9 research outputs found

    Ontology-based collaborative framework for disaster recovery scenarios

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    This paper aims at designing of adaptive framework for supporting collaborative work of different actors in public safety and disaster recovery missions. In such scenarios, firemen and robots interact to each other to reach a common goal; firemen team is equipped with smart devices and robots team is supplied with communication technologies, and should carry on specific tasks. Here, reliable connection is mandatory to ensure the interaction between actors. But wireless access network and communication resources are vulnerable in the event of a sudden unexpected change in the environment. Also, the continuous change in the mission requirements such as inclusion/exclusion of new actor, changing the actor's priority and the limitations of smart devices need to be monitored. To perform dynamically in such case, the presented framework is based on a generic multi-level modeling approach that ensures adaptation handled by semantic modeling. Automated self-configuration is driven by rule-based reconfiguration policies through ontology

    PLATO: A Coordination Framework for Designers of Multi-Player Real-Time Games

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    Player coordination is a key element in many multi-player real-time digital games and cooperative real-time multi-player modes are now common in many digital-game genres. Coordination is an important part of the design of these games for several reasons: coordination can change the game balance and the level of difficulty as different types and degrees of coordination can make the game easier or more difficult; coordination is an important part of ‘playing like a team’ which affects the quality of play; and coordination as a shared activity is a key to sociality that can add to the sociability of the game. Being able to exercise control over the design of these coordination requirements is an important part of developing successful games. However, it is currently difficult to understand, describe, analyze or design coordination requirements in game situations, because current frameworks and theories do not mesh with the realities of video game design. I developed a new framework (called PLATO) that can help game designers to understand, describe, design and manipulate coordination episodes. The framework deals with five atomic aspects of coordinated activity: Players, Locations, Actions, Time, and Objects. PLATO provides a vocabulary, methodology and diagram notation for describing and analyzing coordination. I demonstrate the framework’s utility by describing coordination situations from existing games, and by showing how PLATO can be used to understand and redesign coordination requirements

    A Semantic-Based Middleware for Multimedia Collaborative Applications

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    The Internet growth and the performance increase of desktop computers have enabled large-scale distributed multimedia applications. They are expected to grow in demand and services and their traffic volume will dominate. Real-time delivery, scalability, heterogeneity are some requirements of these applications that have motivated a revision of the traditional Internet services, the operating systems structures, and the software systems for supporting application development. This work proposes a Java-based lightweight middleware for the development of large-scale multimedia applications. The middleware offers four services for multimedia applications. First, it provides two scalable lightweight protocols for floor control. One follows a centralized model that easily integrates with centralized resources such as a shared too], and the other is a distributed protocol targeted to distributed resources such as audio. Scalability is achieved by periodically multicasting a heartbeat that conveys state information used by clients to request the resource via temporary TCP connections. Second, it supports intra- and inter-stream synchronization algorithms and policies. We introduce the concept of virtual observer, which perceives the session as being in the same room with a sender. We avoid the need for globally synchronized clocks by introducing the concept of user\u27s multimedia presence, which defines a new manner for combining streams coming from multiple sites. It includes a novel algorithm for estimation and removal of clock skew. In addition, it supports event-driven asynchronous message reception, quality of service measures, and traffic rate control. Finally, the middleware provides support for data sharing via a resilient and scalable protocol for transmission of images that can dynamically change in content and size. The effectiveness of the middleware components is shown with the implementation of Odust, a prototypical sharing tool application built on top of the middleware

    Corroborating Emotion Theory with Role Theory and Agent Technology: a Framework for Designing Emotional Agents as Motivational Tutoring Entities

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    Nowadays, more and more applications require systems that can interact with humans. Agents can be perceived as computing services that humans, or even other agents, can request in order to accomplish their tasks. Some services may be simple and others rather complex. A way to determine the best agents (services) to be implemented is to identify who the actors are in the object of study, which roles they play, and (if possible) what kind of knowledge they use. Socially Intelligent Agents (SIAs) are agent systems that are able to connect and interface with humans, i.e. robotic or computational systems that show aspects of human-style social intelligence. In addition to their relevance in application areas such as e-commerce and entertainment, building artefacts in software and hardware has been recognized as a powerful tool for establishing a science of social minds which is a constructive approach toward understanding social intelligence in humans and other animals. Social intelligence in humans and other animals has a number of fascinating facets and implications for the design of SIAs. Human beings are biological agents that are embodied members of a social environment and are autobiographic agents who have a unique personality. They are situated in time and space and interpret new experiences based on reconstructions of previous experiences. Due to their physical embodiment, they have a unique perspective on the world and a unique history: an autobiography. Also, humans are able to express and recognize emotions, that are important in regulating individual survival and problem-solving as well as social interactions. Like artificial intelligence research trend, SIA research trend can be pursued with different goals in mind. A deep AI approach seeks to simulate real social intelligence and processes. A shallow AI approach, which will be highlighted also within this thesis, aims to create artefacts that are not socially intelligent per se, but rather appear socially intelligent to a given user. The shallow approach does not seek to create social intelligence unless it is meaningful social intelligence vis-à-vis some user situation In order to develop believable SIAs we do not have to know how beliefs-desires and intentions actually relate to each other in the real minds of the people. If one wants to create the impression of an artificial social agent driven by beliefs and desires, it is enough to draw on investigations on how people with different cultural background, develop and use theories of mind to understand the behaviours of others. Therefore, SIA technology needs to model the folk-theory reasoning rather than the real thing. To a shallow AI approach, a model of mind based on folk-psychology is as valid as one based on cognitive theory. Distance education is understood as online learning that is technology-based training which encompasses both computer-assisted and Web-based training. These systems, which appear to offer something for everyone at any time, in any place, do not always live up to the great promise they offer. The usage of social intelligent agents in online learning environments can enable the design of “enhanced-learning environments” that allow for the development and the assessment of social competences as well as the common professional competences. Within this thesis it is shown how to corroborate affective theory with role theory with agent technology in a synchronous virtual environment in order to overcome several inconveniences of distance education systems. This research embraces also the shallow approach of SIA and aims to provide the first steps of a method for creating a believable life-like tutor agent which can partially replace human-teachers and assist the students in the process of learning. The starting point for this research came from the fact: anxious, angry or depressed students do not learn; people in these conditions do not absorb information efficiently, consequentially it is an illusion to think that learning environments that do not consider motivational and emotional factors are adequate

    Interaction and interest management in a scripting language.

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    Interaction management is concerned with the protocols that govern interactive activities among multiple users or agents in networked collaborative environments. Interest management is concerned with the relevance-based data filtering in networked collaborative environments. The main objective of the former is to structure interactive activities according to the requirements of the application concerned, while the main objective of the latter is to provide secured data transmission of a subset of information relevant to each recipient. The research in these two important aspects of networked software has largely been carried out in specific application domains such as online meetings, online groupware and online games. This thesis is concerned with the design and implementation of high-level language constructs for interaction and interest management. The work that has been undertaken includes: an abstract study of interactive activities and data transmission in networked collaborative environments through a large number of variations of the noughts and crosses game; the design of a set of language constructs for specifying a variety of interaction protocols; the design of a set of language constructs for specifying secured data sharing with relevance-based filtering; the implementation of these language constructs in the form of a major extension of a scripting language JACIE (Java-based Authoring Language for Collaborative Interactive Environments); the development of two demonstration applications, namely e-leaming on Simulation of Network Trouble Shooting and online Bridge, using the extended JACIE for demonstrating the technical feasibility and usefulness of the design. These high-level language constructs support a class of complicated software features in networked collaborative applications, such as turn management, interaction timing, group formation, dynamic protocol changes, distributed data sharing, access control, authentication and information filtering. They enable programmers to implement such features in an intuitive manner without involving low-level system programming directly, which would otherwise require the knowledge and skills of experienced network programmers

    Group coordination support for synchronous Internet collaboration

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    mechanisms, such as floor control, support fair access to shared resources whose semantics do not allow for concurrent usage. One new approach integrates group coordination with extended multicast services

    Group coordination support for synchronous Internet collaboration

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    IC3:Information and Communication integration using VCoIP between 3 collaborating parties

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    This study develops a new communication and collaboration supported tool – IC3. In particular, this tool is an integration of open source video conference over internet protocol (VCoIP) and virtual network computing (VNC) projects. This integrated system supports both virtual communication and collaborated web information sharing. In addition, it aims to facilitate greater eye contact and seating arrangements. The results from a set of heuristic evaluations show that the IC3 system is an effective communication and collaboration tool, and it does improve users’ eye contact and feeling of sitting around a table.Unpublished115studio. (2006) Retrieved May 15, 2006 from www.115studio.com Baker, K., Greenberg, S., & Gutwin, C. (2001). Heuristic evaluation of groupware based on the mechanics of collaboration. In: Proceedings of the 8th IFIP Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction. May 11-13, Toronto, Canada. Barbour, C., & Barbour, N. (2001). Families, schools, and communities: Building partnerships for educating children. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Batchelor, J., & Goethals, G. (1972). Spatial arrangement in freely formed groups. Sociometry, 35, 270-279. Bier, E., & Freeman, S. (1991). MMM: A User Interface Architecture for Shared Editors on a Single Screen. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, November, 79-87. Bocker, M., & MĂŒhlbach, L. (1993). Communication Presence in Videocommunications, In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, USA. Booth, K., Fisher, B., Lin, C., & Argue, R. (2002). The “Mighty Mouse” Multi Screen Collaboration Tool. In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 209-212. Capilla, R., & Dueñas, J. (2002). Modelling Variability with Features in Distributed Architectures. Heidelberg: Springer Berlin. Collaborative VNC. (2006). Retrieved September 1, 2006, from http://www.benjie.org/software/linux/collaborative-vnc/ CPNMouse. (2006). Retrieved August 5, 2006, from http://cpnmouse.sourceforge.net/ Dabkowski, D. (2004). Encouraging active parent participation in IEP team meetings. Teaching Exceptional Children, 36, 34-39. Dommel, H-P., & Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J. (1997). Floor control for multimedia conferencing and collaboration. Multimedia Systems, 5, 23-38. Dommel, H-P., & Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J. (1999a). Efficacy of floor control protocols in distributed multimedia collaboration, Cluster Computing, 2, 17-33. Dommel, H-P., & Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J. (1999b). Group coordination support for synchronous internet collaboration. IEEE Internet Computing Magazine, Special Issue on Collaboration - Internet-style, 3, 74–80. Ellis, C., & Gibbs, S. (1989). Concurrency control in groupware systems. In: Proceedings of the 1989 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, 18, 399–407. Eills, C., Gibbs, S., & Rein, G. (1991). Groupware: some issues and experiences. Communications of the ACM, 34, 38-57. Engelbart, D., & English, W. (1968). A research center for augmenting human intellect. In: Proceedings of Fall Joint Computing Conference, 33, 395-410, AFIPS Press. Esenther, A. (2002). Instant Co-Browsing: Lightweight Real-time Collaborative Web Browsing. In: Proceedings of the 11 International WWW Conference. May, 107-114. Garau, M., Slater, M., Bee, S., & Sasse, M. (2001). The impact of eye gaze on communication using humanoid avatars. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, March 31- April 5, 309-316. Gemmell, J., Toyama, K., Zitnick, C., Kang, T., & Seitz, S. (2000). Gaze awareness for video-conferencing: A software approach. IEEE Multimedia, 7, 26-35. Giesen, M., & McClaren, H. (1976). Discussion, distance and sex: changes in impressions and attraction during small group interaction. Sociometry, 39, 60-70. Greenberg, S., & Roseman, M. (1999). Groupware toolkits for synchronous work. In Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (ed.), Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Chapter 6, 135-168. John Wiley & Sons. Gutwin, C., Greenberg. S., & Roseman, M. (1996). Workspace Awareness in Real-Time Distributed Groupware: Framework, Widgets, and Evaluation. In: Proceedings of HCI'96: Conference on Computer Human Interaction: People and Computers, 281-298. Springer-Verlag. Conference held at Imperial College, London, August 20-23. Hayne, S., Pendergast, M. & Greenberg, S. (1994) “Implementing gesturing with cursors in Group Support Systems.” Journal of Management Information Systems, 10, 43–61. Hendrick, C., Giesen, M., & Coy, S. (1974). The social ecology of free seating arrangements in a small group interaction context. Sociometry, 37, 262-274. Hopf, K., Runde, D., & Borker, M. (1994). Advanced videocommunications with stereoscopy and individual perspectives. In: Towards a Pan-European Telecommunication Service Infrastructure - IS&N '94, Kugler et al. (eds.), Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. Hourcade, J., Iyer, V., & Bederson, B. (1999). Architecture and Implementation of a Java Package for Multiple Input Devices (MID). In: Proceedings of User Interface and Software Technology (UIST 99). Kolbehdari, M., Lizotte, D., Shires, G., & Trevor, S. (2006). Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Evolution in Converge Cmmunications. Intel Technology Journal, 10, 10-19. Lauwers, C., & Lantz, K. (1990). Collaboration awareness in support of collaboration transparency: Requirements for the next generation of shared window systems. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI’90 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April, 303–311. Liu, J., Beldie, I., & Wopking, M. (1995). A Computational Approach to Establish Eye-contact in Videocommunication. In: the International Workshop on Stereoscopic and Three Dimen-sional Imaging (IWS3DI), 229–234. Santorini, Greece. Nakamura, M., Ma, J., Chiba, K., Shizuka, M., & Miyosh, Y. (2003). Design and Implementation of a P2P Shared Web Browser Using JXTA. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 111-116. Nielsen, J. (1994). Heuristic evaluation. In Nielsen, J., and Mack, R.L. (Eds.), Usability Inspection Methods. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Nielsen, J. (2001). How to conduct a heuristic evaluation. Retrieved September 20, 2006 from http://www.useit.com/papers/heuristic/heuristic_evaluation.html Okada, K., Maeda, F., Ichikawa, Y., & Matsushita, Y. (1994). Multiparty videoconferencing at virtual social distance: MAJIC design. In: Proceedings of CSCW’94, Chapel Hill, NC, October, 279-291. Paulson, J., Succi, G., & Eberlein, A. (2004). An empirical study of open-source and closed-source software products. Transactions on Software Engineering, 30, 2004. Phillips, W. (1999). Architectures for Synchronous Groupware, Technical Report 1999-425, Department for Computing and Information Science, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Parsons, G. (1982). Basics of Communication. Retrieved October 2, 2006, from www.cedresources.ca/docs/modules/comm.doc Richardson, T., Stafford-Fraser, Q., Wood, K., & Hopper, A. (1998). Virtual network computing. IEEE Internet Computing, 2 , 33-38. Sellen, A. (1992). Speech patterns in video mediated conversations. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI’92, 5, 49-59. Takeuchi, A., & Naito, T. (1995). Situated facial displays: Towards social interaction. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI '95- Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1, 450–455. Tang, J. (1991). Findings from observational studies of collaborative work. International Journal of Man Machine Studies, 34, 143–160. Tse, E., & Greenberg, S. (2004). Rapidly prototyping single display groupware through the SDGToolkit. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference, volume 28 of CRPIT Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, 101–110. Varshney, U., Snow, A., McGivern, M., & Howard, C. (2002). Voice over IP. Communications of the ACM, 1, 89-96. Weiss, M. & Hwang, J. (1998). Internet telephony or circuit switched telephony: Which is cheaper? In: Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, Washington, DC, October 1998. Wilson, H. (2004). Videoconferencing at UNISA: Synchronous real-time discussions for student support. Paper presented at e-merge 2004 conference, South Africa. Yang, R., & Zhang, Z. (2002). Eye Gaze Correction with Stereovision for Video-Teleconferencing. In: Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Computer Vision, 2, 479-494. Copenhagen, Denmark

    IC3:Information and Communication integration using VCoIP between 3 collaborating parties

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    This study develops a new communication and collaboration supported tool – IC3. In particular, this tool is an integration of open source video conference over internet protocol (VCoIP) and virtual network computing (VNC) projects. This integrated system supports both virtual communication and collaborated web information sharing. In addition, it aims to facilitate greater eye contact and seating arrangements. The results from a set of heuristic evaluations show that the IC3 system is an effective communication and collaboration tool, and it does improve users’ eye contact and feeling of sitting around a table.Unpublished115studio. (2006) Retrieved May 15, 2006 from www.115studio.com Baker, K., Greenberg, S., & Gutwin, C. (2001). Heuristic evaluation of groupware based on the mechanics of collaboration. In: Proceedings of the 8th IFIP Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction. May 11-13, Toronto, Canada. Barbour, C., & Barbour, N. (2001). Families, schools, and communities: Building partnerships for educating children. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Batchelor, J., & Goethals, G. (1972). Spatial arrangement in freely formed groups. Sociometry, 35, 270-279. Bier, E., & Freeman, S. (1991). MMM: A User Interface Architecture for Shared Editors on a Single Screen. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, November, 79-87. Bocker, M., & MĂŒhlbach, L. (1993). Communication Presence in Videocommunications, In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, USA. Booth, K., Fisher, B., Lin, C., & Argue, R. (2002). The “Mighty Mouse” Multi Screen Collaboration Tool. In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 209-212. Capilla, R., & Dueñas, J. (2002). Modelling Variability with Features in Distributed Architectures. Heidelberg: Springer Berlin. Collaborative VNC. (2006). Retrieved September 1, 2006, from http://www.benjie.org/software/linux/collaborative-vnc/ CPNMouse. (2006). Retrieved August 5, 2006, from http://cpnmouse.sourceforge.net/ Dabkowski, D. (2004). Encouraging active parent participation in IEP team meetings. Teaching Exceptional Children, 36, 34-39. Dommel, H-P., & Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J. (1997). Floor control for multimedia conferencing and collaboration. Multimedia Systems, 5, 23-38. Dommel, H-P., & Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J. (1999a). Efficacy of floor control protocols in distributed multimedia collaboration, Cluster Computing, 2, 17-33. Dommel, H-P., & Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J. (1999b). Group coordination support for synchronous internet collaboration. IEEE Internet Computing Magazine, Special Issue on Collaboration - Internet-style, 3, 74–80. Ellis, C., & Gibbs, S. (1989). Concurrency control in groupware systems. In: Proceedings of the 1989 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, 18, 399–407. Eills, C., Gibbs, S., & Rein, G. (1991). Groupware: some issues and experiences. Communications of the ACM, 34, 38-57. Engelbart, D., & English, W. (1968). A research center for augmenting human intellect. In: Proceedings of Fall Joint Computing Conference, 33, 395-410, AFIPS Press. Esenther, A. (2002). Instant Co-Browsing: Lightweight Real-time Collaborative Web Browsing. In: Proceedings of the 11 International WWW Conference. May, 107-114. Garau, M., Slater, M., Bee, S., & Sasse, M. (2001). The impact of eye gaze on communication using humanoid avatars. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, March 31- April 5, 309-316. Gemmell, J., Toyama, K., Zitnick, C., Kang, T., & Seitz, S. (2000). Gaze awareness for video-conferencing: A software approach. IEEE Multimedia, 7, 26-35. Giesen, M., & McClaren, H. (1976). Discussion, distance and sex: changes in impressions and attraction during small group interaction. Sociometry, 39, 60-70. Greenberg, S., & Roseman, M. (1999). Groupware toolkits for synchronous work. In Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (ed.), Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Chapter 6, 135-168. John Wiley & Sons. Gutwin, C., Greenberg. S., & Roseman, M. (1996). Workspace Awareness in Real-Time Distributed Groupware: Framework, Widgets, and Evaluation. In: Proceedings of HCI'96: Conference on Computer Human Interaction: People and Computers, 281-298. Springer-Verlag. Conference held at Imperial College, London, August 20-23. Hayne, S., Pendergast, M. & Greenberg, S. (1994) “Implementing gesturing with cursors in Group Support Systems.” Journal of Management Information Systems, 10, 43–61. Hendrick, C., Giesen, M., & Coy, S. (1974). The social ecology of free seating arrangements in a small group interaction context. Sociometry, 37, 262-274. Hopf, K., Runde, D., & Borker, M. (1994). Advanced videocommunications with stereoscopy and individual perspectives. In: Towards a Pan-European Telecommunication Service Infrastructure - IS&N '94, Kugler et al. (eds.), Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. Hourcade, J., Iyer, V., & Bederson, B. (1999). Architecture and Implementation of a Java Package for Multiple Input Devices (MID). In: Proceedings of User Interface and Software Technology (UIST 99). Kolbehdari, M., Lizotte, D., Shires, G., & Trevor, S. (2006). Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Evolution in Converge Cmmunications. Intel Technology Journal, 10, 10-19. Lauwers, C., & Lantz, K. (1990). Collaboration awareness in support of collaboration transparency: Requirements for the next generation of shared window systems. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI’90 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April, 303–311. Liu, J., Beldie, I., & Wopking, M. (1995). A Computational Approach to Establish Eye-contact in Videocommunication. In: the International Workshop on Stereoscopic and Three Dimen-sional Imaging (IWS3DI), 229–234. Santorini, Greece. Nakamura, M., Ma, J., Chiba, K., Shizuka, M., & Miyosh, Y. (2003). Design and Implementation of a P2P Shared Web Browser Using JXTA. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 111-116. Nielsen, J. (1994). Heuristic evaluation. In Nielsen, J., and Mack, R.L. (Eds.), Usability Inspection Methods. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Nielsen, J. (2001). How to conduct a heuristic evaluation. Retrieved September 20, 2006 from http://www.useit.com/papers/heuristic/heuristic_evaluation.html Okada, K., Maeda, F., Ichikawa, Y., & Matsushita, Y. (1994). Multiparty videoconferencing at virtual social distance: MAJIC design. In: Proceedings of CSCW’94, Chapel Hill, NC, October, 279-291. Paulson, J., Succi, G., & Eberlein, A. (2004). An empirical study of open-source and closed-source software products. Transactions on Software Engineering, 30, 2004. Phillips, W. (1999). Architectures for Synchronous Groupware, Technical Report 1999-425, Department for Computing and Information Science, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Parsons, G. (1982). Basics of Communication. Retrieved October 2, 2006, from www.cedresources.ca/docs/modules/comm.doc Richardson, T., Stafford-Fraser, Q., Wood, K., & Hopper, A. (1998). Virtual network computing. IEEE Internet Computing, 2 , 33-38. Sellen, A. (1992). Speech patterns in video mediated conversations. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI’92, 5, 49-59. Takeuchi, A., & Naito, T. (1995). Situated facial displays: Towards social interaction. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI '95- Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1, 450–455. Tang, J. (1991). Findings from observational studies of collaborative work. International Journal of Man Machine Studies, 34, 143–160. Tse, E., & Greenberg, S. (2004). Rapidly prototyping single display groupware through the SDGToolkit. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference, volume 28 of CRPIT Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, 101–110. Varshney, U., Snow, A., McGivern, M., & Howard, C. (2002). Voice over IP. Communications of the ACM, 1, 89-96. Weiss, M. & Hwang, J. (1998). Internet telephony or circuit switched telephony: Which is cheaper? In: Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, Washington, DC, October 1998. Wilson, H. (2004). Videoconferencing at UNISA: Synchronous real-time discussions for student support. Paper presented at e-merge 2004 conference, South Africa. Yang, R., & Zhang, Z. (2002). Eye Gaze Correction with Stereovision for Video-Teleconferencing. In: Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Computer Vision, 2, 479-494. Copenhagen, Denmark