7 research outputs found

    Non-sparse Linear Representations for Visual Tracking with Online Reservoir Metric Learning

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    Most sparse linear representation-based trackers need to solve a computationally expensive L1-regularized optimization problem. To address this problem, we propose a visual tracker based on non-sparse linear representations, which admit an efficient closed-form solution without sacrificing accuracy. Moreover, in order to capture the correlation information between different feature dimensions, we learn a Mahalanobis distance metric in an online fashion and incorporate the learned metric into the optimization problem for obtaining the linear representation. We show that online metric learning using proximity comparison significantly improves the robustness of the tracking, especially on those sequences exhibiting drastic appearance changes. Furthermore, in order to prevent the unbounded growth in the number of training samples for the metric learning, we design a time-weighted reservoir sampling method to maintain and update limited-sized foreground and background sample buffers for balancing sample diversity and adaptability. Experimental results on challenging videos demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed tracker.Comment: Appearing in IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 201

    Tracking and Recognition: A Unified Approach on Tracking and Recognition

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    This paper proposes a unified approach on tracking and recognition .Object tracking is done at low level and recognition is done at high level. Traditional tracking methods give importance to low level image correspondences between frames. High level image correspondences are used for reliable tracking. Online and Offline models are used for both tracking and recognition which is done simultaneously. Thus high level offline model is combined with low level online model to increase the tracking performance. Onine model used for tracking is given to the video based recognition and at same time offline model plays important role to recognize the category of the object. This method is useful to handle difficult scenarios like abrupt change, background clutter, pose variations, occlusion and morphable objects. This is based on study of different IEEE papers

    Semi-supervised tensor-based graph embedding learning and its application to visual discriminant tracking

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    An appearance model adaptable to changes in object appearance is critical in visual object tracking. In this paper, we treat an image patch as a 2-order tensor which preserves the original image structure. We design two graphs for characterizing the intrinsic local geometrical structure of the tensor samples of the object and the background. Graph embedding is used to reduce the dimensions of the tensors while preserving the structure of the graphs. Then, a discriminant embedding space is constructed. We prove two propositions for finding the transformation matrices which are used to map the original tensor samples to the tensor-based graph embedding space. In order to encode more discriminant information in the embedding space, we propose a transfer-learningbased semi-supervised strategy to iteratively adjust the embedding space into which discriminative information obtained from earlier times is transferred. We apply the proposed semi-supervised tensor-based graph embedding learning algorithm to visual tracking. The new tracking algorithm captures an object’s appearance characteristics during tracking and uses a particle filter to estimate the optimal object state. Experimental results on the CVPR 2013 benchmark dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed tracking algorithm

    Graph mode-based contextual kernels for robust SVM tracking

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    Visual tracking has been typically solved as a binary classification problem. Most existing trackers only consider the pairwise interactions between samples, and thereby ignore the higher-order contextual interactions, which may lead to the sensitivity to complicated factors such as noises, outliers, background clutters and so on. In this paper, we propose a visual tracker based on support vector machines (SVMs), for which a novel graph mode-based contextual kernel is designed to effectively capture the higher-order contextual information from samples. To do so, we first create a visual graph whose similarity matrix is determined by a baseline visual kernel. Second, a set of high-order contexts are discovered in the visual graph. The problem of discovering these high-order contexts is solved by seeking modes of the visual graph. Each graph mode corresponds to a vertex community termed as a high-order context. Third, we construct a contextual kernel that effectively captures the interaction information between the high-order contexts. Finally, this contextual kernel is embedded into SVMs for robust tracking. Experimental results on challenging videos demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed tracker.Xi Li, Anthony Dick, Hanzi Wang, Chunhua Shen, Anton van den Hengelhttp://www.iccv2011.org

    An Exploration into Model-Free Online Visual Object Tracking

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    This thesis presents a thorough investigation of model-free visual object tracking, a fundamental computer vision task that is essential for practical video analytics applications. Given the states of the object in the rst frame, e.g., the position and size of the target, the computational methods developed and advanced in this thesis aim at determining target states in consecutive video frames automatically. In contrast to the tracking schemes that depend strictly on specic object detectors, model-free tracking provides conveniently flexible and competently general solutions where object representations are initiated in the first frame and adapted in an online manner at each frame. We first articulate our motivations and intuitions in Chapter 1, formulate model-free online visual tracking, illustrate outcomes on two representative object tracking applications; drone control and sports video broadcasting analysis, and elaborate other relevant problems. In Chapter 2, we review various tracking methodologies employed by state-ofthe-art trackers and further review related background knowledge, including several important dataset benchmarks and workshop challenges, which are widely used for evaluating the performance of trackers, as well as commonly applied evaluation protocols in this chapter. In Chapter 3 through Chapter 6, we then explore the model-free online visual tracking problem in four different dimensions: 1) learning a more discriminative classier with a two-layer classication hierarchy and background contextual clusters; 2) overcoming the limit of conventionally used local-search scheme with a global object tracking framework based on instance-specic object proposals; 3) tracking object affine motion with a Structured Support Vector Machine (SSVM) framework incorporated with motion manifold structure; 4) an efficient multiple object model-free online tracking approach based on a shared pool of object proposals. Lastly, as a conclusion and future work outlook, we highlight and summarize the contribution of this thesis and discuss several promising research directions in Chapter 7, based on latest work and their drawbacks of current state-of-the-art trackers