3,644 research outputs found

    Partitioning networks into cliques: a randomized heuristic approach

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    In the context of community detection in social networks, the term community can be grounded in the strict way that simply everybody should know each other within the community. We consider the corresponding community detection problem. We search for a partitioning of a network into the minimum number of non-overlapping cliques, such that the cliques cover all vertices. This problem is called the clique covering problem (CCP) and is one of the classical NP-hard problems. For CCP, we propose a randomized heuristic approach. To construct a high quality solution to CCP, we present an iterated greedy (IG) algorithm. IG can also be combined with a heuristic used to determine how far the algorithm is from the optimum in the worst case. Randomized local search (RLS) for maximum independent set was proposed to find such a bound. The experimental results of IG and the bounds obtained by RLS indicate that IG is a very suitable technique for solving CCP in real-world graphs. In addition, we summarize our basic rigorous results, which were developed for analysis of IG and understanding of its behavior on several relevant graph classes

    Fast Local Computation Algorithms

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    For input xx, let F(x)F(x) denote the set of outputs that are the "legal" answers for a computational problem FF. Suppose xx and members of F(x)F(x) are so large that there is not time to read them in their entirety. We propose a model of {\em local computation algorithms} which for a given input xx, support queries by a user to values of specified locations yiy_i in a legal output yF(x)y \in F(x). When more than one legal output yy exists for a given xx, the local computation algorithm should output in a way that is consistent with at least one such yy. Local computation algorithms are intended to distill the common features of several concepts that have appeared in various algorithmic subfields, including local distributed computation, local algorithms, locally decodable codes, and local reconstruction. We develop a technique, based on known constructions of small sample spaces of kk-wise independent random variables and Beck's analysis in his algorithmic approach to the Lov{\'{a}}sz Local Lemma, which under certain conditions can be applied to construct local computation algorithms that run in {\em polylogarithmic} time and space. We apply this technique to maximal independent set computations, scheduling radio network broadcasts, hypergraph coloring and satisfying kk-SAT formulas.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in ICS 2011, pp. 223-23

    An Order-based Algorithm for Minimum Dominating Set with Application in Graph Mining

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    Dominating set is a set of vertices of a graph such that all other vertices have a neighbour in the dominating set. We propose a new order-based randomised local search (RLSo_o) algorithm to solve minimum dominating set problem in large graphs. Experimental evaluation is presented for multiple types of problem instances. These instances include unit disk graphs, which represent a model of wireless networks, random scale-free networks, as well as samples from two social networks and real-world graphs studied in network science. Our experiments indicate that RLSo_o performs better than both a classical greedy approximation algorithm and two metaheuristic algorithms based on ant colony optimisation and local search. The order-based algorithm is able to find small dominating sets for graphs with tens of thousands of vertices. In addition, we propose a multi-start variant of RLSo_o that is suitable for solving the minimum weight dominating set problem. The application of RLSo_o in graph mining is also briefly demonstrated

    Theoretically Efficient Parallel Graph Algorithms Can Be Fast and Scalable

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    There has been significant recent interest in parallel graph processing due to the need to quickly analyze the large graphs available today. Many graph codes have been designed for distributed memory or external memory. However, today even the largest publicly-available real-world graph (the Hyperlink Web graph with over 3.5 billion vertices and 128 billion edges) can fit in the memory of a single commodity multicore server. Nevertheless, most experimental work in the literature report results on much smaller graphs, and the ones for the Hyperlink graph use distributed or external memory. Therefore, it is natural to ask whether we can efficiently solve a broad class of graph problems on this graph in memory. This paper shows that theoretically-efficient parallel graph algorithms can scale to the largest publicly-available graphs using a single machine with a terabyte of RAM, processing them in minutes. We give implementations of theoretically-efficient parallel algorithms for 20 important graph problems. We also present the optimizations and techniques that we used in our implementations, which were crucial in enabling us to process these large graphs quickly. We show that the running times of our implementations outperform existing state-of-the-art implementations on the largest real-world graphs. For many of the problems that we consider, this is the first time they have been solved on graphs at this scale. We have made the implementations developed in this work publicly-available as the Graph-Based Benchmark Suite (GBBS).Comment: This is the full version of the paper appearing in the ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), 201

    Finding Near-Optimal Independent Sets at Scale

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    The independent set problem is NP-hard and particularly difficult to solve in large sparse graphs. In this work, we develop an advanced evolutionary algorithm, which incorporates kernelization techniques to compute large independent sets in huge sparse networks. A recent exact algorithm has shown that large networks can be solved exactly by employing a branch-and-reduce technique that recursively kernelizes the graph and performs branching. However, one major drawback of their algorithm is that, for huge graphs, branching still can take exponential time. To avoid this problem, we recursively choose vertices that are likely to be in a large independent set (using an evolutionary approach), then further kernelize the graph. We show that identifying and removing vertices likely to be in large independent sets opens up the reduction space---which not only speeds up the computation of large independent sets drastically, but also enables us to compute high-quality independent sets on much larger instances than previously reported in the literature.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, 8 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0168

    JGraphT -- A Java library for graph data structures and algorithms

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    Mathematical software and graph-theoretical algorithmic packages to efficiently model, analyze and query graphs are crucial in an era where large-scale spatial, societal and economic network data are abundantly available. One such package is JGraphT, a programming library which contains very efficient and generic graph data-structures along with a large collection of state-of-the-art algorithms. The library is written in Java with stability, interoperability and performance in mind. A distinctive feature of this library is the ability to model vertices and edges as arbitrary objects, thereby permitting natural representations of many common networks including transportation, social and biological networks. Besides classic graph algorithms such as shortest-paths and spanning-tree algorithms, the library contains numerous advanced algorithms: graph and subgraph isomorphism; matching and flow problems; approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems such as independent set and TSP; and several more exotic algorithms such as Berge graph detection. Due to its versatility and generic design, JGraphT is currently used in large-scale commercial, non-commercial and academic research projects. In this work we describe in detail the design and underlying structure of the library, and discuss its most important features and algorithms. A computational study is conducted to evaluate the performance of JGraphT versus a number of similar libraries. Experiments on a large number of graphs over a variety of popular algorithms show that JGraphT is highly competitive with other established libraries such as NetworkX or the BGL.Comment: Major Revisio

    Finding tight Hamilton cycles in random hypergraphs faster

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    In an rr-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices a tight Hamilton cycle consists of nn edges such that there exists a cyclic ordering of the vertices where the edges correspond to consecutive segments of rr vertices. We provide a first deterministic polynomial time algorithm, which finds a.a.s. tight Hamilton cycles in random rr-uniform hypergraphs with edge probability at least Clog3n/nC \log^3n/n. Our result partially answers a question of Dudek and Frieze [Random Structures & Algorithms 42 (2013), 374-385] who proved that tight Hamilton cycles exists already for p=ω(1/n)p=\omega(1/n) for r=3r=3 and p=(e+o(1))/np=(e + o(1))/n for r4r\ge 4 using a second moment argument. Moreover our algorithm is superior to previous results of Allen, B\"ottcher, Kohayakawa and Person [Random Structures & Algorithms 46 (2015), 446-465] and Nenadov and \v{S}kori\'c [arXiv:1601.04034] in various ways: the algorithm of Allen et al. is a randomised polynomial time algorithm working for edge probabilities pn1+εp\ge n^{-1+\varepsilon}, while the algorithm of Nenadov and \v{S}kori\'c is a randomised quasipolynomial time algorithm working for edge probabilities pClog8n/np\ge C\log^8n/n.Comment: 17 page