243,938 research outputs found

    Expert System for Crop Disease based on Graph Pattern Matching: A proposal

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    Para la agroindustria, las enfermedades en cultivos constituyen uno de los problemas más frecuentes que generan grandes pérdidas económicas y baja calidad en la producción. Por otro lado, desde las ciencias de la computación, han surgido diferentes herramientas cuya finalidad es mejorar la prevención y el tratamiento de estas enfermedades. En este sentido, investigaciones recientes proponen el desarrollo de sistemas expertos para resolver este problema haciendo uso de técnicas de minería de datos e inteligencia artificial, como inferencia basada en reglas, árboles de decisión, redes bayesianas, entre otras. Además, los grafos pueden ser usados para el almacenamiento de los diferentes tipos de variables que se encuentran presentes en un ambiente de cultivos, permitiendo la aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos en grafos, como el emparejamiento de patrones en los mismos. En este artículo presentamos una visión general de las temáticas mencionadas y una propuesta de un sistema experto para enfermedades en cultivos, basado en emparejamiento de patrones en grafos.For agroindustry, crop diseases constitute one of the most common problems that generate large economic losses and low production quality. On the other hand, from computer science, several tools have emerged in order to improve the prevention and treatment of these diseases. In this sense, recent research proposes the development of expert systems to solve this problem, making use of data mining and artificial intelligence techniques like rule-based inference, decision trees, Bayesian network, among others. Furthermore, graphs can be used for storage of different types of variables that are present in an environment of crops, allowing the application of graph data mining techniques like graph pattern matching. Therefore, in this paper we present an overview of the above issues and a proposal of an expert system for crop disease based on graph pattern matching

    SAT-Based Algorithms for Regular Graph Pattern Matching

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    Graph matching is a fundamental problem in pattern recognition, with many applications such as software analysis and computational biology. One well-known type of graph matching problem is graph isomorphism, which consists of deciding if two graphs are identical. Despite its usefulness, the properties that one may check using graph isomorphism are rather limited, since it only allows strict equality checks between two graphs. For example, it does not allow one to check complex structural properties such as if the target graph is an arbitrary length sequence followed by an arbitrary size loop. We propose a generalization of graph isomorphism that allows one to check such properties through a declarative specification. This specification is given in the form of a Regular Graph Pattern (ReGaP), a special type of graph, inspired by regular expressions, that may contain wildcard nodes that represent arbitrary structures such as variable-sized sequences or subgraphs. We propose a SAT-based algorithm for checking if a target graph matches a given ReGaP. We also propose a preprocessing technique for improving the performance of the algorithm and evaluate it through an extensive experimental evaluation on benchmarks from the CodeSearchNet dataset.Comment: Shorter version accepted for publication at AAAI 202

    Incremental pattern matching for regular expressions

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    Graph pattern matching lies at the heart of any graph transformation-based system. Incremental pattern matching is one approach proposed for reducingthe overall cost of pattern matching over successive transformations by preserving the matches that stay relevant after a rule application. An important issue in any matching scheme, is the ability to properly and consistently deal with various facilities that add to the expressiveness of a GT-tool’s rule language. One such feature is the support for regular path expressions, which would let two nodes to be consideredas a “match”, if a certain path of edges exists between them. In this paper, the incorporation of regular expression support into incremental pattern matching is discussed within the context of the GROOVE tool set. This includes laying down a formal foundation for incremental pattern matching for regular expressions which is then used to justify the extension proposed to add regular expression support to a well-known pattern matching algorithm

    Incremental Pattern Matching in Graph-Based State Space Exploration

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    Graph pattern matching is among the most costly operations in any graph transformation system. Incremental pattern matching aims at reducing this cost by incrementally updating, as opposed to totally recalculating, the possible matches of rules in the graph grammar at each step of the transformation. In this paper an implementation of one such algorithm is discussed with respect to the GROOVE toolset, with a special emphasis put on state space exploration. Specifically, we shall discuss exploration strategies that could better harness the positive aspects of incremental pattern matching in order to gain better performance

    Parallelization of Graph Transformation Based on Incremental Pattern Matching

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    oai:journal.ub.tu-berlin.de:article/265Graph transformation based on incremental pattern matching explicitly stores all occurrences of patterns (left-hand side of rules) and updates this result cache upon model changes. This allows instantaneous pattern queries at the expense of costlier model manipulation and higher memory consumption. Up to now, this incremental approach has considered only sequential execution despite the inherently distributed structure of the underlying match caching mechanism. The paper explores various possibilities of parallelizing graph transformation to harness the power of modern multi-core, multi-processor computing environments: (i) incremental pattern matching enables the concurrent execution of model manipulation and pattern matching; moreover, (ii) pattern matching itself can be parallelized along caches