14 research outputs found

    Graph Theory versus Minimum Rank for Index Coding

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    We obtain novel index coding schemes and show that they provably outperform all previously known graph theoretic bounds proposed so far. Further, we establish a rather strong negative result: all known graph theoretic bounds are within a logarithmic factor from the chromatic number. This is in striking contrast to minrank since prior work has shown that it can outperform the chromatic number by a polynomial factor in some cases. The conclusion is that all known graph theoretic bounds are not much stronger than the chromatic number.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to ISIT 201

    A Matrix Completion Approach to Linear Index Coding Problem

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    In this paper, a general algorithm is proposed for rate analysis and code design of linear index coding problems. Specifically a solution for minimum rank matrix completion problem over finite fields representing the linear index coding problem is devised in order to find the optimum transmission rate given vector length and size of the field. The new approach can be applied to both scalar and vector linear index coding

    Perfectly Secure Index Coding

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    In this paper, we investigate the index coding problem in the presence of an eavesdropper. Messages are to be sent from one transmitter to a number of legitimate receivers who have side information about the messages, and share a set of secret keys with the transmitter. We assume perfect secrecy, meaning that the eavesdropper should not be able to retrieve any information about the message set. We study the minimum key lengths for zero-error and perfectly secure index coding problem. On one hand, this problem is a generalization of the index coding problem (and thus a difficult one). On the other hand, it is a generalization of the Shannon's cipher system. We show that a generalization of Shannon's one-time pad strategy is optimal up to a multiplicative constant, meaning that it obtains the entire boundary of the cone formed by looking at the secure rate region from the origin. Finally, we consider relaxation of the perfect secrecy and zero-error constraints to weak secrecy and asymptotically vanishing probability of error, and provide a secure version of the result, obtained by Langberg and Effros, on the equivalence of zero-error and ϵ\epsilon-error regions in the conventional index coding problem.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Error Correction for Index Coding With Coded Side Information

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    Index coding is a source coding problem in which a broadcaster seeks to meet the different demands of several users, each of whom is assumed to have some prior information on the data held by the sender. If the sender knows its clients' requests and their side-information sets, then the number of packet transmissions required to satisfy all users' demands can be greatly reduced if the data is encoded before sending. The collection of side-information indices as well as the indices of the requested data is described as an instance of the index coding with side-information (ICSI) problem. The encoding function is called the index code of the instance, and the number of transmissions employed by the code is referred to as its length. The main ICSI problem is to determine the optimal length of an index code for and instance. As this number is hard to compute, bounds approximating it are sought, as are algorithms to compute efficient index codes. Two interesting generalizations of the problem that have appeared in the literature are the subject of this work. The first of these is the case of index coding with coded side information, in which linear combinations of the source data are both requested by and held as users' side-information. The second is the introduction of error-correction in the problem, in which the broadcast channel is subject to noise. In this paper we characterize the optimal length of a scalar or vector linear index code with coded side information (ICCSI) over a finite field in terms of a generalized min-rank and give bounds on this number based on constructions of random codes for an arbitrary instance. We furthermore consider the length of an optimal error correcting code for an instance of the ICCSI problem and obtain bounds on this number, both for the Hamming metric and for rank-metric errors. We describe decoding algorithms for both categories of errors

    A Rate-Distortion Approach to Index Coding

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    We approach index coding as a special case of rate-distortion with multiple receivers, each with some side information about the source. Specifically, using techniques developed for the rate-distortion problem, we provide two upper bounds and one lower bound on the optimal index coding rate. The upper bounds involve specific choices of the auxiliary random variables in the best existing scheme for the rate-distortion problem. The lower bound is based on a new lower bound for the general rate-distortion problem. The bounds are shown to coincide for a number of (groupcast) index coding instances, including all instances for which the number of decoders does not exceed three.Comment: Substantially extended version. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    On Locally Decodable Index Codes

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    Index coding achieves bandwidth savings by jointly encoding the messages demanded by all the clients in a broadcast channel. The encoding is performed in such a way that each client can retrieve its demanded message from its side information and the broadcast codeword. In general, in order to decode its demanded message symbol, a receiver may have to observe the entire transmitted codeword. Querying or downloading the codeword symbols might involve costs to a client -- such as network utilization costs and storage requirements for the queried symbols to perform decoding. In traditional index coding solutions, this 'client aware' perspective is not considered during code design. As a result, for these codes, the number of codeword symbols queried by a client per decoded message symbol, which we refer to as 'locality', could be large. In this paper, considering locality as a cost parameter, we view index coding as a trade-off between the achievable broadcast rate (codeword length normalized by the message length) and locality, where the objective is to minimize the broadcast rate for a given value of locality and vice versa. We show that the smallest possible locality for any index coding problem is 1, and that the optimal index coding solution with locality 1 is the coding scheme based on fractional coloring of the interference graph. We propose index coding schemes with small locality by covering the side information graph using acyclic subgraphs and subgraphs with small minrank. We also show how locality can be accounted for in conventional partition multicast and cycle covering solutions to index coding. Finally, applying these new techniques, we characterize the locality-broadcast rate trade-off of the index coding problem whose side information graph is the directed 3-cycle.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur