92 research outputs found

    Availability-Guaranteed Service Function Chain Provisioning with Optional Shared Backups

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    The dynamic provisioning of Service Function Chain (SFC) using Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) is a challenging problem, especially for availability-constrained services. The provisioning of backup resources is often used to ensure that availability requirements are fulfilled. However, the assignment of backup resources should be carefully designed to avoid resource inefficiencies as much as possible.This paper proposes the Optional Backup with Shared Path and Shared Function (OBSPSF) strategy, which aims at improving resource efficiency while fulfilling the availability requirements of SFC requests. The strategy uses optional backup provisioning to ensure that backup resources are assigned only when strictly needed (i.e., when the SFC alone does not meet the availability constraint). Moreover, OBSPSF encourages backup sharing (among both connectivity and backup VNFs) to reduce the backup resource overhead. Results show that the strategy can accommodate orders-of-magnitude more services than benchmark heuristics from the literature

    Availability Evaluation of Service Function Chains Under Different Protection Schemes

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) calls for a new resource management approach where virtualized network functions (VNFs) replace traditional network hardware appliances. Thanks to NFV, operators are given a much greater flexibility, as these VNFs can be deployed as virtual nodes and chained together to form Service Function Chains (SFCs). An SFC represents a set of dedicated virtualized resources deployed to provide a certain service to the consumer. One of its most important performance requirements is availability. In this paper, the availability achieved by SFCs is evaluated analytically, by modelling several protection schemes and given different availability values for the network components. The cost of each protection scheme, based on its network resource consumption, is also taken into account. Extensive numerical results are reported, considering various SFC characteristics, such as availability requirements, number of NFV nodes and availability values of network components. The lowest-cost protection strategy, in terms of number of occupied network components, which meets availability requirement, is identified. Our analysis demonstrates that, in most cases, resource-greedy protection schemes, such as end-to-end protection, can be replaced by less aggressive schemes, even when availability requirements are in the order of five or six nines, depending on the number of elements in the service function chain

    Elastic Highly Available Cloud Computing

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    High availability and elasticity are two the cloud computing services technical features. Elasticity is a key feature of cloud computing where provisioning of resources is closely tied to the runtime demand. High availability assure that cloud applications are resilient to failures. Existing cloud solutions focus on providing both features at the level of the virtual resource through virtual machines by managing their restart, addition, and removal as needed. These existing solutions map applications to a specific design, which is not suitable for many applications especially virtualized telecommunication applications that are required to meet carrier grade standards. Carrier grade applications typically rely on the underlying platform to manage their availability by monitoring heartbeats, executing recoveries, and attempting repairs to bring the system back to normal. Migrating such applications to the cloud can be particularly challenging, especially if the elasticity policies target the application only, without considering the underlying platform contributing to its high availability (HA). In this thesis, a Network Function Virtualization (NFV) framework is introduced; the challenges and requirements of its use in mobile networks are discussed. In particular, an architecture for NFV framework entities in the virtual environment is proposed. In order to reduce signaling traffic congestion and achieve better performance, a criterion to bundle multiple functions of virtualized evolved packet-core in a single physical device or a group of adjacent devices is proposed. The analysis shows that the proposed grouping can reduce the network control traffic by 70 percent. Moreover, a comprehensive framework for the elasticity of highly available applications that considers the elastic deployment of the platform and the HA placement of the application’s components is proposed. The approach is applied to an internet protocol multimedia subsystem (IMS) application and demonstrate how, within a matter of seconds, the IMS application can be scaled up while maintaining its HA status

    Data plane assisted state replication with Network Function Virtualization

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    Modern 5G networks are capable of providing ultra-low latency and highly scalable network services by employing modern networking paradigms such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). The latter enables performance-critical network applications to be run in a distributed fashion directly inside the infrastructure. Being distributed, those applications rely on sophisticated state replication algorithms to synchronize states among each other. Nevertheless, current implementations of such algorithms do not fully exploit the potential of the modern infrastructures, thus leading to sub-optimal performance. In this paper, we propose STARE, a novel state replication system tailored for 5G networks. At its core, STARE exploits stateful SDN to offload replication-related processes to the data plane, ultimately leading to reduced communication delays and processing overhead for VNFs. We provide a detailed description of the STARE architecture alongside a publicly-available P4- based implementation. Furthermore, our evaluation shows that STARE is capable of scaling to big networks while introducing low overhead in the network

    Storage Protection with Connectivity and Processing Restoration for Survivable Cloud Services

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    The operation and management of software-based communication systems and services is a big challenge for infrastructure and service providers.The challenge is mainly associated with the larger number of configurable elements and the higher dynamicity in the software-based systems compared to the classical ones. On the other hand, the modularity and programmability in software-based networks enabled by technologies like Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) provide new opportunities for operators to realize advanced network and service management strategies beyond the classical techniques.In our work, we elaborate on these new opportunities and propose a novel strategy for the management of survivable cloud services.In particular, we leverage the flexibility of SDN and NFV to combine proactive protection and reactive restoration mechanisms and we put forward a novel strategy for enhancing the survivability of cloud services. Through comprehensive evaluations, we demonstrate that the proposed strategy offers significant benefits in terms of availability and restorability of services while reducing, at the same time, the overhead caused by the relocation of cloud services in case of failures

    Dependability of the NFV Orchestrator: State of the Art and Research Challenges

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The introduction of network function virtualisation (NFV) represents a significant change in networking technology, which may create new opportunities in terms of cost efficiency, operations, and service provisioning. Although not explicitly stated as an objective, the dependability of the services provided using this technology should be at least as good as conventional solutions. Logical centralisation, off-the-shelf computing platforms, and increased system complexity represent new dependability challenges relative to the state of the art. The core function of the network, with respect to failure and service management, is orchestration. The failure and misoperation of the NFV orchestrator (NFVO) will have huge network-wide consequences. At the same time, NFVO is vulnerable to overload and design faults. Thus, the objective of this paper is to give a tutorial on the dependability challenges of the NFVO, and to give insight into the required future research. This paper provides necessary background information, reviews the available literature, outlines the proposed solutions, and identifies some design and research problems that must be addressed.acceptedVersio

    Minimum-Cost Virtual Network Function Resilience

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    International audienceIn the future 5G networks, a wide range of new services with strong requirements will be delivered in the form of chains of service functions on independent virtual networks. These virtual networks will be deployed on demand, each one adapted to the specific service requirements. For infrastructure providers a real challenge consists in providing and setting up the required virtual networks (network slices) while guaranteeing strict Service Level Agreements. One of the major stakes is to be able to provide failure protection for the service function chains at minimal cost. In this work, we consider a set of deployed service chains, and we study the best strategy to protect them at minimal cost. We propose mathematical formulations that provide optimal backup functions placement over a network, and the associated backup paths for each VNF of all the chains. We develop an efficient ILP-based heuristic relying on a separation of the problem into smaller ones to solve large scale instances. We show that our heuristic is competitive, both regarding the solution quality and the solving time