320,759 research outputs found

    Spanning Trees and Spanning Eulerian Subgraphs with Small Degrees. II

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    Let GG be a connected graph with XV(G)X\subseteq V(G) and with the spanning forest FF. Let λ[0,1]\lambda\in [0,1] be a real number and let η:X(λ,)\eta:X\rightarrow (\lambda,\infty) be a real function. In this paper, we show that if for all SXS\subseteq X, ω(GS)vS(η(v)2)+2λ(eG(S)+1)\omega(G\setminus S)\le\sum_{v\in S}\big(\eta(v)-2\big)+2-\lambda(e_G(S)+1), then GG has a spanning tree TT containing FF such that for each vertex vXv\in X, dT(v)η(v)λ+max{0,dF(v)1}d_T(v)\le \lceil\eta(v)-\lambda\rceil+\max\{0,d_F(v)-1\}, where ω(GS)\omega(G\setminus S) denotes the number of components of GSG\setminus S and eG(S)e_G(S) denotes the number of edges of GG with both ends in SS. This is an improvement of several results and the condition is best possible. Next, we also investigate an extension for this result and deduce that every kk-edge-connected graph GG has a spanning subgraph HH containing mm edge-disjoint spanning trees such that for each vertex vv, dH(v)mk(dG(v)2m)+2md_H(v)\le \big\lceil \frac{m}{k}(d_G(v)-2m)\big\rceil+2m, where k2mk\ge 2m; also if GG contains kk edge-disjoint spanning trees, then HH can be found such that for each vertex vv, dH(v)mk(dG(v)m)+md_H(v)\le \big\lceil \frac{m}{k}(d_G(v)-m)\big\rceil+m, where kmk\ge m. Finally, we show that strongly 22-tough graphs, including (3+1/2)(3+1/2)-tough graphs of order at least three, have spanning Eulerian subgraphs whose degrees lie in the set {2,4}\{2,4\}. In addition, we show that every 11-tough graph has spanning closed walk meeting each vertex at most 22 times and prove a long-standing conjecture due to Jackson and Wormald (1990).Comment: 46 pages, Keywords: Spanning tree; spanning Eulerian; spanning closed walk; connected factor; toughness; total exces

    Extremal bipartite independence number and balanced coloring

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    In this paper, we establish a couple of results on extremal problems in bipartite graphs. Firstly, we show that every sufficiently large bipartite graph with average degree Δ\Delta and with nn vertices on each side has a balanced independent set containing (1ϵ)logΔΔn(1-\epsilon) \frac{\log \Delta}{\Delta} n vertices from each side for small ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. Secondly, we prove that the vertex set of every sufficiently large balanced bipartite graph with maximum degree at most Δ\Delta can be partitioned into (1+ϵ)ΔlogΔ(1+\epsilon)\frac{\Delta}{\log \Delta} balanced independent sets. Both of these results are algorithmic and best possible up to a factor of 2, which might be hard to improve as evidenced by the phenomenon known as `algorithmic barrier' in the literature. The first result improves a recent theorem of Axenovich, Sereni, Snyder, and Weber in a slightly more general setting. The second result improves a theorem of Feige and Kogan about coloring balanced bipartite graphs.Comment: minor change

    Decremental Single-Source Shortest Paths on Undirected Graphs in Near-Linear Total Update Time

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    In the decremental single-source shortest paths (SSSP) problem we want to maintain the distances between a given source node ss and every other node in an nn-node mm-edge graph GG undergoing edge deletions. While its static counterpart can be solved in near-linear time, this decremental problem is much more challenging even in the undirected unweighted case. In this case, the classic O(mn)O(mn) total update time of Even and Shiloach [JACM 1981] has been the fastest known algorithm for three decades. At the cost of a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation factor, the running time was recently improved to n2+o(1)n^{2+o(1)} by Bernstein and Roditty [SODA 2011]. In this paper, we bring the running time down to near-linear: We give a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm with m1+o(1)m^{1+o(1)} expected total update time, thus obtaining near-linear time. Moreover, we obtain m1+o(1)logWm^{1+o(1)} \log W time for the weighted case, where the edge weights are integers from 11 to WW. The only prior work on weighted graphs in o(mn)o(m n) time is the mn0.9+o(1)m n^{0.9 + o(1)}-time algorithm by Henzinger et al. [STOC 2014, ICALP 2015] which works for directed graphs with quasi-polynomial edge weights. The expected running time bound of our algorithm holds against an oblivious adversary. In contrast to the previous results which rely on maintaining a sparse emulator, our algorithm relies on maintaining a so-called sparse (h,ϵ)(h, \epsilon)-hop set introduced by Cohen [JACM 2000] in the PRAM literature. An (h,ϵ)(h, \epsilon)-hop set of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E) is a set FF of weighted edges such that the distance between any pair of nodes in GG can be (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximated by their hh-hop distance (given by a path containing at most hh edges) on G=(V,EF)G'=(V, E\cup F). Our algorithm can maintain an (no(1),ϵ)(n^{o(1)}, \epsilon)-hop set of near-linear size in near-linear time under edge deletions.Comment: Accepted to Journal of the ACM. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 55th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2014). Abstract shortened to respect the arXiv limit of 1920 character

    One Tree to Rule Them All: Poly-Logarithmic Universal Steiner Tree

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    A spanning tree TT of graph GG is a ρ\rho-approximate universal Steiner tree (UST) for root vertex rr if, for any subset of vertices SS containing rr, the cost of the minimal subgraph of TT connecting SS is within a ρ\rho factor of the minimum cost tree connecting SS in GG. Busch et al. (FOCS 2012) showed that every graph admits 2O(logn)2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}-approximate USTs by showing that USTs are equivalent to strong sparse partition hierarchies (up to poly-logs). Further, they posed poly-logarithmic USTs and strong sparse partition hierarchies as open questions. We settle these open questions by giving polynomial-time algorithms for computing both O(log7n)O(\log ^ 7 n)-approximate USTs and poly-logarithmic strong sparse partition hierarchies. For graphs with constant doubling dimension or constant pathwidth we improve this to O(logn)O(\log n)-approximate USTs and O(1)O(1) strong sparse partition hierarchies. Our doubling dimension result is tight up to second order terms. We reduce the existence of these objects to the previously studied cluster aggregation problem and what we call dangling nets.Comment: @FOCS2

    Packing 3-vertex paths in claw-free graphs and related topics

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    An L-factor of a graph G is a spanning subgraph of G whose every component is a 3-vertex path. Let v(G) be the number of vertices of G and d(G) the domination number of G. A claw is a graph with four vertices and three edges incident to the same vertex. A graph is claw-free if it has no induced subgraph isomorphic to a claw. Our results include the following. Let G be a 3-connected claw-free graph, x a vertex in G, e = xy an edge in G, and P a 3-vertex path in G. Then (a1) if v(G) = 0 mod 3, then G has an L-factor containing (avoiding) e, (a2) if v(G) = 1 mod 3, then G - x has an L-factor, (a3) if v(G) = 2 mod 3, then G - {x,y} has an L-factor, (a4) if v(G) = 0 mod 3 and G is either cubic or 4-connected, then G - P has an L-factor, (a5) if G is cubic with v(G) > 5 and E is a set of three edges in G, then G - E has an L-factor if and only if the subgraph induced by E in G is not a claw and not a triangle, (a6) if v(G) = 1 mod 3, then G - {v,e} has an L-factor for every vertex v and every edge e in G, (a7) if v(G) = 1 mod 3, then there exist a 4-vertex path N and a claw Y in G such that G - N and G - Y have L-factors, and (a8) d(G) < v(G)/3 +1 and if in addition G is not a cycle and v(G) = 1 mod 3, then d(G) < v(G)/3. We explore the relations between packing problems of a graph and its line graph to obtain some results on different types of packings. We also discuss relations between L-packing and domination problems as well as between induced L-packings and the Hadwiger conjecture. Keywords: claw-free graph, cubic graph, vertex disjoint packing, edge disjoint packing, 3-vertex factor, 3-vertex packing, path-factor, induced packing, graph domination, graph minor, the Hadwiger conjecture.Comment: 29 page