21 research outputs found

    Scalable BGP Prefix Selection for Effective Inter-domain Traffic Engineering

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    Inter-domain Traffic Engineering for multi-homed networks faces a scalability challenge, as the size of BGP routing table continue to grow. In this context, the choice of the best path must be made potentially for each destination prefix, requiring all available paths to be characterised (e.g., through measurements) and compared with each other. Fortunately, it is well-known that a few number of prefixes carry the larger part of the traffic. As a natural consequence, to engineer large volume of traffic only few prefixes need to be managed. Yet, traffic characteristics of a given prefix can greatly vary over time, and little is known on the dynamism of traffic at this aggregation level, including predicting the set of the most significant prefixes in the near future. %based on past observations. Sophisticated prediction methods won't scale in such context. In this paper, we study the relationship between prefix volume, stability, and predictability, based on recent traffic traces from nine different networks. Three simple and resource-efficient methods to select the prefixes associated with the most important foreseeable traffic volume are then proposed. Such proposed methods allow to select sets of prefixes with both excellent representativeness (volume coverage) and stability in time, for which the best routes are identified. The analysis carried out confirm the potential benefits of a route decision engine

    Combined Intra- and Inter-domain Traffic Engineering using Hot-Potato Aware Link Weights Optimization

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    A well-known approach to intradomain traffic engineering consists in finding the set of link weights that minimizes a network-wide objective function for a given intradomain traffic matrix. This approach is inadequate because it ignores a potential impact on interdomain routing. Indeed, the resulting set of link weights may trigger BGP to change the BGP next hop for some destination prefixes, to enforce hot-potato routing policies. In turn, this results in changes in the intradomain traffic matrix that have not been anticipated by the link weights optimizer, possibly leading to degraded network performance. We propose a BGP-aware link weights optimization method that takes these effects into account, and even turns them into an advantage. This method uses the interdomain traffic matrix and other available BGP data, to extend the intradomain topology with external virtual nodes and links, on which all the well-tuned heuristics of a classical link weights optimizer can be applied. A key innovative asset of our method is its ability to also optimize the traffic on the interdomain peering links. We show, using an operational network as a case study, that our approach does so efficiently at almost no extra computational cost.Comment: 12 pages, Short version to be published in ACM SIGMETRICS 2008, International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, June 2-6, 2008, Annapolis, Maryland, US

    Policy-compliant maximum network flows

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    Computer network administrators are often interested in the maximal bandwidth that can be achieved between two nodes in the network, or how many edges can fail before the network gets disconnected. Classic maximum flow algorithms that solve these problems are well-known. However, in practice, network policies are in effect, severely restricting the flow that can actually be set up. These policies are put into place to conform to service level agreements and optimize network throughput, and can have a large impact on the actual routing of the flows. In this work, we model the problem and define a series of progressively more complex conditions and algorithms that calculate increasingly tighter bounds on the policy-compliant maximum flow using regular expressions and finite state automata. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that specific conditions are deduced, which characterize how to calculate policy-compliant maximum flows using classic algorithms on an unmodified network

    Making Outbound Route Selection Robust to Egress Point Failure

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    Offline inter-domain outbound Traffic Engineering (TE) can be formulated as an optimization problem whose objective is to determine primary egress points for traffic exiting a domain. However, when egress point failures happen, congestion may occur if secondary egress points are not carefully determined. In this paper, we formulate a bi-level outbound TE problem in order to make outbound route selection robust to egress point failures. We propose a tabu search heuristic to solve the problem and compare the performance to three alternative approaches. Simulation results demonstrate that the tabu search heuristic achieves the best performance in terms of our optimization objectives and also keeps traffic disruption to a minimum

    Making Outbound Route Selection Robust to Egress Point Failure

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    Abstract. Offline inter-domain outbound Traffic Engineering (TE) can be formulated as an optimization problem whose objective is to determine primary egress points for traffic exiting a domain. However, when egress point failures happen, congestion may occur if secondary egress points are not carefully determined. In this paper, we formulate a bi-level outbound TE problem in order to make outbound route selection robust to egress point failures. We propose a tabu search heuristic to solve the problem and compare the performance to three alternative approaches. Simulation results demonstrate that the tabu search heuristic achieves the best performance in terms of our optimization objectives and also keeps traffic disruption to a minimum

    An Integrated Network Management Framework for Inter-domain Outbound Traffic Engineering

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    This paper proposes an integrated network management framework for inter-domain outbound traffic engineering. The framework consists of three functional blocks (monitoring, optimization and implementation) to make the outbound traffic engineering adaptive to network condition changes such as inter-domain traffic demand variation, inter-domain routing changes and link failures. The objective is to keep the inter-domain link utilization balanced under any of these changes while reducing service disruptions and reconfiguration overheads. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed framework can achieve better load balancing with less service disruptions and re-configuration overheads in comparison to alternative approaches

    BGP-XM: BGP eXtended Multipath for Transit Autonomous Systems

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    Multipath interdomain routing has been proposed to enable flexible traffic engineering for transit Autonomos Systems (ASes). Yet, there is a lack of solutions providing maximal path diversity and backwards compatibility at the same time. The BGP-XM (Border Gateway Protocol-eXtended Multipath) extension presented in this paper is a complete and flexible approach to solve many of the limitations of previous BGP multipath solutions. ASes can benefit from multipath capabilities starting with a single upgraded router, and without any coordination with other ASes. BGP-XM defines an algorithm to merge into regular BGP updates information from paths which may even traverse different ASes. This algorithm can be combined with different multipath selection algorithms, such as the K-BESTRO (K-Best Route Optimizer) tunable selection algorithm proposed in this paper. A stability analysis and stable policy guidelines are provided. The performance evaluation of BGP-XM, running over an Internet-like topology, shows that high path diversity can be achieved even for limited deployments of the multipath mechanism. Further results for large-scale deployments reveal that the extension is suitable for large deployment since it shows a low impact in the AS path length and in the routing table size

    Joint Optimization of Intra- and Inter-Autonomous System Traffic Engineering

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    Traffic Engineering (TE) is used to optimize IP operational network performance. The existing literature generally considers intra- and inter-AS (Autonomous System) TE independently. However, the overall network performance may not be truly optimized when these aspects are considered separately. This is due to the interaction between intra- and inter-AS TE, where a solution of intra-AS TE may not be a good input to inter-AS TE and vice versa. To remedy this situation, we propose considering intra-AS aspects during inter-AS TE and vice versa. We propose a joint optimization of intra- and inter-AS TE to further improve the overall network performance by simultaneously finding the best egress points for the inter-AS traffic and the best routing scheme for the intra-AS traffic. Three strategies are presented to attack the problem, namely sequential, nested and integrated optimization. Our simulation study shows that, compared to sequential and nested optimization, integrated optimization can significantly improve the overall network performance by accommodating 30%-60% more traffic demands