145,327 research outputs found

    The future of UAS: standards, regulations, and operational experiences [workshop report]

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    This paper presents the outcomes of "The Future of UAS: Standards, Regulations and Operational Experiences" workshop, held on the 7th and 8th of December, 2006 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The goal of the workshop was to identify recent international activities in the Unmanned Airborne Systems (UAS) airspace integration problem. The workshop attracted a broad cross-section of the UAS community, including: airspace and safety regulators, developers, operators and researchers. The three themes of discussion were: progress in the development of standards and regulations, lessons learnt from recent operations, and advances in new technologies. This paper summarises the activities of the workshop and explores the important outcomes and trends as perceived by the authors

    Sense and Avoid Characterization of the Independent Configurable Architecture for Reliable Operations of Unmanned Systems

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    AbstractIndependent Configurable Architecture for Reliable Operations of Unmanned Systems (ICAROUS) is a distributed software architecture developed by NASA Langley Research Center to enable safe autonomous UAS operations. ICAROUS consists of a collection formally verified core algorithms for path planning, traffic avoidance, geofence handling, and decision making that interface with an autopilot system through a publisher-subscriber middleware. The ICAROUS Sense and Avoid Characterization (ISAAC) test was designed to evaluate the performance of the onboard Sense and Avoid (SAA) capability to detect potential conflicts with other aircraft and autonomously maneuver to avoid collisions, while remaining within the airspace boundaries of the mission. The ISAAC tests evaluated the impact of separation distances and alerting times on SAA performance. A preliminary analysis of the effects of each parameter on key measures of performance is conducted, informing the choice of appropriate parameter values for different small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) applications. Furthermore, low-power Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) is evaluated for potential use to enable autonomous sUAS to sUAS deconflictions as well as to provide usable warnings for manned aircraft without saturating the frequency spectrum

    Testing Enabling Technologies for Safe UAS Urban Operations

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    A set of more than 100 flight operations were conducted at NASA Langley Research Center using small UAS (sUAS) to demonstrate, test, and evaluate a set of technologies and an overarching air-ground system concept aimed at enabling safety. The research vehicle was tracked continuously during nominal traversal of planned flight paths while autonomously operating over moderately populated land. For selected flights, off-nominal risks were introduced, including vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) encounters. Three contingency maneuvers were demonstrated that provide safe responses. These maneuvers made use of an integrated air/ground platform and two on-board autonomous capabilities. Flight data was monitored and recorded with multiple ground systems and was forwarded in real time to a UAS traffic management (UTM) server for airspace coordination and supervision

    Learning-based perception and control with adaptive stress testing for safe autonomous air mobility

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    The use of electrical vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft to provide efficient, high-speed, on-demand air transportation within a metropolitan area is a topic of increasing interest, which is expected to bring fundamental changes to the city infrastructures and daily commutes. NASA, Uber, and Airbus have been exploring this exciting concept of Urban Air Mobility (UAM), which has the potential to provide meaningful door-to-door trip time savings compared with automobiles. However, successfully bringing such vehicles and airspace operations to fruition will require introducing orders-of-magnitude more aircraft to a given airspace volume, and the ability to manage many of these eVTOL aircraft safely in a congested urban area presents a challenge unprecedented in air traffic management. Although there are existing solutions for communication technology, onboard computing capability, and sensor technology, the computation guidance algorithm to enable safe, efficient, and scalable flight operations for dense self-organizing air traffic still remains an open question. In order to enable safe and efficient autonomous on-demand free flight operations in this UAM concept, a suite of tools in learning-based perception and control systems with stress testing for safe autonomous air mobility is proposed in this dissertation. First, a key component for the safe autonomous operation of unmanned aircraft is an effective onboard perception system, which will support sense-and-avoid functions. For example, in a package delivery mission, or an emergency landing event, pedestrian detection could help unmanned aircraft with safe landing zone identification. In this dissertation, we developed a deep-learning-based onboard computer vision algorithm on unmanned aircraft for pedestrian detection and tracking. In contrast with existing research with ground-level pedestrian detection, the developed algorithm achieves highly accurate multiple pedestrian detection from a bird-eye view, when both the pedestrians and the aircraft platform are moving. Second, for the aircraft guidance, a message-based decentralized computational guidance algorithm with separation assurance capability for single aircraft case and multiple cooperative aircraft case is designed and analyzed in this dissertation. The algorithm proposed in this work is to formulate this problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and solve it using an online algorithm Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). For the multiple cooperative aircraft case, a novel coordination strategy is introduced by using the logit level-kk model in behavioral game theory. To achieve higher scalability, we introduce the airspace sector concept into the UAM environment by dividing the airspace into sectors, so that each aircraft only needs to coordinate with aircraft in the same sector. At each decision step, all of the aircraft will run the proposed computational guidance algorithm onboard, which can guide all the aircraft to their respective destinations while avoiding potential conflicts among them. In addition, to make the proposed algorithm more practical, we also consider the communication constraints and communication loss among the aircraft by modifying our computational guidance algorithms given certain communication constraints (time, bandwidth, and communication loss) and designing air-to-air and air-to-ground communication frameworks to facilitate the computational guidance algorithm. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed computational guidance algorithm, a free-flight airspace simulator that incorporates environment uncertainty is built in an OpenAI Gym environment. Numerical experiment results over several case studies including the roundabout test problem show that the proposed computational guidance algorithm has promising performance even with the high-density air traffic case. Third, to ensure the developed autonomous systems meet the high safety standards of aviation, we propose a novel, simulation driven approach for validation that can automatically discover the failure modes of a decision-making system, and optimize the parameters that configure the system to improve its safety performance. Using simulation, we demonstrate that the proposed validation algorithm is able to discover failure modes in the system that would be challenging for humans to find and fix, and we show how the algorithm can learn from these failure modes to improve the performance of the decision-making system under test

    Data-driven modeling of systemic delay propagation under severe meteorological conditions

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    The upsetting consequences of weather conditions are well known to any person involved in air transportation. Still the quantification of how these disturbances affect delay propagation and the effectiveness of managers and pilots interventions to prevent possible large-scale system failures needs further attention. In this work, we employ an agent-based data-driven model developed using real flight performance registers for the entire US airport network and focus on the events occurring on October 27 2010 in the United States. A major storm complex that was later called the 2010 Superstorm took place that day. Our model correctly reproduces the evolution of the delay-spreading dynamics. By considering different intervention measures, we can even improve the model predictions getting closer to the real delay data. Our model can thus be of help to managers as a tool to assess different intervention measures in order to diminish the impact of disruptive conditions in the air transport system.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Tenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2013

    Air Traffic Management Safety Challenges

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    The primary goal of the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system is to control accident risk. ATM safety has improved over the decades for many reasons, from better equipment to additional safety defences. But ATM safety targets, improving on current performance, are now extremely demanding. Safety analysts and aviation decision-makers have to make safety assessments based on statistically incomplete evidence. If future risks cannot be estimated with precision, then how is safety to be assured with traffic growth and operational/technical changes? What are the design implications for the USA’s ‘Next Generation Air Transportation System’ (NextGen) and Europe’s Single European Sky ATM Research Programme (SESAR)? ATM accident precursors arise from (eg) pilot/controller workload, miscommunication, and lack of upto- date information. Can these accident precursors confidently be ‘designed out’ by (eg) better system knowledge across ATM participants, automatic safety checks, and machine rather than voice communication? Future potentially hazardous situations could be as ‘messy’ in system terms as the Überlingen mid-air collision. Are ATM safety regulation policies fit for purpose: is it more and more difficult to innovate, to introduce new technologies and novel operational concepts? Must regulators be more active, eg more inspections and monitoring of real operational and organisational practices

    Air Traffic Safety: continued evolution or a new Paradigm.

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    The context here is Transport Risk Management. Is the philosophy of Air Traffic Safety different from other modes of transport? – yes, in many ways, it is. The focus is on Air Traffic Management (ATM), covering (eg) air traffic control and airspace structures, which is the part of the aviation system that is most likely to be developed through new paradigms. The primary goal of the ATM system is to control accident risk. ATM safety has improved over the decades for many reasons, from better equipment to additional safety defences. But ATM safety targets, improving on current performance, are now extremely demanding. What are the past and current methodologies for ATM risk assessment; and will they work effectively for the kinds of future systems that people are now imagining and planning? The title contrasts ‘Continued Evolution’ and a ‘New Paradigm’. How will system designers/operators assure safety with traffic growth and operational/technical changes that are more than continued evolution from the current system? What are the design implications for ‘new paradigms’, such as the USA’s ‘Next Generation Air Transportation System’ (NextGen) and Europe’s Single European Sky ATM Research Programme (SESAR)? Achieving and proving safety for NextGen and SESAR is an enormously tough challenge. For example, it will need to cover system resilience, human/automation issues, software/hardware performance/ground/air protection systems. There will be a need for confidence building programmes regarding system design/resilience, eg Human-in-the-Loop simulations with ‘seeded errors’

    Integration of UAS in the civil airworthiness regulatory system: present and future

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    The last years are witnessing a number of initiatives worldwide devoted to assess the safety levels of the unmanned aircraft. These initiatives are very heterogeneous; some of them are centred in airworthiness aspects while others focus on operations. From the point of view of a potential UAS manufacturer the actual situation is plenty of uncertainties in relation to the regulations to be applied for certifying the design, manufacturing and maintenance, and from the point of view of the potential operator the situation is analogous with respect to operational procedures. In the present work the emphasis is on the manufacturer’s situation. The objective of this work is to clarify the present civil airworthiness regulatory scene by summarizing all the regulatory efforts up to date and preparing a comparative analysis of them. In this comparison, the manned regulations are included too. The most representative state-of-the-art UAS are analyzed from the point of view of the existing and the future regulatory framework. The main aspects to be considered are related to the airworthiness certification (performances, structural design, etc) for which a quantitative comparison is established in order to clarify how the new regulatory framework, mainly based on the conventional aircraft certification codes, will affect future UAS, compared to the existing regulation
