72 research outputs found

    Computational Complexity of Certifying Restricted Isometry Property

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    Given a matrix AA with nn rows, a number k<nk<n, and 0<δ<10<\delta < 1, AA is (k,δ)(k,\delta)-RIP (Restricted Isometry Property) if, for any vector xRnx \in \mathbb{R}^n, with at most kk non-zero co-ordinates, (1δ)x2Ax2(1+δ)x2(1-\delta) \|x\|_2 \leq \|A x\|_2 \leq (1+\delta)\|x\|_2 In many applications, such as compressed sensing and sparse recovery, it is desirable to construct RIP matrices with a large kk and a small δ\delta. Given the efficacy of random constructions in generating useful RIP matrices, the problem of certifying the RIP parameters of a matrix has become important. In this paper, we prove that it is hard to approximate the RIP parameters of a matrix assuming the Small-Set-Expansion-Hypothesis. Specifically, we prove that for any arbitrarily large constant C>0C>0 and any arbitrarily small constant 0<δ<10<\delta<1, there exists some kk such that given a matrix MM, it is SSE-Hard to distinguish the following two cases: - (Highly RIP) MM is (k,δ)(k,\delta)-RIP. - (Far away from RIP) MM is not (k/C,1δ)(k/C, 1-\delta)-RIP. Most of the previous results on the topic of hardness of RIP certification only hold for certification when δ=o(1)\delta=o(1). In practice, it is of interest to understand the complexity of certifying a matrix with δ\delta being close to 21\sqrt{2}-1, as it suffices for many real applications to have matrices with δ=21\delta = \sqrt{2}-1. Our hardness result holds for any constant δ\delta. Specifically, our result proves that even if δ\delta is indeed very small, i.e. the matrix is in fact \emph{strongly RIP}, certifying that the matrix exhibits \emph{weak RIP} itself is SSE-Hard. In order to prove the hardness result, we prove a variant of the Cheeger's Inequality for sparse vectors

    Many Sparse Cuts via Higher Eigenvalues

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    Cheeger's fundamental inequality states that any edge-weighted graph has a vertex subset SS such that its expansion (a.k.a. conductance) is bounded as follows: \phi(S) \defeq \frac{w(S,\bar{S})}{\min \set{w(S), w(\bar{S})}} \leq 2\sqrt{\lambda_2} where ww is the total edge weight of a subset or a cut and λ2\lambda_2 is the second smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian of the graph. Here we prove the following natural generalization: for any integer k[n]k \in [n], there exist ckck disjoint subsets S1,...,SckS_1, ..., S_{ck}, such that maxiϕ(Si)Cλklogk \max_i \phi(S_i) \leq C \sqrt{\lambda_{k} \log k} where λi\lambda_i is the ithi^{th} smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian and c0c0 are suitable absolute constants. Our proof is via a polynomial-time algorithm to find such subsets, consisting of a spectral projection and a randomized rounding. As a consequence, we get the same upper bound for the small set expansion problem, namely for any kk, there is a subset SS whose weight is at most a \bigO(1/k) fraction of the total weight and ϕ(S)Cλklogk\phi(S) \le C \sqrt{\lambda_k \log k}. Both results are the best possible up to constant factors. The underlying algorithmic problem, namely finding kk subsets such that the maximum expansion is minimized, besides extending sparse cuts to more than one subset, appears to be a natural clustering problem in its own right

    Finding Connected Dense kk-Subgraphs

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    Given a connected graph GG on nn vertices and a positive integer knk\le n, a subgraph of GG on kk vertices is called a kk-subgraph in GG. We design combinatorial approximation algorithms for finding a connected kk-subgraph in GG such that its density is at least a factor Ω(max{n2/5,k2/n2})\Omega(\max\{n^{-2/5},k^2/n^2\}) of the density of the densest kk-subgraph in GG (which is not necessarily connected). These particularly provide the first non-trivial approximations for the densest connected kk-subgraph problem on general graphs

    Detecting and Characterizing Small Dense Bipartite-like Subgraphs by the Bipartiteness Ratio Measure

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    We study the problem of finding and characterizing subgraphs with small \textit{bipartiteness ratio}. We give a bicriteria approximation algorithm \verb|SwpDB| such that if there exists a subset SS of volume at most kk and bipartiteness ratio θ\theta, then for any 0<ϵ<1/20<\epsilon<1/2, it finds a set SS' of volume at most 2k1+ϵ2k^{1+\epsilon} and bipartiteness ratio at most 4θ/ϵ4\sqrt{\theta/\epsilon}. By combining a truncation operation, we give a local algorithm \verb|LocDB|, which has asymptotically the same approximation guarantee as the algorithm \verb|SwpDB| on both the volume and bipartiteness ratio of the output set, and runs in time O(ϵ2θ2k1+ϵln3k)O(\epsilon^2\theta^{-2}k^{1+\epsilon}\ln^3k), independent of the size of the graph. Finally, we give a spectral characterization of the small dense bipartite-like subgraphs by using the kkth \textit{largest} eigenvalue of the Laplacian of the graph.Comment: 17 pages; ISAAC 201

    Coverage Centrality Maximization in Undirected Networks

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    Centrality metrics are among the main tools in social network analysis. Being central for a user of a network leads to several benefits to the user: central users are highly influential and play key roles within the network. Therefore, the optimization problem of increasing the centrality of a network user recently received considerable attention. Given a network and a target user vv, the centrality maximization problem consists in creating kk new links incident to vv in such a way that the centrality of vv is maximized, according to some centrality metric. Most of the algorithms proposed in the literature are based on showing that a given centrality metric is monotone and submodular with respect to link addition. However, this property does not hold for several shortest-path based centrality metrics if the links are undirected. In this paper we study the centrality maximization problem in undirected networks for one of the most important shortest-path based centrality measures, the coverage centrality. We provide several hardness and approximation results. We first show that the problem cannot be approximated within a factor greater than 11/e1-1/e, unless P=NPP=NP, and, under the stronger gap-ETH hypothesis, the problem cannot be approximated within a factor better than 1/no(1)1/n^{o(1)}, where nn is the number of users. We then propose two greedy approximation algorithms, and show that, by suitably combining them, we can guarantee an approximation factor of Ω(1/n)\Omega(1/\sqrt{n}). We experimentally compare the solutions provided by our approximation algorithm with optimal solutions computed by means of an exact IP formulation. We show that our algorithm produces solutions that are very close to the optimum.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 201

    A Cheeger Inequality for Small Set Expansion

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    The discrete Cheeger inequality, due to Alon and Milman (J. Comb. Theory Series B 1985), is an indispensable tool for converting the combinatorial condition of graph expansion to an algebraic condition on the eigenvalues of the graph adjacency matrix. We prove a generalization of Cheeger's inequality, giving an algebraic condition equivalent to small set expansion. This algebraic condition is the p-to-q hypercontractivity of the top eigenspace for the graph adjacency matrix. Our result generalizes a theorem of Barak et al (STOC 2012) to the low small set expansion regime, and has a dramatically simpler proof; this answers a question of Barak (2014)