27 research outputs found

    Characterizing partition functions of the edge-coloring model by rank growth

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    We characterize which graph invariants are partition functions of an edge-coloring model over the complex numbers, in terms of the rank growth of associated `connection matrices'

    Characterizing partition functions of the vertex model

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    We characterize which graph parameters are partition functions of a vertex model over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 (in the sense of de la Harpe and Jones). We moreover characterize when the vertex model can be taken so that its moment matrix has finite rank

    On partition functions for 3-graphs

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    A {\em cyclic graph} is a graph with at each vertex a cyclic order of the edges incident with it specified. We characterize which real-valued functions on the collection of cubic cyclic graphs are partition functions of a real vertex model (P. de la Harpe, V.F.R. Jones, Graph invariants related to statistical mechanical models: examples and problems, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 57 (1993) 207--227). They are characterized by `weak reflection positivity', which amounts to the positive semidefiniteness of matrices based on the `kk-join' of cubic cyclic graphs (for all k\in\oZ_+). Basic tools are the representation theory of the symmetric group and geometric invariant theory, in particular the Hanlon-Wales theorem on the decomposition of Brauer algebras and the Procesi-Schwarz theorem on inequalities defining orbit spaces

    On the exact learnability of graph parameters: The case of partition functions

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    We study the exact learnability of real valued graph parameters ff which are known to be representable as partition functions which count the number of weighted homomorphisms into a graph HH with vertex weights α\alpha and edge weights β\beta. M. Freedman, L. Lov\'asz and A. Schrijver have given a characterization of these graph parameters in terms of the kk-connection matrices C(f,k)C(f,k) of ff. Our model of learnability is based on D. Angluin's model of exact learning using membership and equivalence queries. Given such a graph parameter ff, the learner can ask for the values of ff for graphs of their choice, and they can formulate hypotheses in terms of the connection matrices C(f,k)C(f,k) of ff. The teacher can accept the hypothesis as correct, or provide a counterexample consisting of a graph. Our main result shows that in this scenario, a very large class of partition functions, the rigid partition functions, can be learned in time polynomial in the size of HH and the size of the largest counterexample in the Blum-Shub-Smale model of computation over the reals with unit cost.Comment: 14 pages, full version of the MFCS 2016 conference pape

    The rank of edge connection matrices and the dimension of algebras of invariant tensors

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    We characterize the rank of edge connection matrices of partition functions of real vertex models, as the dimension of the homogeneous components of the algebra of G-invariant tensors. Here G is the subgroup of the real orthogonal group that stabilizes the vertex model. This answers a question of Balázs Szegedy from 2007

    Characterizing partition functions of the vertex model by rank growth

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    Contractors for flows

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    We answer a question raised by Lov\'asz and B. Szegedy [Contractors and connectors in graph algebras, J. Graph Theory 60:1 (2009)] asking for a contractor for the graph parameter counting the number of B-flows of a graph, where B is a subset of a finite Abelian group closed under inverses. We prove our main result using the duality between flows and tensions and finite Fourier analysis. We exhibit several examples of contractors for B-flows, which are of interest in relation to the family of B-flow conjectures formulated by Tutte, Fulkerson, Jaeger, and others.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    The rank of edge connection matrices and the dimension of algebras of invariant tensors

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    We characterize the rank of edge connection matrices of partition functions of real vertex models, as the dimension of the homogeneous components of the algebra of GG-invariant tensors. Here GG is the sub- group of the real orthogonal group that stabilizes the vertex model. This answers a question of Bal\'azs Szegedy from 2007.Comment: Two figures added and some typos fixe

    Dual graph homomorphism functions

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    AbstractFor any two graphs F and G, let hom(F,G) denote the number of homomorphisms F→G, that is, adjacency preserving maps V(F)→V(G) (graphs may have loops but no multiple edges). We characterize graph parameters f for which there exists a graph F such that f(G)=hom(F,G) for each graph G.The result may be considered as a certain dual of a characterization of graph parameters of the form hom(.,H), given by Freedman, Lovász and Schrijver [M. Freedman, L. Lovász, A. Schrijver, Reflection positivity, rank connectivity, and homomorphisms of graphs, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 20 (2007) 37–51]. The conditions amount to the multiplicativity of f and to the positive semidefiniteness of certain matrices N(f,k)