1,336 research outputs found

    Pareto-based Multi-Objective Recommender System with Forgetting Curve

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    Recommender systems with cascading architecture play an increasingly significant role in online recommendation platforms, where the approach to dealing with negative feedback is a vital issue. For instance, in short video platforms, users tend to quickly slip away from candidates that they feel aversive, and recommender systems are expected to receive these explicit negative feedbacks and make adjustments to avoid these recommendations. Considering recency effect in memories, we propose a forgetting model based on Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve to cope with negative feedback. In addition, we introduce a Pareto optimization solver to guarantee a better trade-off between recency and model performance. In conclusion, we propose Pareto-based Multi-Objective Recommender System with forgetting curve (PMORS), which can be applied to any multi-objective recommendation and show sufficiently superiority when facing explicit negative feedback. We have conducted evaluations of PMORS and achieved favorable outcomes in short-video scenarios on both public dataset and industrial dataset. After being deployed on an online short video platform named WeChat Channels in May, 2023, PMORS has not only demonstrated promising results for both consistency and recency but also achieved an improvement of up to +1.45% GMV

    A Collaborative Filtering Probabilistic Approach for Recommendation to Large Homogeneous and Automatically Detected Groups

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    In the collaborative filtering recommender systems (CFRS) field, recommendation to group of users is mainly focused on stablished, occasional or random groups. These groups have a little number of users: relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. Our proposal deals with large numbers of automatically detected groups. Marketing and electronic commerce are typical targets of large homogenous groups. Large groups present a major difficulty in terms of automatically achieving homogeneity, equilibrated size and accurate recommendations. We provide a method that combines diverse machine learning algorithms in an original way: homogeneous groups are detected by means of a clustering based on hidden factors instead of ratings. Predictions are made using a virtual user model, and virtual users are obtained by performing a hidden factors aggregation. Additionally, this paper selects the most appropriate dimensionality reduction for the explained RS aim. We conduct a set of experiments to catch the maximum cumulative deviation of the ratings information. Results show an improvement on recommendations made to large homogeneous groups. It is also shown the desirability of designing specific methods and algorithms to deal with automatically detected groups

    Python Library for Consumer Decision Support System with Automatic Identification of Preferences

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    The development of information systems (IS) has increased in the e-commerce field. The need for continuous improvement of decision support systems implies the integration of multiple methodologies such as expert knowledge, data mining, big data, artificial intelligence, and multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods. Artificial intelligence algorithms have proven their effectiveness as an engine for data-driven information systems. MCDA methods demonstrated usefulness in domains dealing with multiple dimensions. One of the most critical points of any MCDA procedure is criteria weighting using subjective or objective methods. However, both approaches have several limitations when there is a need to map the preferences of unavailable experts. EVO-SPOTIS library integrating a stochastic evolutionary algorithm with the MCDA method, introduced in this paper, attempts to address this problem. In this approach, the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is used to identify decision-makers’ preferences based on datasets evaluated by experts in the past. The Stable Preference Ordering Towards Ideal Solution (SPOTIS) method is used to compute the DE objective function’s values and perform the final evaluation of alternatives using the identified weights. Results confirm the high potential of the library for identification preferences and modeling customer behavior

    TruGRC: Trust-Aware Group Recommendation with Virtual Coordinators

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. In recent years, an increase in group activities on websites has led to greater demand for highly-functional group recommender systems. The goal of group recommendation is to capture and distill the preferences of each group member into a single recommendation list that meets the needs of all group members. Existing aggregation functions perform well in harmonious and congruent scenarios, but tend not to generate satisfactory results when group members hold conflicting preferences. Moreover, most of current studies improve group recommendation only based on a single aggregation strategy and explicit trust information is still ignored in group recommender systems. Motivated by these concerns, this paper presents TruGRC, a novel Trust-aware Group Recommendation method with virtual Coordinators, that combines two different aggregation strategies: result aggregation and profile aggregation. As each individual's preferences are modeled, a virtual user is built as a coordinator to represent the profile aggregation strategy. This coordinator provides a global view of the preferences for all group members by interacting with each user to resolve conflicting preferences. Then, we also model the impact from group members to the virtual coordinator in accordance with personal social influence inferred by trust information on social networks. Group preferences can be easily generated by the average aggregation method under the effect of the virtual coordinator. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets with a range of different group sizes show that TruGRC method has significant improvements compared to other state-of-the-art methods

    ICMRec: Item Cluster-Wise Multi-Objective Optimization for Unbiased Recommendation

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    The traditional observed data used to train the recommender model suffers from severe bias issues (e.g., exposure bias, popularity bias). Interactions of a small fraction of head items account for almost the whole training data. The normal training paradigm from such biased data tends to repetitively generate recommendations from the head items, which further exacerbates the biases and affects the exploration of potentially interesting items from the niche set. In this work, distinct from existing methods, we innovatively explore the central theme of unbiased recommendation from an item cluster-wise multi-objective optimization perspective. Aiming to balance the learning on various item clusters that differ in popularity during the training process, we characterize the recommendation task as an item cluster-wise multi-objective optimization problem. To this end, we propose a model-agnostic framework namely Item Cluster-Wise Multi-Objective Recommendation (ICMRec) for unbiased recommendation. In detail, we define our item cluster-wise optimization target that the recommender model should balance all item clusters that differ in popularity. Thus we set the model learning on each item cluster as a unique optimization objective. To achieve this goal, we first explore items' popularity levels from a novel causal reasoning perspective. Then, we devise popularity discrepancy-based bisecting clustering to separate the discriminated item clusters. Next, we adaptively find the overall harmonious gradient direction for multiple item cluster-wise optimization objectives from a Pareto-efficient solver. Finally, in the prediction stage, we perform counterfactual inference to further eliminate the impact of user conformity. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiorities of ICMRec on overall recommendation performance and biases elimination. Codes will be open-source upon acceptance

    EvoRecSys: Evolutionary framework for health and well-being recommender systems

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    Hugo Alcaraz-Herrera's PhD is supported by The Mexican Council of Science and Technology (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia - CONACyT).In recent years, recommender systems have been employed in domains like ecommerce, tourism, and multimedia streaming, where personalising users’ experience based on their interactions is a fundamental aspect to consider. Recent recommender system developments have also focused on well-being, yet existing solutions have been entirely designed considering one single well-being aspect in isolation, such as a healthy diet or an active lifestyle. This research introduces EvoRecSys, a novel recommendation framework that proposes evolutionary algorithms as the main recommendation engine, thereby modelling the problem of generating personalised well-being recommendations as a multi-objective optimisation problem. EvoRecSys captures the interrelation between multiple aspects of well-being by constructing configurable recommendations in the form of bundled items with dynamic properties. The preferences and a predefined well-being goal by the user are jointly considered. By instantiating the framework into an implemented model, we illustrate the use of a genetic algorithm as the recommendation engine. Finally, this implementation has been deployed as a Web application in order to conduct a users’ study.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT

    Fairness and Diversity in Recommender Systems: A Survey

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    Recommender systems are effective tools for mitigating information overload and have seen extensive applications across various domains. However, the single focus on utility goals proves to be inadequate in addressing real-world concerns, leading to increasing attention to fairness-aware and diversity-aware recommender systems. While most existing studies explore fairness and diversity independently, we identify strong connections between these two domains. In this survey, we first discuss each of them individually and then dive into their connections. Additionally, motivated by the concepts of user-level and item-level fairness, we broaden the understanding of diversity to encompass not only the item level but also the user level. With this expanded perspective on user and item-level diversity, we re-interpret fairness studies from the viewpoint of diversity. This fresh perspective enhances our understanding of fairness-related work and paves the way for potential future research directions. Papers discussed in this survey along with public code links are available at https://github.com/YuyingZhao/Awesome-Fairness-and-Diversity-Papers-in-Recommender-Systems

    Implicit feedback-based group recommender system for internet of things applications

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    With the prevalence of Internet of Things (IoT)-based social media applications, the distance among people has been greatly shortened. As a result, recommender systems in IoT-based social media need to be developed oriented to groups of users rather than individual users. However, existing methods were highly dependent on explicit preference feedbacks, ignoring scenarios of implicit feedbacks. To remedy such gap, this paper proposes an implicit feedback-based group recommender system using probabilistic inference and non-cooperative game (GREPING) for IoT-based social media. Particularly, unknown process variables can be estimated from observable implicit feedbacks via Bayesian posterior probability inference. In addition, the globally optimal recommendation results can be calculated with the aid of non-cooperative game. Two groups of experiments are conducted to assess the GREPING from two aspects: efficiency and robustness. Experimental results show obvious promotion and considerable stability of the GREPING compared to baseline methods. © 2020 IEEE
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