26 research outputs found

    An automated workflow for patient-specific quality control of contour propagation

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    Contour propagation is an essential component of adaptive radiotherapy, but current contour propagation algorithms are not yet sufficiently accurate to be used without manual supervision. Manual review of propagated contours is time-consuming, making routine implementation of real-time adaptive radiotherapy unrealistic. Automated methods of monitoring the performance of contour propagation algorithms are therefore required. We have developed an automated workflow for patient-specific quality control of contour propagation and validated it on a cohort of head and neck patients, on which parotids were outlined by two observers. Two types of error were simulated-mislabelling of contours and introducing noise in the scans before propagation. The ability of the workflow to correctly predict the occurrence of errors was tested, taking both sets of observer contours as ground truth, using receiver operator characteristic analysis. The area under the curve was 0.90 and 0.85 for the observers, indicating good ability to predict the occurrence of errors. This tool could potentially be used to identify propagated contours that are likely to be incorrect, acting as a flag for manual review of these contours. This would make contour propagation more efficient, facilitating the routine implementation of adaptive radiotherap

    Automatic Segmentation of Mandible from Conventional Methods to Deep Learning-A Review

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    Medical imaging techniques, such as (cone beam) computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, have proven to be a valuable component for oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS). Accurate segmentation of the mandible from head and neck (H&N) scans is an important step in order to build a personalized 3D digital mandible model for 3D printing and treatment planning of OMFS. Segmented mandible structures are used to effectively visualize the mandible volumes and to evaluate particular mandible properties quantitatively. However, mandible segmentation is always challenging for both clinicians and researchers, due to complex structures and higher attenuation materials, such as teeth (filling) or metal implants that easily lead to high noise and strong artifacts during scanning. Moreover, the size and shape of the mandible vary to a large extent between individuals. Therefore, mandible segmentation is a tedious and time-consuming task and requires adequate training to be performed properly. With the advancement of computer vision approaches, researchers have developed several algorithms to automatically segment the mandible during the last two decades. The objective of this review was to present the available fully (semi)automatic segmentation methods of the mandible published in different scientific articles. This review provides a vivid description of the scientific advancements to clinicians and researchers in this field to help develop novel automatic methods for clinical applications

    Prediction of standard-dose brain PET image by using MRI and low-dose brain [ 18 F]FDG PET images: Prediction of standard-dose brain PET image

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a nuclear medical imaging technology that produces 3D images reflecting tissue metabolic activity in human body. PET has been widely used in various clinical applications, such as in diagnosis of brain disorders. High-quality PET images play an essential role in diagnosing brain diseases/disorders. In practice, in order to obtain high-quality PET images, a standard-dose radionuclide (tracer) needs to be used and injected into a living body. As a result, it will inevitably increase the patient’s exposure to radiation. One solution to solve this problem is predicting standard-dose PET images using low-dose PET images. As yet, no previous studies with this approach have been reported. Accordingly, in this paper, the authors propose a regression forest based framework for predicting a standard-dose brain [18F]FDG PET image by using a low-dose brain [18F]FDG PET image and its corresponding magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) image

    Quality assurance for automatically generated contours with additional deep learning

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    Objective: Deploying an automatic segmentation model in practice should require rigorous quality assurance (QA) and continuous monitoring of the model’s use and performance, particularly in high-stakes scenarios such as healthcare. Currently, however, tools to assist with QA for such models are not available to AI researchers. In this work, we build a deep learning model that estimates the quality of automatically generated contours. Methods: The model was trained to predict the segmentation quality by outputting an estimate of the Dice similarity coefficient given an image contour pair as input. Our dataset contained 60 axial T2-weighted MRI images of prostates with ground truth segmentations along with 80 automatically generated segmentation masks. The model we used was a 3D version of the EfficientDet architecture with a custom regression head. For validation, we used a fivefold cross-validation. To counteract the limitation of the small dataset, we used an extensive data augmentation scheme capable of producing virtually infinite training samples from a single ground truth label mask. In addition, we compared the results against a baseline model that only uses clinical variables for its predictions. Results: Our model achieved a mean absolute error of 0.020 ± 0.026 (2.2% mean percentage error) in estimating the Dice score, with a rank correlation of 0.42. Furthermore, the model managed to correctly identify incorrect segmentations (defined in terms of acceptable/unacceptable) 99.6% of the time. Conclusion: We believe that the trained model can be used alongside automatic segmentation tools to ensure quality and thus allow intervention to prevent undesired segmentation behavior


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    Radiotherapy is a frequently used therapeutic modality for cancer patients. Accurately contouring of tumors and organs at risk (OARs) is critical for developing optimal treatment plans in radiotherapy, especially after the implementation of Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT). The manual contouring process is time-consuming and suffers from inter-observer variations. However, manual contouring is often hindered by laborious clinical duties, leading to reduced effectiveness, and increased segmentation errors due to fatigue. Additionally, online adaptive radiation therapy(ART), which has been shown to benefit patient outcomes, places higher demands on contouring and quality assurance (QA) speed. Recently, deep learning auto-segmentation (DLAS) has emerged as an accurate tool for contouring in many anatomical sites. However, DLAS\u27s black-box nature has limited its widespread clinical implementation. Robust evaluations are required prior to the clinical implementation. In this thesis, we present our comprehensive validation approach for assessing the clinical acceptability of DLAS contours in the male pelvis region for automated prostate treatment planning. We then evaluated the DLAS model\u27s capacity for continuous improvement and generalizability and successfully adopted it in a multi-user environment. Additionally, we provided an implementation workflow for this software that can be used by other clinical users. Manual reviewing contour is a time-consuming process that is prone to errors and omissions, leading to dosimetric uncertainties and lower quality of radiation treatment. To assist with the manual contour review process, an automated contouring QA tool is necessary. We proposed a machine learning-based methodology for an automated contour quality assurance system that detects errors in manual contouring, using the precise DLAS contour as a reference. Moreover, we established a knowledge-based contour QA system that can localize and categorize contour errors for improved accuracy and efficiency. Overall, this dissertation provides a more comprehensive understanding of DLAS in a clinical multi-user environment, which will improve the quality and safety of the radiotherapy workflow

    Multi-Atlas Segmentation of Biomedical Images: A Survey

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    Abstract Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS), first introduced and popularized by the pioneering work of Rohlfing

    Segmentation of pelvic structures from preoperative images for surgical planning and guidance

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    Prostate cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed malignancies globally and the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality in males in the developed world. In recent decades, many techniques have been proposed for prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. With the development of imaging technologies such as CT and MRI, image-guided procedures have become increasingly important as a means to improve clinical outcomes. Analysis of the preoperative images and construction of 3D models prior to treatment would help doctors to better localize and visualize the structures of interest, plan the procedure, diagnose disease and guide the surgery or therapy. This requires efficient and robust medical image analysis and segmentation technologies to be developed. The thesis mainly focuses on the development of segmentation techniques in pelvic MRI for image-guided robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and external-beam radiation therapy. A fully automated multi-atlas framework is proposed for bony pelvis segmentation in MRI, using the guidance of MRI AE-SDM. With the guidance of the AE-SDM, a multi-atlas segmentation algorithm is used to delineate the bony pelvis in a new \ac{MRI} where there is no CT available. The proposed technique outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms for MRI bony pelvis segmentation. With the SDM of pelvis and its segmented surface, an accurate 3D pelvimetry system is designed and implemented to measure a comprehensive set of pelvic geometric parameters for the examination of the relationship between these parameters and the difficulty of robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. This system can be used in both manual and automated manner with a user-friendly interface. A fully automated and robust multi-atlas based segmentation has also been developed to delineate the prostate in diagnostic MR scans, which have large variation in both intensity and shape of prostate. Two image analysis techniques are proposed, including patch-based label fusion with local appearance-specific atlases and multi-atlas propagation via a manifold graph on a database of both labeled and unlabeled images when limited labeled atlases are available. The proposed techniques can achieve more robust and accurate segmentation results than other multi-atlas based methods. The seminal vesicles are also an interesting structure for therapy planning, particularly for external-beam radiation therapy. As existing methods fail for the very onerous task of segmenting the seminal vesicles, a multi-atlas learning framework via random decision forests with graph cuts refinement has further been proposed to solve this difficult problem. Motivated by the performance of this technique, I further extend the multi-atlas learning to segment the prostate fully automatically using multispectral (T1 and T2-weighted) MR images via hybrid \ac{RF} classifiers and a multi-image graph cuts technique. The proposed method compares favorably to the previously proposed multi-atlas based prostate segmentation. The work in this thesis covers different techniques for pelvic image segmentation in MRI. These techniques have been continually developed and refined, and their application to different specific problems shows ever more promising results.Open Acces

    Automatic Segmentation of the Mandible for Three-Dimensional Virtual Surgical Planning

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    Three-dimensional (3D) medical imaging techniques have a fundamental role in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS). 3D images are used to guide diagnosis, assess the severity of disease, for pre-operative planning, per-operative guidance and virtual surgical planning (VSP). In the field of oral cancer, where surgical resection requiring the partial removal of the mandible is a common treatment, resection surgery is often based on 3D VSP to accurately design a resection plan around tumor margins. In orthognathic surgery and dental implant surgery, 3D VSP is also extensively used to precisely guide mandibular surgery. Image segmentation from the radiography images of the head and neck, which is a process to create a 3D volume of the target tissue, is a useful tool to visualize the mandible and quantify geometric parameters. Studies have shown that 3D VSP requires accurate segmentation of the mandible, which is currently performed by medical technicians. Mandible segmentation was usually done manually, which is a time-consuming and poorly reproducible process. This thesis presents four algorithms for mandible segmentation from CT and CBCT and contributes to some novel ideas for the development of automatic mandible segmentation for 3D VSP. We implement the segmentation approaches on head and neck CT/CBCT datasets and then evaluate the performance. Experimental results show that our proposed approaches for mandible segmentation in CT/CBCT datasets exhibit high accuracy