4 research outputs found

    Separate compilation of structured documents

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    This paper draws a parallel between document preparation and the traditional processes of compilation and link editing for computer programs. A block-based document model is described which allows for separate compilation of various portions of a document. These portions are brought together and merged by a linker program, called dlink, whose pilot implementation is based on ditroff and on its underlying intermediate code. In the light of experiences with dlink the requirements for a universal object-module language for documents are discussed. These requirements often resemble the characteristics of the intermediate codes used by programming-language compilers but with interesting extra constraints which arise from the way documents are executed

    Vers un atelier éditorial pour les documents structures

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    Grif est un systeme interactif pour la production et la consultation de documents structures professionnels, notamment ceux de la documentation technique ou de l'edition. Apres avoir rappele les principes de base de ce systeme, nous citons quelques unes des taches et des problemes specifiques aux milieux editoriaux (documents multi-auteurs, documents composites ou secondaires, travail cooperatif, reutilisation, gestion de versions, qualites, etc.) que nous comparons a ceux du genie logiciel. Nous montrons alors comment Grif peut etre vu comme une premiere etape vers la definition d'un "atelier editorial"

    Metadata enhanced content management in media companies

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    Media companies are facing new opportunities and challenges. Communications, computing, and content industries are converging into a single, horizontally connected content value chain, where changes are frequent and activities are highly interdependent. However, before convergence and digital content are taken seriously, media companies must understand what is expected from them, how their operations will be affected, and why they should be involved. The production, distribution, and use of content rely heavily on computers and automation. This requires the content essence to be enhanced with explicit descriptions of semantics, or more specifically, semantic metadata. However, semantic metadata is useful only if its nature is understood clearly, and when its structure and usage are well defined. For this purpose, ontologies are needed to capture the essential characteristics of the content domain into a limited set of meaningful concepts. The creation and management of ontologies and semantic metadata require skills and activities that do not necessarily exist in traditional print-based publishing or broadcasting. Companies developing ontologies must understand the essential characteristics of available content, user needs, and planned or existing use of content. Furthermore, they must be able to express this information explicitly in an ontology and then reflect changes in the environment back to that ontology. Content production and distribution should be flexible and able to support the reuse of content. This thesis introduces two abstract models, a component model and a process model. Both models assist in the understanding and analysis of electronic publishing of content for multiple media products and on multiple media platforms. When semantic metadata, ontologies, and improved publishing processes are available, new advanced content-based products, such as personalized information feeds, are possible. The SmartPush project, for which the author was the project manager and worked as a researcher, has shown that semantic metadata is useful in creating advanced content-based products, and that media companies are willing to alter their existing publishing processes. Media companies participating in the SmartPush project have acknowledged the impact of our work on their plans and operations. Their acknowledgement emphasizes the practical importance of semantic metadata, ontologies, improved electronic publishing process, and personalization research.reviewe

    Granularity in Structured Documents

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    this article, we discuss this granularity aspect of structured documents. We focus on the underlying concepts of structured documents without referring to any application, so that this discussion is kept clear from aspects that are not related to structured documents