical models. Finally, the state-of-the-art of distributed filtering and challenging issues, ranging from scalability, security to applications, are raised to guide possible future research

    A Prediction-Based Approach to Distributed Filtering with Missing Measurements and Communication Delays through Sensor Networks

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    10.13039/501100001809-National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Number: 61673141, 61873148, 61933007 and 61773144); 10.13039/501100008530-European Regional Development Fund and Sêr Cymru Fellowship (Grant Number: 80761-USW-059); Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province of China (Grant Number: JC2018001); Fundamental Research Foundation for Universities of Heilongjiang Province 10.13039/100005156-Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany