1,080 research outputs found


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    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) yang disutradarai oleh James Gunn menyajikan serangkaian pahlawan yang berbeda dari mayoritas pahlawan lainnya, terutama pada cara mereka berkembang menjadi pahlawan. Penelitian ini meneliti konstruksi pahlawan dalam Guardians of the Galaxy dengan menggunakan teori konstruksi pahlawan yang dirumuskan oleh Campbell (2004) sebagai acuan. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini agar dapat mencapai pemahaman yang lebih mendalam terkait konstruksi tersebut. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa para pahlawan tersebut terkonstruksi dengan cara yang mirip dengan tingkatan-tingkatan yang dirumuskan dalam teori Campbell. Kontruksi tersebut juga sangat terpengaruh oleh faktor eksternal yang ditemui para pahlawan tersebut. Dari konstruksi tersebut, pahlawan-pahlawan dalam Guardians of the Galaxy ditunjukkan sebagai karakter yang pada awalnya memiliki nilai moral yang buruk, bukan karakter dengan nilai moral yang baik seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh mayoritas pahlawan-pahlawan lainnya. Pahlawan-pahlawan dalam Guardians of the Galaxy juga digambarkan memiliki banyak kualitas manusia dalam konstruksi mereka sehingga membuat mereka terlihat lebih kompleks.---------- Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) directed by James Gunn presents a set of heroes that are different from the majorities of the other heroes, especially in terms of how they develop into heroes. The study examines the hero construction in Guardians of the Galaxy by using Campbell’s (2004) theory of hero construction as the theoretical guidelines. The qualitative method is used in this study to gain a deeper understanding of the construction. The findings show that the heroes are constructed in ways similar to the stages in Campbell’s theoretical proposition. The constructions are also very much influenced by external factors that the heroes meet. From the construction, the heroes in Guardians of the Galaxy are shown to develop from characters devoid of moral values, instead of characters with noble morals as frequently shown by the majorities of the other heroes. The heroes in Guardians of the Galaxy are also portrayed to have more human qualities in their construction which makes them more rounded

    Construction of Heroes in Guardians of The Galaxy (2014)

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    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) directed by James Gunn presents a set of heroes that are different from the majorities of the other heroes, especially in terms of how they develop into heroes. The study examines the hero construction in Guardians of the Galaxy by using Campbell’s (2004) theory of hero construction as the theoretical guidelines. The qualitative method is used in this study to gain a deeper understanding of the construction. The findings show that the heroes are constructed in ways similar to the stages in Campbell’s theoretical proposition. The constructions are also very much influenced by external factors that the heroes meet. From the construction, the heroes in Guardians of the Galaxy are shown to develop from characters devoid of moral values, instead of characters with noble morals as frequently shown by the majorities of the other heroes. The heroes in Guardians of the Galaxy are also portrayed to have more human qualities in their construction which makes them more rounded. Keywords: hero, hero journey, hero construction, hero construction stage

    11-11-2014 Pre-DVD Release of Sci-Fi Movie is Thursday at SWOSU

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    A pre-DVD release screening of the popular sci-fi movie Guardians Of the Galaxy will be held this Thursday, November 13, at Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford

    Construction of Heroes in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

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    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) yang disutradarai oleh James Gunn menyajikan serangkaian pahlawan yang berbeda dari mayoritas pahlawan lainnya, terutama pada cara mereka berkembang menjadi pahlawan. Penelitian ini meneliti konstruksi pahlawan dalam Guardians of the Galaxy dengan menggunakan teori konstruksi pahlawan yang dirumuskan oleh Campbell (2004) sebagai acuan. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini agar dapat mencapai pemahaman yang lebih mendalam terkait konstruksi tersebut. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa para pahlawan tersebut terkonstruksi dengan cara yang mirip dengan tingkatan-tingkatan yang dirumuskan dalam teori Campbell. Kontruksi tersebut juga sangat terpengaruh oleh faktor eksternal yang ditemui para pahlawan tersebut. Dari konstruksi tersebut, pahlawan-pahlawan dalam Guardians of the Galaxy ditunjukkan sebagai karakter yang pada awalnya memiliki nilai moral yang buruk, bukan karakter dengan nilai moral yang baik seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh mayoritas pahlawan-pahlawan lainnya. Pahlawan-pahlawan dalam Guardians of the Galaxy juga digambarkan memiliki banyak kualitas manusia dalam konstruksi mereka sehingga membuat mereka terlihat lebih kompleks;--- Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) directed by James Gunn presents a set of heroes that are different from the majorities of the other heroes, especially in terms of how they develop into heroes. The study examines the hero construction in Guardians of the Galaxy by using Campbell’s (2004) theory of hero construction as the theoretical guidelines. The qualitative method is used in this study to gain a deeper understanding of the construction. The findings show that the heroes are constructed in ways similar to the stages in Campbell’s theoretical proposition. The constructions are also very much influenced by external factors that the heroes meet. From the construction, the heroes in Guardians of the Galaxy are shown to develop from characters devoid of moral values, instead of characters with noble morals as frequently shown by the majorities of the other heroes. The heroes in Guardians of the Galaxy are also portrayed to have more human qualities in their construction which makes them more rounde


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    This study aims to investigate the types of translation strategies, grammatical equivalence, and accuracy in translating English into Indonesian. The data were taken from the movie script entitled “Guardians of the Galaxy” in English and its Indonesian subtitles. This study was conducted based on qualitative research methods with the descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis shows that there are 8 strategies found in the subtitles used by translator in which transfer strategy is the most frequently used in this study. Then, there are grammatical equivalence and non-equivalence which are found in the subtitles. They are categorized into person, number, gender, tense and aspect and voice in which the grammatical non-equivalence is the most dominantly used in this study. In terms of translation quality, it is found that 189 (84.00%) data are accurate, 35 (15.56%) data are less accurate, and 1 (0.44%) datum is not accurate. Finally, it is found that there are some relations between strategies and grammatical equivalence to the translation accuracy in this study. They are strategies resulting grammatical equivalence and accurate translation, strategies resulting grammatical equivalence but less accurate translation, strategies resulting grammatical non-equivalence but accurate translation, strategies resulting grammatical non-equivalence and less accurate translation, and strategies resulting grammatical non-equivalence and inaccurate translation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan jenis strategi, kesepadanan gramatikal, dan penilaian keakuratan dalam menerjemahkan bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Data ini diperoleh dari sebuah naskah film dalam bahasa Inggris berjudul “Guardians of the Galaxy” berserta terjemahannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 8 strategi yang ditemukan dalam subtitle yang digunakan penerjemah, dengan strategi transfer menjadi strategi yang paling banyak digunakan di dalam penelitian ini. Kemudian, terdapat kesepadanan dan ketidaksepadanan gramatikal yang ditemukan dalam subtitle dalam bentuk kata ganti orang, jumlah, gender, kala dan aspek, serta pembentukan aktif dan pasif dengan ketidaksepadanan gramatikal yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. Mengenai kualitas terjemahan, diperoleh 189 (84.00%) data akurat, 35 (15.56%) data kurang akurat, dan 1 (0.44%) data tidak akurat. Ternyata, hal ini diperoleh suatu hubungan antara strategi dan kesepadanan gramatikal terhadap keakuratan terjemahan yang digunakan oleh penerjemah yaitu strategi terjemahan yang menghasilkan kesepadanan gramatikal dan keakuratan terjemahan, strategi terjemahan yang menghasilkan kesepadanan gramatikal tetapi kurang-keakuratan terjemahan, strategi terjemahan yang menghasilkan ketidak-sepadanan gramatikal tetapi keakuratan terjemahan, strategi terjemahan yang menghasilkan ketidak-sepadanan gramatikal dan kurang-keakuratan terjemahan, serta strategi terjemahan yang menghasilkan ketidak-sepadanan gramatikal dan ketidak-akuratan terjemahan

    Contemporary portrayals of blacks and mixed-blacks in lead roles: Confronting historical stereotypes of African Americans on the big screen

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    This study examines portrayals of lead characters played by black and mixed-black men and women in four contemporary top-grossing box office films released from 2010-2015. The qualitative textual analysis assesses whether leads played by black or mixed-black people conform to or stray from Hollywood’s historical messages that have allowed for racial and gender inequalities on screen. By cross-analyzing characters in terms of genre and gender and forming an understanding of how each character functions in their respective narratives, my analysis identified four major themes. Lead characters played by black and mixed-black people are shown a) having broken or absent families; b) engaged in servitude and/or subordination, which also included uniformity in terms of appearance; c) associated with criminality and/or weaponry; and d) facing one’s fears and striving for a better life, which often involved confronting one’s financial struggles. My findings also suggest that there is more complexity to be found in the roles given to black and mixed black actors/actresses than has been the case historically, as historical portrayals of African Americans are challenged and complicated by contemporary films with both historically based and fictionally based plots


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    ABSTRACT This research aimed to find out the types and functions of illocutionary acts produced by Peter Quill as the main character in Guardians of the Galaxy movie. The design of this research was descriptive qualitative. The researcher collected the data from Peter Quill’s dialogues and analyzed them by using Miles’ and Huberman’s interactive model source as the process of data analysis. The findings showed that there were four types of illocutionary acts found in Peter Quill’s utterances along with its functions: representatives (informing, notifying, reminding and asserting), directives (asking, requesting, telling, suggesting, ordering, forbidding, advising, and commanding), commissives (refusing and promising) and expressives (complimenting and complaining). Keywords: pragmatic, speech act, illocutionary acts ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tipe-tipe dan fungsi-fungsi dari tindak tutur ilokusi yang terdapat pada karakter utama film Guardians of the Galaxy, yaitu Peter Quill.Bentuk penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kualitatif deskripsi. Penulis mengumpulkan data-data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini dari dialog-dialog Peter Quill dan menganalisisnya dengan menggunakan proses analisis data dari Miles dan Huberman, interactive model source. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat jenis ilokusi milik Searle yang digunakan oleh karakter Peter Quill dalam semua ujarannya beserta fungsi masing-masing dari tipe-tipe ilokusi tersebut: representative (dalam ungkapan menginformasi, memberitahu, mengingatkan, dan menegaskan), directives (dalam ungkapan bertanya, meminta, menceritakan, menyarankan, meminta untuk melakukan sesuatu, melarang, memberi nasihat, dan memberi perintah), commissives (dalam ungkapan menolak dan berjanji), dan expressives (dalam ungkapan memberikan pujian dan mengeluh).  Kata Kunci: pragmatik, tindak tutur, bentuk-bentuk ilokus

    Cannons to Cannon

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    I’ll never forget the first moment, I truly realized who Batman was. No, I’m not talking about (SARCASTIC SPOILER ALERT) his alternate identity as Bruce Wayne, but instead his depth as a character, his uncompromising morals and never-ending cycle of battles with the Joker. Batman, his mythology, and his backstory encompass so much more than the movies; he is alive for me in a way he will never be on screen. From an early age, comics provided my escape; Batman was there to drop kick depression and side-swipe thoughts of suicide. [excerpt
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