3 research outputs found

    Diffusion Wavelet Embedding: a Multi-resolution Approach for Graph Embedding in Vector Space

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    In this article, we propose a multiscale method of embedding a graph into a vector space using diffusion wavelets. At each scale, we extract a detail subspace and a corresponding lower-scale approximation subspace to represent the graph. Representative features are then extracted at each scale to provide a scale-space description of the graph. The lower-scale is constructed using a super-node merging strategy based on nearest neighbor or maximum participation and the new adjacency matrix is generated using vertex identification. This approach allows the comparison of graphs where the important structural differences may be present at varying scales. Additionally, this method can improve the differentiating power of the embedded vectors and this property reduces the possibility of cospectrality typical in spectral methods, substantially. The experimental results show that augmenting the features of abstract levels to the graph features increases the graph classification accuracies in different datasets

    Graph Embedding Using Frequency Filtering

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    The target of graph embedding is to embed graphs in vector space such that the embedded feature vectors follow the differences and similarities of the source graphs. In this paper, a novel method named Frequency Filtering Embedding (FFE) is proposed which uses graph Fourier transform and Frequency filtering as a graph Fourier domain operator for graph feature extraction. Frequency filtering amplifies or attenuates selected frequencies using appropriate filter functions. Here, heat, anti-heat, part-sine and identity filter sets are proposed as the filter functions. A generalized version of FFE named GeFFE is also proposed by defining pseudo-Fourier operators. This method can be considered as a general framework for formulating some previously defined invariants in other works by choosing a suitable filter bank and defining suitable pseudo-Fourier operators. This flexibility empowers GeFFE to adapt itself to the properties of each graph dataset unlike the previous spectral embedding methods and leads to superior classification accuracy relative to the others. Utilizing the proposed part-sine filter set which its members filter different parts of the spectrum in turn improves the classification accuracy of GeFFE method. Additionally, GeFFE resolves the cospectrality problem entirely in tested datasets

    Graph Signatures for Evaluating Network Models

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