4 research outputs found


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    Citrus Pamela / Citrus Maxima adalah jeruk dengan ukuran besar dan kulit tebal. Pamelo setengah matang atau matang berwarna hijau atau hijau kekuningan sehingga agak sulit untuk dibedakan. Dalam penelitian ini, dikembangkan perangkat untuk menentukan kematangan pamelo menggunakan metode impedansi. Sifat listrik pamelo dibandingkan untuk menentukan kematangan buah. Pengukuran impedansi dan fase dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan arus bolak-balik menggunakan probe dua-elektroda yang terhubung ke buah. Frekuensi bolak-balik dipilih antara 1 kHz hingga 100 kHz. Kami juga mengukur keasaman dan kadar gula pamelo dengan menggunakan pH meter dan Refractometer Brix. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan AD5933 dapat digunakan untuk mengukur rangkaian ekuivalen model cole dan juga mengukur impedansi jeruk pamelo. Pengukuran kadar gula (obrix) pada sampel jeruk menunjukkan nilai antara 10.5 % hingga 14.00 % dan pH dari 4.00 hingga 5.85.Kata kunci : kematangan buah, citrus pamelo, sifat kelistrikan buah, bio-impedans

    An automatic and non-intrusive hybrid computer vision system for the estimation of peel thickness in Thomson orange

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    Orange peel has important flavor and nutrition properties and is often used for making jam and oil in the food industry. For previous reasons, oranges with high peel thickness are valuable. In order to properly estimate peel thickness in Thomson orange fruit, based on a number of relevant image features (area, eccentricity, perimeter, length/area, blue component, green component, red component, width, contrast, texture, width/area, width/length, roughness, and length) a novel automatic and non-intrusive approach based on computer vision with a hybrid particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA) and artificial neural network (ANN) system is proposed. Three features (width/area, width/length and length/area ratios) were selected as inputs to the system. A total of 100 oranges were used, performing cross validation with 100 repeated experiments with uniform random samples test sets. Taguchi’s robust optimization technique was applied to determine the optimal set of parameters. Prediction results for orange peel thickness (mm) based on the levels that were achieved by Taguchi’s method were evaluated in several ways, including orange peel thickness true-estimated boxplots for the 100 orange database and various error parameters: the sum square error (SSE), the mean absolute error (MAE), the coefficient of determination (R2), the root mean square error (RMSE), and the mean square error (MSE), resulting in mean error parameter values of R2=0.854±0.052, MSE=0.038±0.010, and MAE=0.159±0.023, over the test set, which to our best knowledge are remarkable numbers for an automatic and non-intrusive approach with potential application to real-time orange peel thickness estimation in the food industry.Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology of Razi University, Iran (PP49_6)

    Importance of Machine Vision Framework with Nondestructive Approach for Fruit Classification and Grading: A Review

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    Machine vision technology has gained significant importance in the agricultural industry, particularly in the non-destructive classification and grading of fruits. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the existing literature, highlighting the crucial role of machine vision in automating the fruit quality assessment process. The study encompasses various aspects, including image acquisition techniques, feature extraction methods, and classification algorithms. The analysis reveals the substantial progress made in the field, such as developing sophisticated hardware and software solutions, which have improved accuracy and efficiency in fruit grading. Furthermore, it discusses the challenges and limitations, such as dealing with variability in fruit appearance, handling different fruit types, and real-time processing. The identification of future research needs emphasizes the potential for enhancing machine vision frameworks through the integration of advanced technologies like deep learning and artificial intelligence.Additionally, it underscores the importance of addressing the specific needs of different fruit varieties and exploring the applicability of machine vision in real-world scenarios, such as fruit packaging and logistics. This review underscores the critical role of machine vision in non-destructive fruit classification and grading, with numerous opportunities for further research and innovation. As the agricultural industry continues to evolve, integrating machine vision technologies will be instrumental in improving fruit quality assessment, reducing food waste, and enhancing the overall efficiency of fruit processing and distribution

    A Systematic Review and Comparative Meta-analysis of Non-destructive Fruit Maturity Detection Techniques

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    The global fruit industry is growing rapidly due to increased awareness of the health benefits associated with fruit consumption. Fruit maturity detection plays a crucial role in fruit logistics and maintenance, enabling farmers and fruit industries to grade fruits and develop sustainable policies for enhanced profitability and service quality. Non-destructive fruit maturity detection methods have gained significant attention, especially with advancements in machine vision and spectroscopic techniques. This systematic review provides a concise overview of the techniques and algorithms used in fruit quality grading by farmers and industries. The study reviewed 63 full-text articles published between 2012 and 2023 along with their bibliometric analysis. Qualitative analysis revealed that researchers from various disciplines contributed to this field, with techniques falling into 3 categories: machine vision (mathematical modelling or deep learning), spectroscopy and other miscellaneous approaches. There was a high level of diversity among these categories, as indicated by an I-square value of 88.37% in the heterogeneity analysis. Meta-analysis, using odds ratios as the effect measure, established the relationship between techniques and their accuracy. Machine vision showed a positive correlation with accuracy across different categories. Additionally, Egger's and Begg's tests were used to assess publication bias and no strong evidence of its occurrence was found. This study offers valuable insights into the advantages and limitations of various fruit maturity detection techniques. For employing statistical and meta-analytical methods, key factors such as accuracy and sample size have been considered. These findings will aid in the development of effective strategies for fruit quality assessment