12 research outputs found

    Identifiability of Graphs with Small Color Classes by the Weisfeiler-Leman Algorithm

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    A Linear Upper Bound on the Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Graphs of Bounded Genus

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    The Weisfeiler-Leman (WL) dimension of a graph is a measure for the inherent descriptive complexity of the graph. While originally derived from a combinatorial graph isomorphism test called the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm, the WL dimension can also be characterised in terms of the number of variables that is required to describe the graph up to isomorphism in first-order logic with counting quantifiers. It is known that the WL dimension is upper-bounded for all graphs that exclude some fixed graph as a minor [M. Grohe, 2017]. However, the bounds that can be derived from this general result are astronomic. Only recently, it was proved that the WL dimension of planar graphs is at most 3 [S. Kiefer et al., 2017]. In this paper, we prove that the WL dimension of graphs embeddable in a surface of Euler genus g is at most 4g+3. For the WL dimension of graphs embeddable in an orientable surface of Euler genus g, our approach yields an upper bound of 2g + 3

    Graphs Identified by Logics with Counting

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    We classify graphs and, more generally, finite relational structures that are identified by C2, that is, two-variable first-order logic with counting. Using this classification, we show that it can be decided in almost linear time whether a structure is identified by C2. Our classification implies that for every graph identified by this logic, all vertex-colored versions of it are also identified. A similar statement is true for finite relational structures. We provide constructions that solve the inversion problem for finite structures in linear time. This problem has previously been shown to be polynomial time solvable by Martin Otto. For graphs, we conclude that every C2-equivalence class contains a graph whose orbits are exactly the classes of the C2-partition of its vertex set and which has a single automorphism witnessing this fact. For general k, we show that such statements are not true by providing examples of graphs of size linear in k which are identified by C3 but for which the orbit partition is strictly finer than the Ck-partition. We also provide identified graphs which have vertex-colored versions that are not identified by Ck.Comment: 33 pages, 8 Figure

    Combinatorial refinement on circulant graphs

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    The combinatorial refinement techniques have proven to be an efficient approach to isomorphism testing for particular classes of graphs. If the number of refinement rounds is small, this puts the corresponding isomorphism problem in a low-complexity class. We investigate the round complexity of the 2-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm on circulant graphs, i.e. on Cayley graphs of the cyclic group Zn\mathbb{Z}_n, and prove that the number of rounds until stabilization is bounded by O(d(n)logn)\mathcal{O}(d(n)\log n), where d(n)d(n) is the number of divisors of nn. As a particular consequence, isomorphism can be tested in NC for connected circulant graphs of order pp^\ell with pp an odd prime, >3\ell>3 and vertex degree Δ\Delta smaller than pp. We also show that the color refinement method (also known as the 1-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm) computes a canonical labeling for every non-trivial circulant graph with a prime number of vertices after individualization of two appropriately chosen vertices. Thus, the canonical labeling problem for this class of graphs has at most the same complexity as color refinement, which results in a time bound of O(Δnlogn)\mathcal{O}(\Delta n\log n). Moreover, this provides a first example where a sophisticated approach to isomorphism testing put forward by Tinhofer has a real practical meaning.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur